Chapter Twenty-Eight-My Everything.

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Location: Training Room 3.     Time: 1.00pm. 

Elsa aimed at the outline of the man in another training room, and as the shot rang in her ears and hit the middle of the heart her frown turned into a slight smirk. She heard the door behind her close and as she looked around the room finding Jack stood leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded over his chest firmly and watching her with his Colbat orbs. He smiled weakly earning a blush from Elsa as she looked to the floor shuffling her feet from the nerves that radiates over her body. It was awkward they hadn't talked since what happened the other day when he'd kissed her and left without another word....

Elsa disarmed her gun placing it on the side turning back around as the sound of her black boots hit the floor, where she stood in front of Jack unable to speak any words.

Elsa "You've been avoiding me...." She said breaking the silence.

Jack "I think we both know we've been avoiding each other." He confessed.

Elsa "Little more your end than mine." She stared at him biting her lip a little as she waited for him to respond.

Jack "Yeah.... About that we should.... probably talk." He speaks.

Elsa "Isn't that what we're doing right now?" she said sarcastically.

Jack shook his head, his smile across his lips turned into somewhat of a chuckle at her actions and as he looked to the floor for moment while gathering his courage Elsa continued to stand in front of him as her nerves simmered.

Jack "Your right.... I have been avoiding you." he confessed his heart racing.

Elsa "Took you long enough to admit it." She rolled her eyes.

Jack "But only for a good reason. Two in fact."

Elsa "And what are the reasons?" she asked suddenly getting the rush of nerves hit her again.

Jack "Number one, because I felt guilty.... About how I acted towards you. it was out of line and all I know is that I'm sorry." He said feeling the guilt return with his chest feeling heavy.

Elsa "You shouldn't have felt guilty, even though you're the only one who knows what happened I ...... you shouldn't feel guilty, and besides it works both ways if I had wanted too, I would have pushed you away...." she trailed off.

Jack took a step forward his instincts telling him it was the right move, his eyes darted up at Elsa's catching them as they both watched each other in harmony. Elsa hugged herself with one arm the other pinned to her side as she waited for him to reply.

Jack "So.... you wanted me to kiss you?" he asked a smile washing over his face cheekily.

Elsa "Yes.... I did..." she gulped the thump in her throat causing her throat to run dry.

Jack took another step forward where his face was merely inches away from hers, looking down as she blushed furiously back up at him. His hand found its way to her pink cheek gently rubbing it slightly as he leant down and planted a kiss on her lips. the kiss was soft and gentle, it felt like it had been hours when they pulled away taking in the air around them as they continued to stare. Jack tucked a strand of her long blonde hair that had fallen from her French braid back behind her ear, caressing her cheek with care.

Elsa "What's.... What's the second reason?" she gulped.

Jack stared at her for ages, his gaze never leaving her own.

Jack "I think.... I...." his heart fluttered, his fingers lacing through her hair as he tried desperately to find the words to leave his lips.

Instead, he leant down planting another kiss onto Elsa's lips as she tiptoed to kiss him back.

Elsa "You think what?" she whispered her forehead pressed against Jacks.

Jack "I think.... I'm in love with you...." he trailed off shocked at his own words.

Elsa was silent she couldn't believe what she was hearing, her heart pounded rhythmically against her chest trying to find the words herself to reply to his confession but all she could mange was to stare back at him for a moment. She pulled back his hand still laced with hers as they stood closely with each other.

Jack "I should probably tell you.... that I have been since high school. And I tried to tell you all the time, but things got in the way and then your parents and I ...... you moved away, and I thought I'd never seen you again...." he blurted out unexpectedly as he rambled on.

Elsa's eyes widened as she tried to process the information that had entered her brain, trying to not faint from the confession that had been told her mind wondered how she had been so clueless over the years of school. Her hand made its way to his cheek placing it carefully as she pulled his chin downwards connecting her lips with his, Jack pulled away smiling like an idiot as he played with her hair that his fingers was still laced in.

Elsa "I......what?" she spoke stepping backwards a little.

Jack "You heard me." He blushed.

Elsa "So you're telling me that you've been in love with me all this time while I thought...." she trailed off folding her arms as she stopped pacing the floor.

Jack "You thought what?" he asked.

Elsa "I thought you didn't even like me...." She closed her eyes shut shaking her head.

Jack "Well your wrong I do.... but why is it so hard for you to understand?"

Elsa "Because I thought I was pining after a guy that would never love me back." She looked up at him her face flushed from colour as she realised what she'd just said.

Jack "You love me?" He questioned her the grin on his lips not leaving his face.

Elsa nodded at his comment her bright red cheeks explaining the fact why she had chosen to not speak. Her heart leaped out of her chest as she tried to look back up at Jack, but she couldn't help but feel the embarrassment wash over her. She felt his fingers graze her cheek as she looked back up at him his whirlpools staring down at her with a look in his eyes. Jack smiled a cheeky grin unable to compose himself.

Elsa "Why are you smiling like that?" She asked her cheeks still flushed.

Jack "I never want this moment to end." He said smiling like an idiot as he lifted her chin to plant a kiss on her lips. 

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