Aaron Hotchner (55)

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I began to walk into work with my files and before I could head up to the floor where I worked, I was stopped. It a close friend of mine who was a special agent within the BAU, Ashley. She looked a little pale, like she had some bad news for me.

"Ash? What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Uh, Agent Hotchner wanted me to tell you that he just signed a leave of absence for you. He wants you to pack up your stuff." She said nervously. I looked at her completely shocked. Once the shock had subsided, anger began filling me to my very core.

"Is he here?" I asked through gritted teeth.

She nodded her head and then quickly stepped out of my way. I began making my way up to the floor where I worked. When I got up there, some of my fellow teammates were already there.

"Y/n? Is everything ok?" My close friend Derek Morgan asked.

"We're about to find out."

I got to Aaron's office and swung the door open. He had an agent sitting in front of them, they were having a meeting. The agent looked at me and their face dropped.

"Out." I said to the agent.

"Y/n." Hotch said.

"Don't say anything." I pointed to him.

The agent sitting across from Hotch quickly scrambled out of the chair and basically ran out of the room. I slammed the door behind me.

"You didn't have to do that." Hotch said.

"I said don't talk." 

"Now, imagine my shock when a friend of mine in this unit tells me that a leave of absence has been signed for me without my knowledge and it was signed by someone who I thought I could trust." I said.

"There's someone after you, it's too dangerous for you to stay." He said.

"You think that it's safer for me to go home without anyone watching me or seeing me all day? You think that is really the best course of action?" I asked him angrily.

"I just want to keep you safe, Y/n."

"And you think you should just make that decision without me?"

He stayed silent.

"You know what. Don't worry about the leave of absence Aaron. I'll just go ahead and resign." I said as I took my badge of and threw it on my desk.


"And don't bother contacting me. If you need something have Strauss give me a call." I said.

"Y/n!" Hotch said hurt. I walked away and swung open the door to his office and began walking away.

I grabbed some stuff from my desk as Hotch left his office.

"Woah, what's happening?" Derek asked me. I looked up to him with a sarcastic smile.

"It would seem, I'm out of a job." I said before walking out of the office.

"Hotch, what the hell? I heard Morgan asked as I entered the elevator and the doors closed behind me.

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