Agastya Raghuvanshi's life ❤️ ✨

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Hotel Blue Whale

On the other hand, Mr. Kumar was dragging Shree away, and she was trying to escape from him repeatedly. But she didn't have much strength left. The drink was weakening her. Shree gathered all her strength once again and pushed Mr. Kumar away. This time, Mr. Kumar stumbled and fell a little distance away from Shree. Shree somehow managed to get up and started moving towards the door. But before she could reach the door, Mr. Kumar caught up to her, pulled her back, and slapped her hard, causing her to lose balance and hit her head on the table. Then, Mr. Kumar grabbed Shree's hair, bared his teeth, and said, '"You've become too bold, girl. You've been taking advantage of my kindness for too long. Now, I'll show you."' After that, Mr. Kumar dragged Shree to the bed, threw her on it, and got on top of her. Shree's senses were fading away as she heard many voices in her ears simultaneously. She was slowly losing her balance, and her condition was deteriorating.

Mr. Kumar leaned in close to Shree's lips, causing her to turn her head from side to side. Seeing this, Mr. Kumar grabbed Shree's hair and bit her neck forcefully, drawing blood. Shree felt immense pain and wanted to escape, but she didn't have the strength left. Her breathing quickened, sweat droplets appeared on her forehead, and her ears rang with multiple voices. ':It must be her fault.'' ''She must have done something wrong.:' ''This girl is like this only.'' And many more voices echoed in Shree's ears.

Just then, a voice echoed in Shree's ears, '"No matter how many challenges we face, we should never give up. Life will put us in situations where we think there's no escape, but we should never lose hope. Every battle must be fought with courage, and self-respect should be our top priority. Got it?''' This voice resonated repeatedly in Shree's ears. She suddenly opened her eyes and delivered a powerful kick to Kumar. Kumar was unprepared for Shree's counterattack and fell off the bed, bleeding from his head.

Shree somehow manages to get up from the bed and starts running towards the door. But before she can reach it, Mr. Kumar uses all his strength to quickly get up and rush towards her, pulling her back by her hair. Shree loses her balance and falls down with a jolt. Kumar sits down next to her, pinching her cheeks, and says, '"You bastard, you've become too bold. Wait, I'll show you now.'"

Shree, hearing Mr. Kumar's words, removes his hand from her face and says, '"You're not capable enough, Kumar, to do anything to me. Just give me one chance, and I'll erase your existence. You'll beg for death, and people like you call themselves men, but you're a coward.'" Hearing Shree's words, Kumar becomes extremely angry, grabs her, and slaps her twice. The slaps are so hard that blood starts oozing from Shree's lips. Then, emphasizing his words, he says, '"You want to see my manhood? Wait, I'll show you, you whore.'"

Kumar slowly leans in towards Shree, but before he can do anything, Shree uses all her strength to kick him in the private parts, causing Kumar to writhe in pain. Shree takes advantage of the moment and creates some distance between them. She thinks to herself, '"It's difficult to escape from here, and even if I manage to, there's a risk of getting caught. I have to do something to Kumar."' As she's thinking, her eyes fall on the vase on the side table. She picks it up, looks at Kumar, who's still writhing in pain, and suddenly hits him on the head with the vase, causing a stream of blood to flow from his head. Kumar, stunned by Shree's actions, forgets his pain and moves towards her with anger, saying, '"You dare to do this, you slut? Wait, I'll show you. After today, you won't be able to show your face to anyone.'"

Just as Kumar was about to reach Shree, the door suddenly opens. Both Shree and Kumar's eyes turn towards the door. Seeing the person standing at the door, Kumar's breath stops, and Shree's eyes become moist. She says very softly, '"Agastya."' As if Agastya heard her voice, he immediately looks at Shree, and seeing her condition, his eyes drop for a moment. He is filled with anger at that moment.

Shree suddenly pushes Kumar away and runs towards Agastya. She was barely able to walk, but she gathers all her remaining strength and energy to rush towards Agastya. Viraj was standing with Agastya, and his eyes became moist seeing Shree's condition. He thought, ''If only I had arrived earlier, this wouldn't have happened.' He felt angry with himself.''

Shree collides with Agastya and hugs him tightly. Her grip was so strong that it seemed she would never let him go. Shree whispers, ''Agastya,'' but her voice can't be heard anymore. She's not crying, but her condition is terrible.

Before Agastya or Viraj can react, Shivani, Rohan, Kabir, and Mr. Mathur arrive. But before anyone can see Shree's state, Viraj quickly removes his blazer and covers Shree, who had torn clothes in several places. Shivani sees Shree hugging Agastya and realizes something is wrong. She understands the situation and her eyes become moist as she processes her thoughts.

When Agastya realizes that Shree is crying, he holds her tightly. To comfort and calm Shree, Agastya speaks in his soft voice, ''Mishty, look, nothing has happened. You're my brave girl, aren't you? See, I'm right here, calm down, bachha.'' Agastya's words are having an effect on Shree, but perhaps her condition is about to worsen.

As Agastya was calming Shree, his gaze fell on Kumar, who was trying to escape. Agastya's eyes turned red with anger, as if blood had rushed to them. The atmosphere was slowly becoming tense. When Agastya felt he couldn't control himself, he called out to Viraj in a cold and menacing tone, ''Viraj, take care of Mishty.'' Then, he tried to loosen his grip on Shree, but it didn't work, so he whispered in her ear, ''Bachha , I'll be right back, go to Viraj Bhai for now.'' Hearing Agastya's words, Shree's grip on his clothes loosened, and he took advantage of the moment to hand her over to Viraj. Viraj quickly embraced Shree, who buried her face in his chest. Viraj gently stroked Shree's hair and said, ''Shree, beta, calm down, we're all with you.'' Hearing Viraj's words, Shree could only say, ''Raj Bhai...'' and couldn't speak further.

Agastya moves towards Kumar, who takes a step back for every step Agastya takes. Kumar's breath is caught in his throat, and he sees his death approaching. Stammering, he says, ''M-mister Raghuvanshi... please listen to me... I'll find you a better girl... What's in this... this slut, whore, bastard... I... I...'' Before Kumar can say more, a punch lands on his face, followed by more punches and kicks. Kumar tries to defend himself and says, ''Mister Raghuvanshi, why are you beating me for this slut, whore?'' But before he can say more, another punch hits him from the side. Viraj continues to beat Kumar, gritting his teeth, and says, ''How dare you talk about my sister?'' Agastya also grits his teeth and says, ''You'll have to pay the price for trying to harm Agastya Raghuvanshi's life.'' Then, Agastya and Viraj continue to beat Kumar mercilessly. Kumar's condition worsens, and his breath slows down. Seeing this, Mister Mathur, Rohan, and Kabir try to intervene, saying, ''You two are standing there, go and stop them, or they'll kill Kumar.'' Initially, they're scared, but then they try to stop Agastya and Viraj. However, the two don't listen to anyone.

Just as they were trying to stop Agastya and Viraj, Shivani's loud voice rings out, ''Shrinika ma'am...'' Everyone's attention turns to Shree, who has been unconscious until now. Agastya and Viraj leave Kumar and rush to Shree's side. Agastya holds Shree and tries to wake her up by patting her cheek, but she doesn't respond, worrying everyone. Then, Kabir suggests, ''We should take her to the hospital.'' Hearing this, Viraj authoritatively says, ''Mister Mathur and Kabir, you stay here and handle the party. We'll take Shree.'' Without listening to anyone else, Agastya picks up Shree and moves forward, followed by Viraj, who gestures to Rohan to come along. Shivani also follows them. Seeing this, Rohan assures Shivani, ''Miss Shivani, come with me. I'll take you to ma'am.'' Then, they also leave the scene.


Hey guy's so kaisa laga Aaj ka chapter.

And guys I'll not be able to update till October 5 or 10 as my exams are going on but I'll definitely try to update if possible.

But if possible I can update Perfectly Imperfect.

Voted and comment.

And don't forget to inform me if you all will miss the updates or not.

Byeee... My dear readers for a short time .

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