Abhimanyu returns ✨

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Shree gradually revealed everything - waking up in the hotel room and the subsequent events.

Listening intently, Ekansh embraced her, soothingly saying, "This isn't your fault, Shree... Calm down."

However, Ekansh's words failed to comfort Shree, who remained consumed by guilt, repeating, "I hurt Maan bhai..."

Shree's distress was unprecedented, leaving Mohit and Yug's eyes welling up with tears. They couldn't bear seeing her in such a state.

Just then, Abhimanyu's calm, gentle voice filled the room: "Shree..."

His presence and soothing tone brought a glimmer of hope, perhaps heralding reconciliation and healing.

Abhimanyu's voice drew everyone's attention. Unnoticed, he had been standing there for a while. His eyes, too, were moist.

Stepping forward calmly, he said, "Shree..."

Shree, still tearful, separated from Ekansh and approached Abhimanyu, her voice cracking: "Bhai, I didn't mean to... I didn't know..."

Overcome, Shree sat down, and the others rushed to support her. Abhimanyu swiftly enveloped her in his arms, kissing her forehead, his voice filled with remorse:

"I know my child would never intentionally hurt me. I'm sorry, beta; I wronged you. Sorry for not being there when you needed your brother most. Forgive your brother."

Abhimanyu's words revealed he had overheard their entire conversation.

For a long time, Abhimanyu held Shree close, comforting her, as the tension dissipated, replaced by understanding and forgiveness.

Shree remained distraught, necessitating comfort. Abhimanyu gently lifted her onto the bed.

Mohit swiftly fetched water, saying, "Shree, beta, drink some water. You haven't eaten or drunk anything since yesterday."

Shree lay silently, her empty gaze scanning the room.

Ekansh took the glass from Mohit, sitting beside Shree, coaxing, "Shree beta, drink water."

However, Shree ignored the glass, her vacant eyes locking onto Abhimanyu, her weak voice cracking: "I didn't want to hurt you... If you say, I'll leave, but please don't treat me like this."

Her pain was palpable.

Abhimanyu swiftly hugged her, pleading, "Forgive me, my child... You won't go anywhere; this is your home, and you'll stay here. You've done nothing wrong, understand?"

Abhimanyu then handed Shree water from Ekansh, and she sipped.

The tension eased, bringing relief to all.

Yet, uncertainty lingered: How long would this peace last? Only time would tell.

A serene silence filled the room for a while. Assuming Shree had calmed down, Ekansh glanced around, then gently asked, "Shree, what's your plan ahead?"

Gazing out the window, Shree replied softly, "I don't know, brother... I just discovered I'm two weeks pregnant."

Abhimanyu reassured her calmly, "Don't worry, Shree. The final decision is yours. We'll always support you, no matter what."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

After advising Shree to rest, they left. This challenging time concerned their beloved sister's well-being and the new life within her.

The family's unity and support enveloped Shree, providing comfort amidst uncertainty.

After a while, Shree freshens up and comes out. She gazes at herself in the mirror, feeling strong yet vulnerable. Today, she felt like breaking down and needed someone to support her.

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