His confession 🤩

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Agastya and Viraj arrive at Agastya's penthouse, carrying Shree. The moment the car comes to a halt, Agastya scoops up Shree and steps out, accompanied by Viraj.

Upon entering, they're immediately greeted by the sound of something crashing to the ground.

Hearing the sound of something breaking, both Agastya and Viraj turn to look in the direction where Mary Aunty, the penthouse caretaker, was standing. Her expression suggests she's received a 440-volt electric shock.

Neither Agastya nor Viraj has time to react, so Agastya swiftly carries Shree towards his room, followed by Viraj. Mary Aunty receives another shock as she watches Agastya take Shree into his room.

Just as they had taken Shree upstairs, a guard arrives with Dr. Naman. Before Mary Aunty can react, Viraj, standing at the sidelines, calls out, "Dr. Naman, please come with me."

Dr. Naman follows Viraj, while the guard exits. Mary Aunty doesn't get a chance to respond or react.

Just then, the door opens again, and Rohan and Shivani enter. Rohan immediately asks Mary Aunty, "Aunty, where is the boss?"

Mary Aunty, regaining her composure, replies, "In their room..."

But before she can finish, Agastya's menacing voice booms, "Mary Aunty!"

As soon as Mary Aunty hears Agastya's voice, she rushes towards his room. Rohan and Shivani follow closely behind her.

Inside Agastya's room, Agastya had gently laid Shree on his bed and covered her with a blanket. Viraj arrives with Dr. Naman, who enters the room directly.

Dr. Naman's bewildered gaze fixes on Shree, lying on the bed. As he stands there, lost in thought, Agastya's calm yet menacing voice breaks the silence:

"Dr. Naman, it's best you attend to the purpose of your visit."

Dr. Naman quickly snaps out of his trance and begins examining Shree.

Agastya and Viraj can't take their eyes off Shree, not even for a minute. Witnessing this, Dr. Naman thinks to himself:

"I wonder why I even came here. It feels like these people will remain frozen until I do my job."

Mentally scolding himself, Dr. Naman continues:

"If only you had listened, you'd still be alive. How did this innocent girl end up with these two monsters?"

(Now, who will reveal to Doctor Naman that the seemingly innocent girl, Shree, is actually a force to be reckoned with, no less menacing than a devil.)

Shaking off his thoughts, Dr. Naman examines Shree and administers an injection. After giving the injection, Dr. Naman turns to Agastya and Viraj and says:

"I've given her the injection; she'll regain consciousness by morning. She's fine, just unconscious due to fear and shock. If there are any other issues, we'll determine that through further tests. I recommend a full-body test to be cautious.

"Also, please take care of her mental well-being; it's not stable right now. And if possible, dress her in comfortable clothes."

Upon hearing Dr. Naman's advice, Agastya and Viraj silently acknowledge with a nod. Then, Agastya's icy voice breaks the silence as he summons Mary Aunty and instructs a guard to accompany Dr. Naman out of the premises .

Mary Aunty swiftly arrives in the lobby outside Agastya's room, where Agastya and Viraj are standing. Their eyes burn with an intense, menacing gaze, as if harboring dark thoughts.

Upon seeing Mary Aunty, Agastya speaks in his signature cold tone, "Aunty, change Mishti's clothes."

Mary Aunty nods, then asks hesitantly, "But what should I dress her in?"

Agastya responds, his voice still icy, "Take something from my cupboard and dress her in that."

Mary Aunty departs, and Shivani steps forward, concern etched on her face, "Mam, is everything alright?"

Agastya silently nods, aware that speaking further might unleash his pent-up anger.

Shivani then heads to check on Shree. Moments later, Shivani and Mary Aunty dress Shree in one of Agastya's shirts, which falls just above her knees, and cover her with a blanket before exiting.

Mary Aunty descends downstairs, whereas Shivani lingers, torn between her concern for Shree and the urgent calls from her own home. Her grandmother's worsening health necessitates her presence.

Considering the precarious situation, Agastya ensures Shivani's safety by sending her home with Rohan as her escort, acknowledging that solo travel was not advisable at this hour.

Agastya and Viraj remain stationary for an extended period, their gaze fixed on Shree. Eventually, Viraj breaks the silence, briefly examining Shree's condition before departing to his room. Agastya stays behind for a few more moments, lost in thought, before finally retreating to his own room.

As soon as Agastya enters the room, his gaze falls upon Shree, who looks like an innocent child, radiating serenity and peace. He's never seen her like this before. Whenever she's awake, her eyes burn with restlessness and a fiery intensity.

Agastya approaches Shree quietly, his eyes locked on her face. Reaching her side, he sits down, gently brushing away stray strands of hair. He whispers:

"I've fallen in love with you... Seeing you in that state today felt like someone stabbed my heart. Your tears tortured me, and your frightened face keeps haunting me. I've fallen deeply in love with you.

"I don't know when or how it happened, but it did. You've kindled love in the heart of Agastya Raghuvanshi, a man everyone thought was stone-hearted.

"I don't know if you'll love me back, but you're mine, only mine."

Agastya's words betray a possessive undertone.

Agastya's gaze remains transfixed on Shree's peaceful face. After a prolonged moment, he softly brushes his lips against her forehead and steps out onto the balcony. Retrieving his phone, Agastya makes a call.

The recipient answers, and Agastya demands, "Has the task been completed?"

Receiving an affirmative response, Agastya instructs, "I'll be there soon."

His conversation is abruptly interrupted by a faint, distressed cry. Agastya swiftly ends the call and hurries back to the room, his concern evident.

As Agastya enters, his gaze falls upon Shree, who's crying out in her sleep, "Leave me... I didn't do anything... Leave me."

Agastya rushes to her side, attempting to calm her down, "Mishti, look, no one's here. Nothing will happen. Calm down, child."

However, his words fail to soothe her, and she grows more panicked. Agastya envelops her in his arms, stroking her back, and speaks softly, "Mishti, calm down, you're safe. No one will harm you."

As Agastya's gentle voice reassures her, Shree gradually calms down but refuses to let go of him.

When Agastya senses she's relaxed, he tries to disentangle himself, but Shree clings to his shirt, making it difficult to separate.

Unsure what else to do, Agastya lies down beside her, pulling her close. Shree clings to him, and he covers them both with a blanket.

As Agastya gently strokes Shree's hair, they both drift off to sleep, lost in the warmth of each other's presence.


Uff his confession.... With himself 😁

Chapter posted guy's. I was excited more than you all to post new parts so I did by taking out some time.

Hope you all liked ..❤️❤️

Thank you 💖

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