Touch Me in Seven Places

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A/N : So I'm still working on the aftermath of Riots and Romance part 2, but I thought you might enjoy this first.

Adult content.
This chapter is about some of the female erogenous zones and exploring them in different ways. Not sure how it ended up being a cheeky idea in my head after reading an article waiting at the Drs to being 5100 words but, you're welcome.

If adult content upsets you in anyway please do not read. You won't miss any plot by skipping this chapter.

Otherwise enjoy my smutiest smut yet 😉 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Today I was at a neurologist appointment on my own. Mia had taken Michael to an appointment and then had a venue that used to be Roger's to go and view with Autumn. It was a pub about an hour away. It sounded like quite a successful village business and had accommodation as well. Mia remembered it was given to Roger as a bribe for some rather unsavoury information Mia had gathered on the previous owner. Roger had then used the business as a way to launder money under disguise of expensive renovations that were never done.

So it meant today that I had driven myself. Only my second time driving again. It was nice to feel like I had some independence back and after this appointment I could be given the all clear to go back to work for short shifts. I was excited, to say the least.

When I arrived in the waiting room twenty minutes early, I realised my phone was going flat. So instead of scrolling online, I picked up one of the magazines. A woman's health magazine. It was about five years old, but I noticed an article heading on the cover that I was intrigued by, '7 Erogenous zones of the female body'.

Before being with Mia I hadn't taken much time to get to know my body in a sexual way. It's not that I had never enjoyed sex, I sometimes did. But I just never contemplated much beyond the obvious touching of the clitoris and vaginal penetration. Even during masturbation I hadn't explored beyond my clit or a small amount of fingering.

Perhaps that's true of lots of women, especially in heterosexual relationships. We focus on the areas we think men will focus on and that's what they do. We keep things we like or would like to try in our own head more than we should or want to. We stop asking ourselves what would we really like during foreplay, intimacy and sex, so we stop asking our partners.

I double checked no one was sitting close enough to know what I was reading and opened the article. The 7 erogenous zones listed were: ears, fingertips and palms, nipples, inner thighs, clitoris, A-spot, bottom of feet.

When I read about the stimulation of the ears I smiled. If Mia kissed or bit my ears or blew air on them it drove me crazy and she knew it. It was a sure pathway to have me begging for her touch all over me. As I read each one I was glad I had worn tights under my dress, because I couldn't help thinking of Mia with her hands and mouth all over me. I was getting quite flustered and wet, just thinking about her.

Then I got to the 'A-spot'. I was expecting to see 'g-spot' mentioned in the article, so I was intrigued by this other area I had never heard of. Thankfully there was a diagram, because the description of 'anterior vaginal wall' meant nothing to me. Although it did sound like nursing terminology and made me wonder if Vivian knew about it. Lucky Siobhan, I smirked to myself. Although I was unsure how far they had taken their relationship beyond the kiss we saw them have at the coffee shop.

Thankfully the diagram was quite detailed with other information. The A-spot was about two inches higher than the g-spot, just between the bladder wall and cervix. Probably too deep in for me to reach with my own fingers properly, but we had a box of toys at the top of the walk in robe that I knew would have something that could help me reach it. As I read the article I was curious about exploring my body on my own, so that I could tell Mia more of what I wanted and also give her more pleasure. I had been wanting to take a more dominant role during sex recently and maybe this exploration could help me do it.

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