Christmas Wishes and Holiday Kisses

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A/N: Well i have finally finished it. It's my longest gap between chapters and I'm sorry for the delay. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Thank you all for your kindness and support. I appreciate it so much. 

Her home was silent this morning when Viv unlocked the front door. It was still dark outside and very cold. There was a musty smell in the fog that hung around and Vivian was grateful for the diffuser reeds Siobhan had insisted on setting up around the home when she moved in. The ones on the hall stand by the front door gave a smell of spiced gingerbread, bringing Vivian images of snuggling with Jamie and Siobhan by the fire at Christmas time.

It had been an extra long shift. She was supposed to finish at 10pm last night, but had done a double, with a short nap in between, and finished at 6am instead. It was now 6:30 and after Vivian put her bag down, and quietly slipped her shoes off, she found her two favourite people cuddled up on the lounge together. Jamie nestled into Siobhan's chest, the blonde's arms wrapped protectively around him.

There were two empty mugs of what looked like hot chocolate, a half finished bowl of popcorn and the Christmas tree had been decorated, predominantly at Jamie's eye level with his favourite colours blue and green.

The scene burst open Vivian's heart even more with the love she had for the two of them. It was the perfect welcome home.

She leant down and gave Siobhan a gentle kiss on her forehead and Jamie a soft kiss on his cheek. She didn't want to wake them, but she had missed them so much. Yes, she knew they were happy and safe at home and that they weren't far away, but after a long shift like that Viv's heart just ached a little to express her love for her Jamie and Bon Bon.

The fire was almost out, although the house was still warm. Vivian put a little more wood in and stoked it, to get it going again. As she was about to head to the kitchen to make herself and Bon a coffee, she heard her girlfriend begin to stir.

'Hey Viv,' the blonde said opening her eyes.
'Hey beautiful,' the nurse smiled. 'Whose idea was this little sleepover?' Vivian already knew it would have been Siobhan's idea.
Siobhan blushed, 'Well, you know, Jamie was missing you and I thought,' Vivian started to giggle.
'Bon it's fine. Coming home and seeing you with Jamie like that just makes me fall more in love with you,' Vivian leans forward to kiss Siobhan and the blonde draped her arms around the nurses neck.

'I missed you, Viv,' they stood up in their embrace their hips locked together, Vivians hands on Siobhan's waist.
'I missed you too Bon,' Jamie made a sleepy little noise and rolled over. Siobhan quickly reached for a cushion to put behind the boy so he wouldn't roll off and tucked the blanket tightly around him. She gently brushed his hair back behind his ear before smiling lovingly at him. Siobhan had really enjoyed spending the night with just her and Jamie.

When you're a single parent it is difficult to allow another person into your life in a romantic way. It's not your own heart you're protecting, but the heart of your whole world, your child. Finding love outside that parent child bubble is fraught with heartbreak, but it's not your heartbreak that you worry about.

Before you open the door to your home to letting a new love in your lives you want to make sure that not only does your child feel comfortable with the person, but that your new love, is willing to build a loving relationship with your child. They can't just say they will, they have to show you and your child. This isn't done with gifts and words, but through authentic actions, instinctively caring for your child, and being there for them in times of need without hesitation and doubt, like Siobhan had just done for Jamie.

As Siobhan finished tucking in the little boy she came back to face Viv and saw the loving and almost teary look on her girlfriend's face.

'Is everything ok Viv?' Siobhan said seeing Viv almost crying and worrying what had happened.
Vivian smiled, 'Everything is perfect. You're perfect,' Siobhan brushed a tear from her girlfriend's cheek, 'I think I'm just tired and emotional,' Vivian said making light of her sudden soppiness, 'Just seeing you love on Jamie, just makes so happy. You're like a dream come true for both of us'.

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