The Truth and Other Lies

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A/N: Hello beautiful people. Hope this chapter finds you well and answers some questions...
TW: descriptions of abuse and violence. Please take care and remember to always reach out available services in your area if you're struggling.

After trying to call Mia three times to no avail, Reece decided to call Autumn. He didn't want to upset his sister further, but he didn't feel comfortable listening to the recording without asking if she would want to listen as well and letting her know he had it. even if it changed nothing Reece wanted to hear what they had to say.

'Big Brother,' Autumn sounded tired. 'What drama is happening now,' she said dryly.

'Aut, remember the investigator I hired to find some info on Dad?' Autumn already had an idea of where this conversation was going.
'Hmmm,' was all she replied.
Reece took a deep breath, 'Well, he was also helping Mia look for her father and he sent an email with a voice recording interviewing mum and Mia's father'. He spoke way too quickly as his nerves got the better of him.

Autumn sighed. She was feeling defeated today. Everything felt like it was on top of her, and it was as if her brother was just adding to the pile. She didn't want there to be someone else to help right now, some other news to take on board and deal with. She wanted someone to help her and let her be how she felt. There was only one person that could truly give her that.

'Reece, do whatever you like. I.. I'm. I'm done. In just can't deal with any more shit right now. I have to go,' and she hung up, so she didn't cry to her brother. Autumn would love for there to be a valid reason her mother abandoned them all those years ago, but she couldn't think what that would be. After knowing she was going to become a mother she couldn't imagine anything would be terrible enough to leave her child. Now that her baby was gone, she was furious and devastated at the idea her mother would just willingly leave their children behind with someone like Roger.

In between bouts of morning sickness, she had blissfully imagined holding her baby, reading to them, picnics with their baby and Winter. Autumn had pictured a lifetime of the three of them together. But now that was gone, and she didn't know if she had space in her heart right now for someone, she had decided a long time ago, didn't love her.

Autumn put Mia's 10th birthday card she had taken, with her mother's handwriting and put it in her keepsake folder. Autumn had asked Mia if she could borrow it and the redhead, sensing her friend's need was greater, gave it to her.

Autumn had many things in the black and red folder and only Winter had ever seen it all. When she needed to be reminded of good memories, she went and grabbed this folder and looked at its contents. These included the ticket stubs from the show Reece took her to after the truth came out about prom, a print - out of the email Marjorie sent her when she heard Autumn declare Winter the love of her life, her wrestling medal Reece kept safe for 20 years. She placed the card in its own sleeve and briefly wondered whether there was any more room for another version of the truth.

Winter had been watching her from the kitchen while he made their pot of tea for the afternoon.
'My love,' Winter came into the room with their tray and looked at her with loving concern as he put it down. He poured their cups and held her hand. They sat in silence, just enjoying each other's company. Autumn let out a sigh and turned to gaze at her love.

'How much more space do you think you can make in that folder?' Winter asked curiously. His question hinting at their own future and whether or not there was the possibility of Autumn being willing to listen to her mother's truth.

Autumn smiled, relaxing into the answer, as it occurred to her gazing into Winter's kind, loving eyes. 'With you beside me, my sweet, I'm sure I can make room for so much more'. And she nestled herself into his body relaxing, 'but for now, just hold me Winter,' and he wrapped his arms around her giving her the comfort, protection and safety she needed.

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