The Artist at Home

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A/N: So I started writing one chapter and it's turning into three. It was way too long as one. Should have the next two parts out over the next day. Here's some fluffy stuff before we get serious again. Enjoy.

We both returned home to happy surprise from the girls. We told them 'Mummy gets to have some time off with you this week,' they jumped up and down and started asking about all the things we could do.

'How about you go pack up your toys while Mia and I have a quick chat with Aunty Bells?' I asked. They groaned but did as I asked.

'What happened?' Bella looked from Mia and back to me trying to discern our expressions. We filled her in on the meeting. 'That hideous man!' She exclaimed. 'Niko has told me he was a lot like his own father, but he's lucky he disappeared years ago,' Bella paused and looked at me with a smirk, 'And you, little miss badass,' my face went red, 'I can't wait to tell Niko and Jessie about you behaving like that,' Bella smiled at me in admiration.
'It's definitely been a long time coming,' it had certainly felt good to take charge in the meeting. Although I wasn't sure I wouldn't regret it later.
'It was amazing,' Mia said looking at me and biting her lip.
'Umm do you two need to get a room?' Bella teased, 'I know that look,' as she gave Mia a knowing glance.
'No, it's ok. We will save that for another time,' Mia winked at me, 'you should go home and rest Bells, and we will see you at the gym'. Mia smiled at Bella and looked down at her pregnant belly, then her smile faltered before taking a sharp breath in and smiling again. Hmm, I wondered. I made a mental note to ask about that later.
'Well let me know if you need me through the week at all. I enjoy spending time with Evie and Grace,' Bella placed her hands on her belly.
'You're going to be a great mum Bells. Go home and put your feet up'.

We saw her off and returned to the girls who had given up packing their toys away and were making up dance routines for a play, Grace being the director, of course. We decided to sit on the lounge and watch them play for a while. It wasn't a moment of 'let's just do this', it was a memory we were creating. A memory that would map the decisions we made from that moment. A memory we would come back to when we needed a reminder to smile.

They played different characters, using their toys and dolls to create a story. They made us giggle as they laughed at their own jokes. It was a moment of being together.

Grace looked over at us mid costume change. Her eyes looking slowly over me resting my head on Mia's shoulder and then at our hands intertwined resting on Mia's lap. She took a deep breath as she smiled and walked over to Evie and whispered in her ear. Evie smiled and they both walked over.

'Mummy, can we sit with you both?' Grace asked and she was rocking on the balls of her feet.

'Of course, baby,' and I went to move over, but the girls were already crawling up on our laps. Grace onto Mia and Evie onto me.

'Now get your phone mummy!' Evie said loudly. I pulled my phone out thinking she wanted to play a game and I was too comfy and enjoying the moment to argue.

'Now take a picture of ourselves!' Evie made a big 'cheese' face.

'It's called a selfie Ev,' Grace said rolling her eyes.

'Can I take it sweetheart?' Mia asked and I handed her the phone. Mia held up the phone and instructed us through a heap of different poses and just some natural shots. Once we had a bunch Mia gave the girls my phone and asked them to pick their favourites. They giggled their way through the photos and chose five. Mia opened an app and started creating a collage with the photos.

'Finished,' Mia announced after a little while and Evie stopped twirling my hair to look. I was speechless looking at the beautiful artwork Mia had made of our candid moment. The girls were talking at a hundred miles an hour about why they loved it and I looked over at Mia, 'I love you,' I said.

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