Crossing Paths

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A/N: just a short one so we can reconnect some characters into the story. Hopefully my next one will be finished tomorrow.

Charlotte was still sedated, but the Drs said she was healing and so far her injuries were responding well to treatment. There would be things they couldn't know until Charlotte was awake. She had been in hospital nearly three days and they were going to wake her up slowly today after another check of her heart.

Mia hadn't left her side and looked after her in any way she could. She brushed and braided her hair, applied skincare and, moisturiser and when Carly came to visit they pampered and painted her nails. Mia sang Charlotte her favourite songs, read her letters from her friends and children at work, read her poetry and books, and got her mum to bring in Char's childhood stuffed teddy. Mia knew Charlotte might be totally unaware of the things Mia and their friends were doing, but she hated the idea that Charlotte might be inside her mind feeling alone and isolated.

After Dan and Joy visited they had decided they would wait until Char was awake before bringing in Grace and Evie to see their mum. They included Mia in that decision too and she was so grateful for their trust. They could see how much she loved Charlotte and that she was there for her in every way, including for the girls. Dan added Mia to the contacts for Charlotte on her medical file as a temporary emergency contact. It could be changed and updated permanently once Charlotte was able to consent to it, or. Well, they tried not to think about the alternatives, because the idea of her not waking or waking and never being the Charlotte they knew was like losing her again and again.

Joy spoke to Mia alone when Dan left the room to take a call.

'Thank you,' Joy looked at Mia with tears in her eyes, but spoke clearly. 'I don't just mean for taking care of her now, I mean for bringing my baby back to life. You helped her smile again and I love you for that,'
Mia was trying not to cry at Joy's words, but it made her think of her own mum and Mia missed her. She wiped her eyes and reached out a hand to Charlottes mother, who squeezed it back.

'I like Dan, he is a good guy, but he and Charlotte were young and I noticed them growing apart a few years ago. It was hard for Charlotte to deal with the lack of closeness and connection, it got her down, a lot. I know she felt like a failure in some way, but she wasn't. She isn't. I was worried she was going to close herself off, but then you came along. I guess what I'm saying is just thank you for helping her open her heart again, Mia,' and Joy gave the redhead a hug she didn't realise they both needed.

The pair pulled apart from their embrace at the sound of shuffling feet and looked around to see a very pregnant and slow moving Bella with her hands over her mouth and tears in her eyes as she looked upon her very fragile best friend, lying silently in a hospital bed.

'Bella,' Mia stood up and lead Bella to a chair beside Charlotte and gave Niko a hug. 'The doctors are going to wake her up slowly today and they say she is doing so well,' Bella nodded as she held Charlotte's hand.

'Can I talk to you for a moment Mia,' Niko gestured for Mia to join him on the hallway. Mia gave Bella a peck on the cheek and joined Niko.

'What's up,' she asked. Niko looked agitated.
'It's my brother. He's missing,' Niko suddenly showed Mia how sad and hurt he was. He has been holding it in for his wife.
'Lorenzo hasn't just gone underground for some reason?' When Mia gave Niko the description of the man with the Knife Tattoo the landlord had remembered in Bali, Niko had confirmed his brother had one just like it. He was twenty when their dad went missing and the family was sent his left hand wearing the family ring in a wooden box. Lorenzo's tattoo was to symbolise the oath he took to avenge his father's death at the same time he took over the business. Niko had kept out of the family business at the request of his mother and Lorenzo had respected her wishes. As Niko grew he had wanted to join his brother. He idolised his big brother, until he realised the full extent of what went on.

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