Music Memory

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A/N: hello beautiful people. I am so grateful that my chapters have had 2000 views. I never expected to have so many people follow along. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

The doctors had come to see Mia and Dan and talk about the next steps with Charlotte and how they would wake her and things they were looking out for. Mia listened intently, wanting to understand everything she could in order to help her love heal and recover. Mia had asked Vivian to be there as well, just in case the doctors weren't clear or there was something they didn't understand. Vivian was there to help them make sense of it and as a calm reassurance from their talented doctors sometimes colder demeanour.

The Doctor explained it could take a little while for Char to wake up as they eased back her medication. Once the doctors had left Mia turned to Vivian, 'How long does this usually take?'

Vivian smiled at Mia trying to contain her urgency to have her lover back, 'Well, if she's as excited as you, it should be instant'.

Mia sighed, understanding that it could be a little while. Reece said he would go grab them all a coffee.

Mia couldn't help but imagine holding Charlotte in her arms again, the smell of her perfume, the softness of her skin, the way they held hands and spoke to each other without words. She felt her eyes sting a little. She wanted to be composed when Charlotte woke up. Hopefully she could be, but she could barely sit still now.

Mia hummed a song that had come to mind while watching Char and held her hand, her fingers laced through Charlottes, her thumb gently stroking the back of her hand; sweetheart I'm here.

Show me a smile then
Don't be unhappy
Can't remember when
I last saw you laughing
This world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
'Cause I will always be there

True colours had Mia thinking of before her and Charlotte were together, when she first noticed her. Mia saw how beautiful she was, she imagined spending time with Charlotte as she watched her through the day. Imagined them talking, gazing into each other's eyes, kissing her. She was so gentle with the children, the kind, joyful way she smiled with Carly and the other staff. She told herself not to think of Charlotte that way, she saw her wedding ring and she knew that all the staff, Charlotte included, probably hated her.

One day on lunch Mia went to the staff room. She saw in the door way Charlotte sitting with her back to her and her body was making little shudders. She was crying. Mia wanted to run over to her and help her and hold her, but she couldn't back then. As Mia walked closer to her she saw Charlotte twisting the wedding ring on her left hand and beginning to slip it off, but then taking a deep breath and putting it back on. Mia spoke gently, 'Sweetheart, are you ok?'

Charlotte just about jumped out of her skin when she heard Mia's voice, but then looked down, 'Yes, yes. Just crying over something silly I saw on YouTube,' Mia could see her face was bright red.
'YouTube made you want to take your wedding ring off,' Mia questioned clearly not believing Charlotte's excuse. It hurt Mia's heart when she saw Charlotte's shock and embarrassment at that moment, she hadn't meant to cause her more pain. 'I. Yes. I, umm. I mean, no. No. I was just,'

Mia interrupted Char's stumbling and placed a hand gently on hers, 'You can talk to me about it, if you want,' they just stared at each other a while, until Charlotte's phone buzzed.
'I. I umm have to get back to work,' Charlotte blushed, 'Thank you Mia'. And Mia smiled at her as Charlotte hurried out of the room.

At the time Mia was puzzled as to why Charlotte had said thank you. But her sweetheart later told her it was because for the first time in forever she felt like someone actually took the time to really see her.

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