37. Teasings and Practice session

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The early morning light filtered through the pale curtains of Prarthana's bedroom, casting a soft, golden hue across the room. She stretched in bed, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on her skin, and let out a content sigh. 

Prarthana glanced at the clock. It was 7 a.m., she yawned before rubbing the sleep of her eyes, slipping out of bed, wrapped her long, wavy hair into a messy bun. When her hands touched her neck accidentally and she winced in pain.

Prarthana touched around her neck, feeling sting of pain on perticular part of her neck. She frowned, 'i don't think there are mosquito's in room?' she thought as she walked to mirror.

Her eyes widened as she saw the purple mark near her lower neck and collar bone. Some were red while most of the marks were purplish. Soon realisation drowned to her.

She knew what is hickeys but she never had saw them. While reading about in books she thought it just author imagination but then being on her neck made her feel rush of tension. How she gonna cover them, her makeup skill sucks.

Walking into bathroom she did the morning chores and get warm shower which somehow relaxed her as the sting pain was gradually decreasing but not fully.

She wored an spaghetti strap crop top and a jeans with beige woollen jacket. Her hair was still damped as she walked out of her room.

Prarthana walked down the hallway, her damp hair falling loosely over her shoulders, as she made her way to her bhabhi's room

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Prarthana walked down the hallway, her damp hair falling loosely over her shoulders, as she made her way to her bhabhi's room.  Holding her jacket closely as she can't afford to let anyone see what Dev had caused or else they will teas them to no extent. She knocked softly and entered the room, greeted with the sight of her brother sitting by the balcony.

"Good morning, Anna!" she greeted cheerfully.

Rahul gave her a warm smile. "Morning, Putta" He stood up, stretching lazily before walking toward the door. "I’ll join the guys for breakfast. You two carry on."

As soon as Rahul left by closing the door, Prarthana let out a sigh of relief and pulled off her jacket. Athiya’s eyes widened at the sight of the faint red and purple hickey marks on Prarthana’s lower neck and collar bone. Her initial shock quickly transformed into a mischievous grin.

"Well, well, well... Someone had a fun night!" Athiya teased, raising an eyebrow. "Dev was wild, huh?"

Prarthana’s face turned bright red, her blush deepening with every word. “No! It’s not like that, bhabhi... We didn’t... you know, we didn’t go that far,” she stammered, looking away, clearly flustered.

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