Chapter 1

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"CAUSE I WILL WAIT, I WILL WAIT FOR YOU!" my best friend Eleanor and her boyfriend Louis sang from the front seats as we were driving in Louis' car. "AND I WILL WAIT, I WILL WAIT FOR YOU!", they sang along with the radio, very loud and off key. Louis and Eleanor had been dating for awhile, and they were seriously perfect for each other. Eleanor turned around to me and the guy sitting next to me, Harry, and squealed.

"C'mon guys, sing! Get excited! We're almost there!", she exclaimed, turning back around and screaming with Louis. I turned to the guy next to me, and stared. He was already looking at me, so we awkwardly looked away. Harry and I used to date. We were like El and Louis, perfect for each other. Or at least that's what I thought. A month ago, we broke up, and it was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through.

We had all planned a trip to the beach in the summer, when me and Harry unexpectedly broke up. We didn't want to ruin the trip for our friends, so we sucked it up and got in an airplane, into this car, and drove to America with El and Louis. Honestly, I couldn't stand listening to love songs while I was in the car with Harry, but it made the couple up front happy, so I pulled myself together and acted like I didn't care.

Suddenly, the song ended, and a new one came.

I know you're somewhere out there, somewhere far away

I want you back. I want you back...

I quickly reached up to the front of the car and changed the song, not being able to take it anymore. As I sat back down, I caught a glance of Harry smirking, making me feel like an idiot. I turned to my left to look out of the window, but I really just couldn't stand to look at Harry. God I hated him.

Eleanor flipped through channels, and paused, deciding if the song was good or not.

White knuckles, and sweaty palms from, hanging on to tight, the lyrics to a familiar song started. Eleanor kept switching back I stopped her.

"No! Go back. I like that song.", I told her, and she nodded and flipped it back, preparing to scream it with Louis who was driving us.

Tie a knock in the rope, tryin' to hold, tryin' to hold,

But there's nothing to grab so I let go!, I sang with the radio, looking over at Harry, who was now staring back at me.




BLOW ME ONE LAST KISS, I screamed along with my friends, staring at Harry, who wasn't doing anything. I finally got closer to him as we sang the rest.


I THINK YOUR FULL OF SHIT, I screamed giving him a glare.


Louis and Eleanor kept singing as I leaned closer to Harry and smirked.

"What's the matter, Harry? You don't like this song?", I asked. Harry's eyes widened, and his mouth hung slightly open. I smiled and leaned away again, joining back in with my friends just in time to sing

Blow me one last kiss.

Harry finally regained himself and smirked, as he put his hand to his mouth, kissed his hand and pulled it away to blow it towards me. I was stunned, but quickly snapped back into it in time to reach up into the air and grab the kiss. Harry raised his eyebrow in confusion, then let drop as he watched me roll down the window and pretend to throw it out. I turned back to look at him, and we both kind of just stared at each other, waiting to see what would happen.

"We're here, peasants!", Louis screamed as him and El jumped out of the car. Lou was Harry's best mate, and my friend too before I even knew Harry. I wouldn't know El either if it wasn't for Louis, actually.

I broke the stare and got out of the car, going to the trunk to get my bags. As I rounded the back, I saw Eleanor running from the car with two small bags while Louis walked behind, carrying hers and his own luggage. He was struggling, but he wasn't annoyed. He looked happy to help his girlfriend. I gave a small smile, but then my smile disappeared once I realized I no longer had anyone to carry my luggage for me.

I sighed as I reached into the open trunk and pulled out all my cases of luggage. I was struggling as I made my way around the corner El had run behind. I was stumbling all over the place and I finally gave up and dropped everything I couldn't carry, which was like three bags. I groaned in frustration and frowned. Just then, Harry came by and picked up the three bags I had dropped, and added them onto his own. He just walked away, without looking at me, and I followed, stunned.

If I was stunned then, then I don't know what I was as I rounded the corner and saw the house we were staying in the whole summer. It wasn't too huge, but a perfect size for four crazy young adults. The house looked stunning and almost like the ones you see in movies; They're modern, and beautiful, but are supposed to look just like any other regular house. I finally walked towards it to follow my friends. It was white, with big pillars in the front, supporting two regular sized balconies.

I walked through the open front doors to see all the bags pilled around the front room. I shrugged and dropped my bags along with the rest, and followed El's screams to find the rest of my friends. They were standing in a flawless kitchen that opened up into a modern, sleek dining room.

"Alright there's pretty much only two bedrooms in the house, so we'll all be sharing!", she screeched, wrapping her hand around Lou's waist. My mouth dropped open. That means-

"Louis and I will be sharing one, and you two will be sharing the other one.", Eleanor explained. I opened my mouth to protest, but Eleanor shoot me a glare. Harry just shrugged.

"Could you two be gentlemen and take all the bags upstairs into the rooms?", Eleanor asked hopefully. Louis gave her a quick peck on the forehead and walked away.

"Of course, babe.", he said. Harry smiled at her, and his eyes glazed over mine for a split second before he followed Louis back to bring up all the bags. I watched them leave then I snapped my head over to Eleanor, who was already giving me a sneaky grin.

"El I cant share a room with Harry!", I whispered loudly to my best friend. She stared me in the eyes then sighed.

"Everything will be fine, Sarah!", Eleanor assured me. "You just have to play nice.", she said, saying the last two words like she was giving me a pep talk. I trust Eleanor completely, and if she says it's going to be okay, I know it will be. Who knows? Maybe the beds are super huge and I wont have to sleep anywhere close to Harry.

"I just hate him so much, you know?", I said. Eleanor's sneaky grin came back, like she knew something I didn't.

"I'm sure.", she said, walking away to trot up the stairs. I sighed and followed, ready to see my room. Well my room, AND Harry's...

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