Chapter 21

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I rolled over on my bed, going to see what time it was. 2:.00 in the afternoon. I groaned, realizing I only got about 5 hours of sleep. I turned back to face the empty spot next to me, where Harry would have been if we hadn't gotten into a fight. After Harry told me he hated himself as well, I had no idea what to say and just stormed off. Harry knew better then to follow me, and probably slept on the couch. I decided to confirm this by checking downstairs. I wouldn't mind if he was there, because we needed to talk. As mad at him as I was, I cared about him... I didn't want him to hate himself.

One quick glance at the couch told me that someone had indeed sleep there, but the person himself wasn't anywhere near it. I decided to check the kitchen, just to see if anyone was even home. Although no one was in there, there was a surprise awaiting someone. I walked towards the huge vase of a dozen roses and picked up the unopened note next to them. It had the words "For Sarah", written in neat, narrow handwriting. I ran my finger underneath the flap, ripping the white envelope open and pulling out what was inside.

"Meet me at the beach xx -H". I set the note down and admired the roses, pondering whether I should go or not. I finally decided that the worst thing that could happen is us getting in another fight, but I also realized he wouldn't have given me these roses if he was mad at me. I made my way upstairs, stripping of my clothes and replacing my pajamas with a pink crop top and some high waisted black shorts, with my rainbows to top it off. I lazily brushed my hair, not bothering to do anything about the wave that cascaded down my shoulders. After brushing my teeth, I went down the stairs and through the back door, stepping directly onto the warm sand. I looked all the way down the beach, and spotted Harry sitting in the sand, his arms wrapped around his legs as he loosely held them. He looked over at me, and smiled, getting up quickly to trot over to me.

"You look nice." he remarked, checking me out. I looked at the ground, slightly embarrassed. "I bet your hungry." Harry then added, attempting to take my hand. I pulled it away and looked away, not wanting to make eye contact at this awkward moment. Once Harry started walking forward, back to where he was sitting earlier, I followed him. Once we reached the spot, I saw what Harry had set up. Laided out was a blanket, with a unopened picnic basket in the middle. Harry motioned me to sit, so I did, placing my legs to the side and supporting my weight with my left arm.

"You look kind of burnt." I commented once we were sitting. Harry slowly nodded.

"I've been out here for awhile.", he spoke, avoiding eye contact.

"Sorry for sleeping in so late I just had a long night." I drifted off, remembering our fight was the reason why.

"Me too.", Harry said softly.

"Where's Louis and Eleanor?" I asked just to change the subject.

"I asked them to give me the house for a bit. Well, us the house."

"You mean you and I?", I corrected.

"What?" Harry questioned, confused.

"You and I, Harry. There is no us." Harry's jaw clenched, and I realized I hit a nerve.

"Why do you kept lying to yourself, Sarah? Why can't you just accept there is an us?", Harry begged.

"Because there isn't!" I insisted. "Even if there was, it would have been ruined the moment you slept with that girl!" Harry looked down sadly, and he didn't shot an argument back at me. "You did sleep with her right?" I questioned, now uncertain. Harry slowly shook his head. "You lied to me!"

"You did the same thing!", Harry retorted, obviously remembering my confession last night.

"That was different! I did it to make you jealous not to piss you off!"

"And you don't think that by doing one you would be doing the other?!"

"I wasn't thinking! I haven't been thinking straight for months, Harry."

"How do you think its been like for me? You meant so much more to me then I could ever mean to you." Harry confessed, pain dripping off his every word.

"Is that really what you think? Harry I can't even think about another guy without comparing him to you.", I complained, meaning every word.

"Sarah I can't even think about another girl! It's only ever been you." Harry looked at me with longing in his eyes. I wanted to cry. To scream. To kiss this idiot like we've never kissed before. Our faces drifted, slowly being drawn together. They were dangerously close before a loud crash made our heads snap apart.

"Oh there you guys are!" Louis screamed from across the beach, jogging towards us from the house. "How ya doing, babe?", Louis said before leaning down and giving me a long kiss on the forehead. Harry's face turned red with anger as he watched.

"Don't you have a girlfriend to attend to?", Harry questioned, trying to get us alone again.

"Eleanor? Nawh, she's fine. I wanted to check up on Sarah and make sure she was okay. I was with her for a long time last night." My face burned red, but not as red as Harry's. I had no clue what Louis was doing, but it sure wasn't good.

"Let me walk you back inside Louis.", I said, pulling him along with me. Once we were a safe distance away from Harry, I spun around to face Louis. "What was that?", I asked him, slight anger in my voice.

"Huh?", Louis asked dumbfounded.

"Harry and I were...making up. You ruined it."

"More like I just saved your ass. That girl from last night came back asking for Harry. She said she was ready for round two..."

"But he told me he didnt-"

"He told me that too." Anger bolied up inside of me. I turned around to go and confront Harry, but Harry had already jogged up the beach to confront me.

"Is everything okay?", he asked, his green eyes full of mixed emotions.

"Fuck you.", I said, with more disgust then anger. I turned to go inside and Harry tied to follow but Louis held him back and explained the situation. All I heard was a huge "what the fuck?!", before the back door was ripped open. Harry walked straight past me and into the front room, where Eleanor was uncomfotably sitting with the girl from last night. I followed Harry into the room to see how he would handle this.

"What are you doing here?", he spat. The girl's face lit up and she stood up to approach Harry, who backed away once she got close.

"Harry babe, its me." She tried to approach him again with no luck.

"I asked you to lie that one time. I didnt ask you to come back and fuck it all up." Harry spat, his voice never wavering.

"But it wasn't a lie to me! Ever time I screamed your name it was like I could actually feel us together." The girl's face showed signs of longing, but Harry's showed nothing but disgust. All I could think of was how crazy this girl was.

"We wouldn't happen. We couldnt happen. My heart belongs to someone else and I really don't want to fuck this up like I did last time."

"You don't mean that." She tried to caress Harry's face but he grabbed her wrist and walked her to the door, leading her out.

"I really do.", he said right before he closed the door. He turned back to me, locking eyes with me. Louis and Eleanor quickly scattered, letting us be alone.

"So you didnt-" I started to ask.

"You're the only one I want.", Harry confessed, stepping towards me until he was right infront of me, where he crashed his lips into me. His hands rested on my hips and my hands stretched around his neck. His lips on mine set a warm pulse throughout my body, one I only felt with him. One I missed so much. We only kissed, but that was all I need. We pulled away and he rested his forehead on top of mine as we stared into each other eyes.

"You dont know how long I've been waiting to do that.", Harry whispered.

"You dont know how long I've been waiting for you to do that.", I whispered back, smiling as he smiled. That smile was precious, and I couldn't believe how long I had gone without seeing it.

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