Chapter 27

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I closed the bathroom door and my smile went away instantly. I quickly started myself a hot shower so the sound of the running water could block out my heavy breathing I knew had already started. I was mad. Furious actually. I know I should be happy that this meant Sarah still wanted to be with me, but I was so scared that at counseling, she'd realize I'm a mess and that she hates me, like she pretended she did for so long. I angrily tore my trunks off, surprised when I didn't hear a rip. I slid open the glass door and stepped inside, letting the hot water wash over my body. An idea came to me while I stood there; a cruel, idea. If I got Sarah to sleep with me, maybe the therapy wouldn't matter anymore. Maybe that's all she would need to realize we could make it work. I shook it off, knowing it would never work, and that only made me more angry: being so close to her and not being able to be with her.

I quickly scrubbed my body, and washed my hair, making sure all traces of chlorine were gone. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel off of a pile in the corner sitting on top of a long table along with other bathroom neccesities. I tied the towel around my waist and opened the door, a little upset when I didn't find Sarah lying on our bed. I listened for any sounds of running water, but found none.

"Sarah?" I called out. When I heard nothing, I thought that she maybe went to Louis' room, which did absouletly nothing to comfort me since I didn't trust the two of them together. "Sarah?" I called again, this time louder.

"Lost without me?" I heard her voice as she walked into the room, sporting her on own white towel wrapped around her body, and one in her hand dryig her hair. I let out a little sign of relief when I saw her, and then took the time to admire her still wet body in only a towel. When I looked up at her face, I noticed she was doing the same to me. I smirked at her until she looked up ans saw me watching her, and a blush crept onto her cheeks. I laughed, thinking about how we chased each other around half naked a week ago, and now looking at me shirtless made her blush.

"Completely", I said, even thought it was way too late to respond. Sarah knew what I was talking ablout though and rolled her eyes, going through her things to find something to change into. "Where'd you go?" I asked her, mentally slapping myself afterwards realizing it was obvious she had just went to take a shower. She was too busy smiling at something on her phone though to notice.

"I took a shower", she said, mesmorized by her phone. "There is more then one bathroom", she added, finally glancing up from it.

"Mhm", I managed, completely uninterested in my first question now. "What are you looking at?"

"Just texting Louis", she causually answered. I gritted my teeth and turned towards my dresser, pulling out boxer briefs which I slipped on underneath my towel, which I let drop afterwards. I turned my head slightly, pleased that her attention was now on me. I decided to just wear that for now, and plopped down on my side of the bed, grabbing my phone and flipping through nothing really, but making it seem like I was.

"Aren't you going to actually put on some clothes?" she questiond me with small grin. I was slightly jealous though and didn't give her the satisfaction of me flirting back. I just shrugged.

"Just waiting for Louis to tell you what we're doing tonight so I know how to dress", I replied without looking at her. I laughed at a tweet that was funny, but made sure to exaggerate my laugh a bit. I could tell she was still observing me.

"What are you laughing at?"she asked, a hint of...jealously in her voice?

"Nothing", I quickly brushed her off, my eyes not leaving my screen still. I could see her slightly pout from the corner of my eye, and watched as she took her clothes and phone into the bathroom. She came out again shortly after, dressed in a simple black top with no sleeves, something I vaguely remember her calling a tube top, and light blue shorts I knew to be called high wasited shorts. Her hair was neatly styled on top of her head in a bun, and she had slipped on the same type of sandals she had worn to the pool. She looked great.

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