Chapter 22

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After our long awaited kiss, we went up to our room. Not to have sex or anything, but so we could be alone, together. Harry climbed into our bed first and patted the spot next to him, a cheeky grin spread across his face. I giggled and joined him, resting my head on his chest and his arm snaked around my body, pulling us closer together. We just stayed like this for awhile until he shifted from under me. I looked up at him and he pulled away from me. I pouted my lips as he got up out of bed.

"I was waiting out on the beach for a long time. I smell a little..ripe.", he confessed and I laughed as he crinkled his nose. I nodded my head and laid back in bed as he went into his bathroom to shower. As soon as he closed the bathroom door, the door to our room opened up and Eleanor peeked her little head in, smiling. She came in when I motioned for her to do so and she sat at the foot of our bed.

"I had half expected you two to be getting it on by now", she joked, wiggling her eyebrows.

 "Oh we already did.", I responded with a straight face but then lost it as El quickly stood up from the bed and took a few steps back. "I'm kidding!" I managed to spit out through my giggles. Eleanor shook her head smiling but didn't look entirely convinced since she remained standing.

"Well I came in to tell you that I scheduled the four of us to go to a couples spa for a few nights. We got two of the last five rooms left!", El screcched, obviously excited. I couldn't even lie I was excited too. Eleanor mentioned some couples therapy thing that was mandatory and I decided that it wasnt actually a bad idea. This could be god for me and Harry. If Eleanor had told me about this couples spa thing yesterday, I would have strangled her, but now that Harry and I were, whatever we were again I didn't mind. I thanked El and she left the room, allowing me to plan a bit. She poked her head back in and added, "And this is expensive as shit so no backing out so you two can have the house all to yourself!" I rolled my eyes but giggled and agreed anyways. I was in the middle of deciding what clothes to bring when Harry's phone buzzed. It wasn't until now that I realized this was the first day Hary hadn't taken his phone with him into the bathroom. I ignored the buzzing until it went off three times. I reached over the bed and grabbed his phone off the night stand, just checking to see who it was. I almost dropped the phone when I saw who had been texting him. I quickly unlocked his phone, hoping he still had the same passcode. I was succesful and was brought to his text messages with her. The most recent text he had sent her was a couple days ago. My heart dropped when I read what he said.

To: Ashley

Ugh I'm stuck in America with Sarah for the summer S.O.S.

If my heart had dropped before, it shattered when I read the three texts she had just sent him.

To: Harry

Hey sorry for responding so late I was making ticket arrangments. I'm in America now! Close to where you are actually.

To: Harry

Text me if you wanna met up xx


And whatever you do, don't tell Sarah. We all know how that worked out last time lol

I dropped the phone on the bed and rushed out of the room, not even bothering to slip on any shoes. I grabbed the car keys off the kithen counter and hurried out the front door before anyone could notice I was gone. I ran across the pebbled driveway, hurting my bare feet as I rushed to the car. I didn't mind though. My heart ached so badly that I could barey feel it. I got in the car and tore out of the driveway, just as I spotted a curly haired boy in a towel chasing after me. I ignored his screams and drove far away from him, hoping that the futher away I was, the less his betrayal would hurt.

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