Chapter 11

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"Sarah?", Harry's raspy voice called from outside of the door. "Sarah please open up." I moved away from the door and looked myself over in the mirror. I didn't look too horrible, and I had regained myself, so I decided it was okay to open the door.

"Ugh. Sorry I thought I was gonna throw up.", I said, walking out of the bathroom, avoiding eye contact with Harry. "I need some food.", I added quickly, hoping to explain my quick exit from the room. I glanced back to see Harry looking confused; he had thought I was crying. Which I was. But thankfully I was a good liar when I needed to be.

As I rushed down the hallway, and skipped down the steps, I thought I heard someone coming after me. The only other person in the house was Harry, so I sighed knowing it was him, coming to try to talk to me once again.

"Sarah you were crying weren't you?", I heard his voice behind me as I stepped into the kitchen.

"No. What would I be crying about?", I asked, wanting to hear what he thought.

"Me...", he said softly. "Well us.", he corrected, more confident. His words stung, but I wouldn't let him know that.

"And that would make me cry, why?", I asked, pretending to not really care much in the matter as I got out bread and peanut butter along with jelly. "Want one?", I asked him.

"Sarah this is a serious conversation.", he replied, ignoring my question. I spun quickly to face him.

"No, Harry, it's not. I wasn't crying, because I wasn't upset, because I'm not sad about us!", I screamed, scaring my ex boyfriend in to silence. His face became one of anger, and he stormed out of the room. I rolled my eyes. Harry did get pissed a lot. I didn't really think much of it.

I made two peanut butter and jelly sandwich's, and brought them upstairs into the room I shared with Harry.

"I come baring gifts.", I said as I walk into the room, Harry lying on the bed with his phone out.

"Thanks.", he mumbled as I handed it over to him.

"You okay?", I asked as I sat crossed leg on the bed.

"Look you don't have to pretend we're friends, or pretend that you care or whatever. We both know that we're nothing more then acquaintances. There's no need to act other wise.", he said, not really looking at me. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He was wrong. Harry was SO wrong. I needed to tell him that.

"Yea I guess your right.", I found myself saying instead. A emotion passed through Harry's face, but it left to fast to name it.

"Okay then.", he said, looking normal again. "I'll go eat this in the kitchen.", he added softly, getting up off the bed and leaving the room. Just leaving, like that conversation meant nothing. Like I meant nothing.

I suddenly didn't want to eat my sandwich anymore. Sighing, I put my plate on my night table, and dove into my pillow. I soon fell asleep, exhausted from crying, from fighting, from thinking.


"Sarah!", I heard someone say. "Wake up beautiful, you cant have to much beauty sleep, or else you just sham the rest of us mere mortals.", I flashed my eyes open, to see Eleanor sitting on Harry's side of the bed, looking at me, a smile plastered onto her face. I forced a small smile. At least she was having a good vacation.

"Shut up, El. You're a freaking model.", I retort, throwing the covers off of me, and stepping out of bed, glancing over at El just in time to see her eyes roll.

"We're eating out tonight. Dress somewhat causal, but not sloppy.", she warned, starting to move towards the door.

"Wait!", I call, making Eleanor stop in her tracks.

"Yes, Sarah?", she asked.

"Do you wanna do something with me? Like now?", I asked awkwardly, assuming she would say she already had plans with Louis. I eased up a bit once I saw a smile form across her lips.

"I thought you would never ask.", she glided back over to me, wrapping me into a hug. "What do you want to do?", she asked once she pulled away. I looked up and stroked my chin, as if to think about this, even though I already had an answer.

" party?", I finally said, not even being able to hid my slight grin, which was returned by my best friend.

"Lucky for you, I brought a bag just for our dance parties.", she said, leaving the room to retrieve it. It may seem weird, but ever since we became friends, we always had these little dance parties every once in a while. We went all out. Wigs, sunglasses, boa's, boats, etc. These dance parties just made us happy, and helped me to forget everything for awhile.

"Ready?", El asked, holding up a suitcase. I gave her a mysterious smile.

"I was born ready.", I reply.

We rummaged through the suitcase, picking out items we wanted. The point of our dance parties wasn't to look good, so we just end up throwing random shit on. Once we had both changed, Eleanor was sporting a short, curly, red wig, with big funky green glasses. She wore a bathrobe, that went down to her knees, with a crop top and khakis on. Her large 80's look topped off the ridiculous outfit. I giggled at my own appearance, which was a long, straight blonde wig, with purple sunglasses. I wore flared pants with the same sort of 80's boots, with a shirt covered in peace signs, that flared out at the elbows, and at the bottom, ending so you could see a tiny bit of my stomach.

"You got the CD?", I asked, excited to get started.

"How could I forget?", she asked, popping in the CD into my radio that doubled as a CD player.

"Yo, I'll tell you want, what I really really want. So tell me what you want what you really really want. I'll tell you what I want what I really really want. So tell me what you want what you really really want. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna; I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha.", Eleanor and I screamed, jumping around, using the fake microphones El brought to make it even more enjoyable. We both leaped onto the bed, jamming out on top of it while we continued to sing/scream the lyrics.

"If you want my future, forget my past. If you wanna get with me, better make it fast. Now don't go wasting, my precious time. Get your act together, we could be just fine. I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want. So tell me what you want, what you really really want. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha!", we started cracking up in laughter as we bounced around the room, shaking our thang and running around. We ended up collapsing on the bed from laughing to hard, and that's when we heard someone clear their throat.

"We heard the music, so we came up here.", Louis explained, trying, and failing, to hid his grin.

"Spice Girls are my weakness.", Harry admitted, wearing a very familiar smirk. I rolled my eyes, but I was still smiling from all the fun we had just had.

"Mhm. You look hot as a blonde.", Harry said, strutting over to me since Louis had gone to Eleanor.

"I try.", I joked, flipping my blonde wig to the side, looking dramatic. This made Harry laugh, which was what I was going for.

"Nice dancing by the way.", Harry teased, mimicking me bouncing around the room.

"Oh you haven't seen anything yet, Styles.", I said, walking away from him and into the bathroom, allowing myself privacy to change.

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