Chapter 13

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After a while of crying, I heard the door creak open. I quickly held my breath, not allowing any sort of sob to come from my mouth. I paused, not moving, possibly trying to pretend to be sleeping?

"Sarah I know your not sleeping.", I heard Harry's raspy voice speak from beside me. I sighed and rolled over, not wanting him to see my puffy eyes.

"I'm not anymore.", I mumbled, pulling the covers further over my head. I could basically hear him smirking...

"Would you mind if I joined?", he teased.

"Fuck off, twat.", I replied, really not in the mood to listen to this dick.

"Ooh. Feisty. You know that's how I like them.", Harry spoke up, like a complete arse. I pulled out one of my hands from under the sheets, and gave Harry my middle finger, which only made him laugh harder.

"I get it. Your afraid you'll feel something for me if I get in bed with you.", he continued, not taking the hint, or just not caring enough to stop pissing me off.

"Exactly. I don't really wanna feel your boner..", I respond. "Well of what little there is.", I add, wishing I could see his face. All I felt was his face swooping down close to my ear, so he was whispering into my ear through the covers.

"I've heard it's actually quite big.", he mumbled, lingering next to my face before he pulled away. Even through the covers, I could see his evil smirk.

"And who told you that? A blind girl?".

"Nawh. Your best friend.". I ripped the covers off of me, and flipped my body over to face Harry.

"Which one?!", I question, readying to get on that girls ass. Harry just backed up, his hands up, fending me off.

"I was kidding, Sarah.", he says, not trying to hid the amusement in his voice. "Are you jealous?", Harry asked, a huge grin plastered across his face.

"Please.", I said, snorting, not following that up, since I wasn't sure what to say. "Why are you even here?", I finally ask.

"Oh, I was under the impression this was my room, too.", Harry explained.

"Well, your wrong.", I dumbly replied, getting out of the bed and walking to the bathroom to make sure my eyes weren't ruined from crying.


"Sober now?", I hear Sarah call from the bathroom.

"Yep.", I respond. "Oh by the way, we're leaving for dinner in 20 minutes.". I turn my head away from my dresser to face Sarah's bathroom. I see her angry face pop out, giving me a glare.

"And your just now telling me?", she exclaimed. I shrugged, walking into my own bathroom, preparing to take a shower.

"It slipped my mind.", I responded, closing the door behind me. I stripped my clothes, and jumped into the shower, feeling the hot water hit my body. I smiled as the water relaxed my muscles. I humed while I mixed my shampoo and conditioner in, then went on to scrub my body.

I finished up my shower and stepped out, grabbing a towel to wrap around my waist. I opened the bathroom door and walked out, enjoying the cool air as it hit my chest. I looked up and see Sarah staring at my chest, but then she quickly noticed me watching her, and looked down, blushing slightly.

"Take a picture. It lasts longer.", I said, putting on my best girly voice. I could practically hear Sarah rolling her eyes.

"This moment couldn't be any shorter.", she retorts. I could tell she didn't mean it. She always had a weakness for my chest. I slipped on a black shirt, and put some boxers on, allowing my towel to slip once I saw Sarah was no longer in the room. I tugged on some black jeans and then my brown boots, drying my hair a bit with my towel.

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