Chapter 29

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  "Harry?" the blonde girl asked, stepping closer to us.

  "Monica, hey", Harry hesitantly greeted her. It may have been pretty dark, but I could still see Harry slightly shifting away from me.

  "Who's this?" she asked Harry, even though she was turned towards me. She didn't look mean, but polite, so I extended my hand.

  "I'm Sarah, Harry's...friend", I decided on.

  "Ah, another friend from back home", she noted after hearing my accent. "Pleased to meet you", she smiled, taking my hand.

  "Would you like to get some drinks with me?" Monica offered, turning back towards Harry, who opened his mouth yet no words came out. "Your friend is welcome to come", she added. I looked over at Harry to see how he was going to handle this when I saw Coby standing at then bar alone as his friend conversed with Eleanor.

  "I'll come with you to the bar but then you two can go ahead without me. I see my friend over there", I declined Monica's offer. Harry followed my gaze and I could see his jaw bone tighten as he clenched his teeth.

  "Great. Let's go", Monica said, heading towards the bar with us following behind her. Harry was about to whisper something to me when his new friend spoke again.

  "So you two are at a couples resort?" she questioned, humor in her voice. I narrowed my eyes at the back of her head as she tried to figure out more about Harry and mine's relationship.

  "We're here for our friends. And you?" I returned the question.

  "I was here with my boyfriend, Coby and his friend Max. Then we went to couples therapy and discovered we were horrible together. He's staying in Max's room and I'm alone in mine", she said, glancing back at us briefly. "We're staying the rest of the trip. I'd be a waste to leave so soon", she told us, although I was still thinking about her recently ex-boyfriend, Coby.

  "I'm sorry", I apologized, knowing a break-up can be rough, although Monica seemed to be dealing with it quite well.

  "Don't worry about it", she waved me off. "I was always more of a free-spirit anyways", she said right before we finally reached the bar. I was relieved when I saw Eleanor, Coby and Max had moved to a outdoor booth, chatting it up. I turned back towards Harry and Monica, a smile on my face as Harry, who had gotten so silent, glared at me.

  "Well, you two have fun, I'll see you later", I told them before, even though I was looking at Harry the whole time. I finally turned to Monica. "It was nice meeting you", I told her before I spun, about to go and sit next to Eleanor and across from Coby. Half-way there, I spotted Louis sitting on a pool chair by himself. He didn't look sad, or angry, but I could tell he was in deep thought. I changed direction and headed over to Louis, quickly glancing back at Harry, expecting to see him smirking but instead finding him looking more pissed then before. I raised an eyebrow and turned my head back around as I approached my best friend.

  "Looks like you're having fun", I joked, crossing my arms over my chest as I smirked down at Louis. He looked up and smiled when he saw me, placing his feet on the ground so I could sit next to him on the chair. "What's wrong?" I asked even though I had a pretty good idea.

  "Eleanor and I didn't have too great of a session today at couple's counseling", he told me and I frowned, bringing my hand up to his shoulder.

  "I'm sorry, Louis...", I told him, realizing how hard this must be for him.

  "The thing is, I'm not too upset about it", Louis shocked me by saying, and he finally peeled his eyes from the concrete ground surrounding the pool and looked at me.

  "What do you mean?" I questioned.

  "I'm not sad, really", he began. "Like you'd think I'd be talking with Eleanor about how much I want to make it work and how I know we can get through this, but I don't want to." My mouth was slightly opened as his words sunk in.

  "Do you still love her?" I hesitantly asked. Louis paused, thinking my question over. This immediately worried me, as if he really did, there shouldn't be this long of a pause.

  "I don't know. We'll talk it over tomorrow, I guess", he finally answered, looking away from me to gaze over at Eleanor and her new friends. "She doesn't seem to broken up about this either, huh?" he added as she laughed at something the two guys had said. I gave a small smile, unsure of whether or not I should tell him about the plans tonight.

  "Eleanor and I are supposed to meet up with them later tonight. I can watch her for you and make sure she doesn't do anything", I offered, and Louis turned back to me.

  "No thanks. I'd rather you spend some time with me, tonight, if that's okay?" he asked and a small smile spread across my face.

  "As you wish", I quoted from one of our favorite movies, The Princess Bride, as I stood up and outstretched my hand for Louis to take. I pulled him up and was about to follow him when I caught another glimpse of Eleanor. I was about to walk over to her and tell her this, but didn't want to risk her insisting I join her.

  I let Louis take my arm and lead me somewhere as I got out my phone, sending a quick text to Eleanor, hoping she'd she it.

  To Eleanor: Don't do anything stupid Eleanor. You are Louis are together, don't forget that

  Once my message was delivered, I looked up just as I heard a bing. Louis and I walked into the elevator and I raised my eyebrow at him.

  "Movie night?" I questioned, as it was a tradition of ours to watch movies together if we were sad or had a bad day. Louis smiled at me, his eyes crinkling, and I knew it was a real smile.

  "Yep. Sound good to you?" he asked me, and I smiled back at him. From the corner of my eye, I could see Harry glaring at me from the bar.

  "Perfect", I responded, and I meant it. Spending time with Louis was perfect enough, pissing off Harry was just a bonus.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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