Chapter 28

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After Harry went into the bathroom, I quickly grabbed myself a dark red bikini with straps and my make-up bag, going into my own bathroom. I was flustered. Extremely flustered after what Harry had just done to me. I pulled off my clothes and wipped myself, riding Harry's effects on me from my body and pulling on my bikini. The straps wrapped around my shoulders like a bra would, so my recent love marks were still on full display. I unzipped my make-up bag and pulled out some liquid concealer, dabbing it onto my neck and blending it with my skin. Afterwards, I screwed the cap shut and put it back in my bag, admiring my work. I did a really nice job, and you could barely tell anything was underneath all my make-up. And since it was now dark outside, I knew I had a better chance of keeping my little secret, a secret.

Just as I had put my make-up bag away, and put on a black silk cover-up, I heard Louis's voice by our hotel room's front door. When I walked out of my bathroom to greet him and probably Eleanor, Harry was already changed, with dark navy blue trunks on and a black shirt. I saw him reach for his sunglasses but then pull his hand back once he remembered it was getting dark. Harry turned to me, and looked me up and down with a smirk before motioning to my neck.

"Is it covered?" he asked with a grin, obviously proud of his work. I raised an eyebrow at his question.

"You tell me", I responded, crossing my arms over my chest, proud of mine.

"Oh I'll never unsee that", Harry countered with a wink, making me blush with excitement before I heard ELeanor's voice outside of our room.

"Louis you need to knock first!", she scolded him seconds before our room door flung open, revealing the gorgeous Louis Tomlinson and my ever so beautiful best friend. Louis sported a similar pair of trunks, but with lighter blue strips running through them, and a white, loose musle shirt, while Eleanor's light pink coverup hid what she choose to wear tonight.

"Excuse him, you look beautiful hun", she told me, coming to give me a hug. I accepted her with open arms, thankful for these rare moments we got to spend together since she's always with Louis.

"Ready?" Louis asked, eager to go party. Eleanor nodded her head and linked her arm within mine, pulling me along, giving me just each time to slip on my rainbows. We exited my hotel room and made our way down to an elevator, which this time, was not so empty. Two young men were already in there, dressed for the pool party, and alone. My first thought was that they were gay, but by the way they were looking at us, I quickly realized I was wrong. Once we stepped inside the elevator and were turned to face the entrance, I saw Harry and Louis talking about something, not too close to our elevator. I saw them look up and notice we were waiting for them, picking up their pace, and I was about to tell the boys to wait when Eleanor spoke up first.

"Just leave them", she said, grinning up at one of the boys, who smiled back at her and pressed the buttom to close the elevator doors. Eleanor started talking to the shorter of the men, when the tall one made his way across the elevator towards me. I smiled at him, not denying he was extremly attractive with his dark brown hair and green eyes, kind of like Harry's...

I continued to have a conversation with the guy, whose name I learned was Coby, until the elevator doors opened, revealing the noise of a party in full-swing. I looked over at El to see if she had gotten out when I saw her laughing with the guy, whose hand was on her hip. I shook my head, obviously misunderstanding the situation before I stepped out on my on, hoping my friend would follow. As soon as I stepped out of the eleavator, the one to the right of me opened, revealing an angry looking Harry and a sad looking Louis. They turned their heads into the elevator I had just walked out of, to see Eleanor wrapping it up with Coby's friend, who gave her a hug goodbye. Coby gave me one as well, along with a swift kiss on the cheek. I blushed and quickly looked up at Harry who was fumming. Eleanor hardly registered Louis and Harry's presence, and just linked her arm around me, dragging me ahead and leaving the boys in the dust once again.

"Cute, right?", she squealed, gripping my arm a bit too tight.

"Sure Eleanor, but what about Louis?", I warily asked, concern for my other best friend. Eleanor waved him off.

"Don't worry I'm just having fun", she said rolling her eyes. "By the way, we're meeting up with them later, I hope you're okay with that!".

"Actually El, that might not be the best ide-", I began to knock some sense into her.

"Great!", she cheered, pecking me on the cheek just like Coby had and ran off to the bar a few feet away from us. Seconds after, a strong hand gripped my arm tightly and pulled me back, dragging me towards a building. I panicked at first, before I felt the cool metal on the hands, helping me assess they were the rings of my favorite ex-boyfriend.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Harry's angry voice rang through the darkness once we came to a stop. I narrowed my eyes at him even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"Being kidnapped by my crazy ex", I said, ready to go back on the path where lamps were lighting the way.

"Is that all I am to you? Some crazy ex?", Harry asked, still angry. I didn't respond, becuase I didn't know how. I had no clue where this was going...

"I thought we were trying to work on things?", he questioned again in a soft tone, sadness in his voice. I took his large hand in both of my small ones.

"We are. And you getting angry and snapping at me makes us go backwards, not forwards. You need to trust me", I pleaded with him. Harry seemed to get upset by this, though he didn't pull away from my touch.

"How can I trust you when I leave you only for a minute then come back to see another guy kissing your cheek?!" he half yelled, half asked me.

"Like you said, it was just a minute, I hardly got to know him", I said, meaning it. I decide not to mention how Eleanor and her boy toy got to know each other well enough for them to make plans to meet up later, all in under a minute. That had nothing to do with me. Except that fact that I'm supposed to go with them...

"Okay", Harry said, intertwinning our hands and walking me back towards the lit path. I saw a blonde I vaguely remember exiting the elevator with Harry and Louis approach us, and felt as Harry quickly slipped his hand out of mine. I looked up to see Harry smiling at the pretty girl, otherwise known as my newest threat.

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