Chapter 19

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I groaned as I ducked into the car, joining Harry in the backseat. Lou and El were up front like usual, dressed to go clubbing. Harry and I were dressed for the club too, except our looks said I'm single, more then theirs did. I noticed Harry checking me over, and could have almost swore Louis was too from the mirror in the front. I quickly dismissed the thought though, and stared out the window, deflecting conversation from anyone. I watched the scenery as we drove on. It was quite different from Britain, but I could see myself living here. I wouldn't have to think about Harry all the time at least.... As soon as I said it, I knew that that was a lie. It would probably only make it worse, actually, not knowing where he was or how he was doing. I had no clue why I could never get Harry out of my mind...Suddenly, I remembered what Sean had said... "You still love him don't you?". I shook my head knowing that couldn't be it, but for just a second while remembering his words, my heart skipped a beat.

"Sarah?", I heard a faint voice say. "Sarah?", the voice got louder as I snapped out of my trance. "Sarah?", the deep voice said again, as a hand was placed on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and saw Harry looking at me, his hand on my shoulder. I starred at his hand that was gently resting on my shoulder. Almost immediately, Harry blushed and quickly removed it.

"Um...we're here.", he said, stepping out of the car. I looked back out the window, and saw the huge club in front of us. It was called "Ecstasy".

"Well this should be fun.", I mumbled to myself, stepping out of the car to join the others.


Lou and El stood in line, holding hands, and Harry and I awkwardly stood next to each other, not sure if we should make conversation or not. We were towards the front of the line, and it was moving quickly. In no time, we were stepping into Ecstasy, the lights even darker then it was outside. The music blasted, shaking the floor, and the screams of people having fun filled in the background. Eleanour grabbed Louis' hand and dragged him onto the floor, and Harry looked at my questionably.

"Drinks or dance?", he asked. I couldn't hid a small grin.

"You know the answer to that.", I responded, watching Harry smirk as he made his way to the dance floor, me close behind. We started to move to the beat, along with the rest of the club. Harry and I weren't dancing together, but near each other. And since I technically wasn't dancing with anyone, I guess I looked available to approach.

"Hey gorgeous.", a sexy blonde winked. His words weren't slurred, and actually sounded quite familiar.

"Sean?", I questioned, looking at the man in front of me. He laughed a cute laugh, and nodded, and we started moving to the beat together. Suddenly, Sean bent down to my level and whispered to me.

"Your ex is here?", he asked. I glanced over at Harry and nodded. During my glance I was able to catch Harry's face. It was a mixture of anger and hatred, and I liked it. The songs switched, and the familiar tune of a sexy song started.

"How can you listen to a song like this and not dance?", Sean asked me. I nodded in agreement, and moved closer to Sean, front grinding with him. I suddenly spun my body, allowing Sean to hold my hips as my butt rubbed up against his groin. I stared at Harry, who was watching us carefully. He then approached a girl, and whispered in her ear. I saw her smile before she stuck her own butt against his groin and grinding with him, mimicking me. Harry looked at me and smirked slightly as he gripped the girls waist.

"I think we have to step it up, what do you think?", I called back to Sean.

"I think you should put your face down and your ass up.", he joked back quoting a song, making me laugh. I did as he said, and dropped my face, making my butt stick up in the air as I shook it fiercely. After a bit of that, I snapped my head up, and did it just in time to see Harry starring, biting his lip. I smirked knowing he was turned on by my moves, but then my smiled faded when the girl grinding on Harry started to do something a lot like what I just had. When she finished, they both looked at me and grinned. I only returned one, right before I started to sway my hips more dramatically, and slowly. I started to bend my knees, allowing me to go all the way up and down his body, slowly and intimately.

Harry's "dance partner" just plainly started twerking on Harry, and he grabbed her ass. I didn't feel like carrying this on any longer, and turned around facing Sean, who looked surprised.

"Make this look hot.", I ordered, right before I dove in, kissing him. Soon after, my tongue asked for entry, and Sean quickly let me in. I made sure to use a lot of tongue, so it was super obvious to Harry. I opened my eyes, and saw Harry, pissed, storming off. I pulled away from Sean and wiped my mouth, smiling.

"Well that worked.", I said, finally looking at Sean.

"Yes it did, "Miss I Use Tongue".", Sean said winking. I rolled my eyes.

"I had to make it obvious.", I explained, looking around for my friends, which I couldn't seem to find. I looked over at the door, and caught a glimpse outside as it opened. Our car was gone. I groaned. Rude.

"Need a ride?", Sean asked, reading my mind.

"If it's not to much trouble?", I accepted. Sean nodded, and I followed him outside, and into his car. For a waiter, he sure did make a lot of money. I gave him my address, and we got to my house in no time.

"Thanks Sean.", I smiled, about to get out of the car. "For everything.", I said, giving him a soft kiss before stepping out of the car and into my house. As soon as I stepped into the house, I heard screams from upstairs. And not the scared kind of screams; the pleasure kind of scream. I chuckled slightly. Louis and El were getting it on. Eleanour started to scream even louder, and I even started to blush, suddenly feeling embarrassed for them, since everyone could hear. I decided to not go upstairs yet, and I went into the kitchen instead.

As soon as I stepped in, I saw a pale looking Eleanour, holding a sad looking Louis' hand. I was super confused for a second, but then it all clicked.

"I'm sorry..."Eleanour softly spoke before I heard another scream. This time with a name.


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