visit in the cells

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"I don't see your ship, 'Captain." He said. "I'm in the marked as it were." The pirate, Jack said. "He said he'd come to commandeer one." One of the sliders said, and Jack Sparrow rolled his eyes. "Told you, he was telling the truth. These are his, sir." The other spoke and gave the commodor his hat and weapons. "No additional shots nor powder. A compass that doesn't point north. And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of." He said "But you have heard of me." He fired back, and in anger, the commodore grabbed him and pushed him forward to put the irons on his hands. "Commodore! I really must protest!" I yelled as I walked after them. "Carefully, Lieutrennant." One said, and I stood in front of Jack Sparrow as they put on the irons. "Pirate or not. This man saved my life." I told him. "One good deed does not redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness." He told me and I was about to protest again, but Sparrow spoke before I could. "It seems enough to condemn him." "Indeed." The commodore spoke, and just as his irons were on his hands, the lieutenant left his side, Sparrow, but the iron chain under my throat, and pushed me back. "Finally." He spoke. I now stood in front of him and looked at my father with big eyes, with my back against Sparrow's chest. "No! No! Don't shoot!" My father yelled as they all aimed at us.

"I knew you'd warm up to me." He told me, and I stayed silent. "Commodore Norrington, my effevts, please. And my hat." He said, and Norrington just looked at me. "Commodore!" He reached behind him and took his stuff. "Y/n. It is Y/n?" He asked, and I slowly nodded. "Y/n if you'd be so kind. Come come, dear, we don't have all day." He told me, and Norrington gave me his stuff. He took the gun and held it against my head while he turned me so I looked up to him. "If you'll be very kind." He said, and to put on his belt, I hugged him a little. I then put on his hat on his head. "Thank you, Darling." He whispered in my ear and faced me towards the others. "Gentlemen, my lady, you will always remember this as the day you almost caught, Captain Jack Sparrow!" He yelled and threw me in the arms of my father and the commodore. He clung onto a rope and swung around in the air. "Now will you shoot him!?" My father yelled, and Elizabeth came over to me, hugging me. "Are you okay?" She asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said and looked after Sparrow to see he had escaped. "Come, I'll get you home." She told me and guided me back to our house.

Later in the evening

"There you go, miss." A maid said as she but some hot coal under my blanket. "You don't need to be scared. I heard the Commodore managed to catch that pirate; he will be rotting in the cells; you don't need to worry; nothing is going to happen to you." She told me, and I gave her an unsure smile. "Thank you." I said, and she nodded friendly at me. "Need anything else?" She asked. "No thank you, goodnight." I told her, and she left my room with a smile.

I tried to sleep; I actually did. but my thoughts always wandered off to this pirate, Jack Sparrow. I let out a frustration noise as I stood up, put a coat around my shoulder, and snuck out of the house. My father just walked to get into his office, and when he closed the door, I quickly walked to the front door. It was dark and very cold outside as I walked towards the cells. The guard wasn't there at the moment, and I quickly entred. When a few men noticed me, they started to whistling after me. I ignored them and stopped right in front of Jack Sparrow's cell. He was lying on the floor and looked up when he saw somebody approaching him. "What a pleasure it is to be visited by you, darling. You here to mock me?" He asked, and I slowly sat on the floor in front of his cell. He also sat up, and we now like sat facing each other with the cell in between us. "No, I was here to thank you. You saved my life, and I would've never survived if it wasn't for you." I said, and he looked surprised. "Aren't you the daughter from the governor?" He asked, and I slowly nodded. "Well then you sure shouldn't be here and talk to a pirate." He told me. "Pirate or not, you saved my life." I fired back. "And I threatened your life," he said. "Because they wanted to kill you. It was fine with me," I said. And for a moment it was silent. "Look, I just want to thank you; that was all. It's not fair for you to get killed over this," I told him, and now he really looked curious. "As a fine lady, you sure shouldn't thank a pirate. What would your father think?" He asked, and I shook my head. "He would disagree and probably lock me away, far away from piracy." "You don't seem like the fine daughter you look from the outside." He told me, and I quietly laughed at the comment. "I'm not. But my father wants me to be; that's probably why he wants me to marry the commodore." I told him and sighed. "You don't want to marry him?" He asked. "No, not if I'm honest. I'd rather be free, and to be honest, I love the ocean." I told him and looked away from him. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, darling; I love the ocean too." He told me. "I know, but as the daughter of the governor, it's forbidden to think like this. I should marry a good man and live happily ever after until the day I die." I told him and looked at him exhausted. "Come with me. We'll sail over all the seven seas, and you will never have to worry about any duties anymore." He told me, and I looked surprised, but I shook my head. "I can't do that. First, I can't just leave everything behind, and second, you're stuck here, and I have no idea how to get you out of here." I told him. "Darling, there's always a way. You say you can't do it; you're wrong; you don't want to; something's holding you back. And second, the keys are right there next to you." He said and pointed to the dog. I looked at it, and yes, he had the keys in his mouth. "Can I ust betrail my family and leave with a pirate?" I mumbled and stood up to leave as I was in thoughts. That was until I heard shooting from outside. "I know those guns!" Jack said and ran over to the window in the wall. I stopped walking and looked at him. "It's the pearl." He mumbled.

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