Jack ran forward with me, just kind of hanging there, and hit with the bamboo right into a coconut. In a smooth move, he turned and threw the coconut right at one of them, who managed to catch it, and he didn't look amused. They then started throwing fruits at us, and we managed to drop a few, and some were impaled on the bamboo. "Stop!" Jack then yelled. He looked at them for a moment before he started running forward. The bamboo got stuck in some stones, and we went flying over the cliff. Jack managed to stand on the edge, but when the fruits started falling down, the weight was backwards, and we went down. The bamboo got stuck in the walls for a moment, and the rope started, and now Jack and I were hanging by our feet from the rope in the air.
Jack held me in his arms, and we watched as the bamboo slipped. "bugger." He mumbled before we started falling again. We fell through at least 5 bridges before we hit the ground, me landing on Jack's chest. Terrified, he looked up, and just a few centimeters from us, the bamboo landed. I sat up and looked absolutely terrified. "Never again," I said and Jack stood up and helped me. "Well, it was an interesting experience," Jack stated. When we heard yelling behind us again. "Oh shit." I said, Jack took my hand, and we again ran away from the Indigenous people. We reached the beach, and I already noticed a few people at the Pearl, getting her into the water. The natives were yelling at us as we ran, and we then ran past the dog that used to be on Port Royal. How the fuck did the dog come here? "Good dog," Jack said as we ran past it. We reached the boat, and Jack was immediately held to a rope. I also clung to the rope, and Jack held me steady by my waist. "Alas, my children, this is the day you shall always remember, as the day you almost caught..." But he stopped speaking when a huge wave hit us, and I shivered at the cold water. "Captain Jack Sparrow." He mumbled, and finally the crew helped us up. Marty walked towards us and handed me a blank. "Thank you," I said and wrapped it around my body. "Let's up some distance between us and the island and head out to open sea." Gibbs said and two other pirates I remember were from Barbossa's cerw then put soeme blanked over Jack too. "Yes to the first. Yes to the second, but only in so far as we keep to the shallows." Jack said and looked at the both of them as confused as I was. "That seems a bit contradictory, captain." Gibbs said. "I have faith in your reconciliatory navigator skills. Now, where is that monkey? I want to shoot something." He said, and just then the monkey appeared, and Jack immediately pulled out his gun. Annoyed, I held my head, and then I looked at Will. "Jack. Elizabeth is in danger." Will said, "Have you considered just locking her up somewhere?" Jack asked. "Jack!" I said angry and gave him a pointing look. "She is locked up, bound to hang for helping you. I need that compass of yours, Jack. I must trade it for her freedom." Will said, and I looked at him in shock. "There comes a time when one must take responsibility for one's mistakes." Jack said and walked away while Will ran after him. "Y/n is too!" He yelled, and Jack immediately paused and turned around to look at him. "What?" I asked, and Will turned to me. "You're bound to hang for helping a pirate and being in piracy." He said, and I slowly nodded. "Yeah, ofcourse." I mumbled and sat down on a barrel. Jack looked at me for a moment before he walked over to Gibbs. "Mr. Gibbs." "Captain." He responded. "We have a need to travel upriver." He told him. "By need, so you mean a trigilating need? Fleeting, as in,say, a passing fancy?" "No, a resolute and unyielding need." Jack told him and walked over and stood next to me. "What we need to do is make sail for Port Royal with all haste." Will said and approached us. "William, I shall trade you the compass if you will help me to find this." Jack said and pulled out the cloth with the key on it. "You want me to find this?" Will asked confused. "No, you want you to find this. because the finfing og this finds you incapactiorially finding and/or locating inn your discovering a way to save your dolly belle, ol' what's-her-face, savvy?" He said and grinned at Will. "This is going to save Elizabeth?" He asked, and Jack looked at him seriously. "How much do you know about Davy Jones?" He asked Will. "Not much." He replyed. "Yeah, it's going to save Elizabeth." He replied, and soon Will went to talk to Gibbs and Marty.
"Jack, what is going to happen now?" I asked as I looked up to him. "Well, love. I have a plan that'll save you and your sister, so do not worry, I'll handle it." He said as he looked down at me. I slowly nodded and rested my head on my knees. I felt a hand on my head, slowly stronking my head, and I just enjoyed this moment between me and Jack.

|Tides of Temptation | Jack Sparrow x reader
FanfictionY/n Swan. She is the sister of Elizabeth Swan and second daughter of Govener Swan. She's not like her sister, though. She loves the action, and she hates everything that has to do with royalty. Her and her sister get along quite well, but when she h...