stuck on the island

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We reached the beach, and he gentely sat me down. "Thank you, Jack," I said tired and fell to the ground. "That's the second time I've watched that man sail away with my ship." Jack looked down at me and offered my hand, which I gladly took, and he pulled me off the ground. He walked towards a few palms. "You were marooned on this island before. We can escape in the same way." She said catching up with us. "To what point and purpose, young lady?" He asked. "The black pearl is gone. Unless you have a lot of sails hidden in that body...unlikely...young mister Turner will be dead long before you can reach him." Jack stated and kept looking at the trees. "But you're Captain Jack Sparrow. You vanished from under the eye of seven agents of the East India Company; you sacked Nassau Port without firing even a shot. Are you the pirate I've read about or not? How did you escape last time?" She asked him

"Last time I was here, a grand total of three days, all right? Last time..the rum runners used this island as a cache. They came by, and I was able to barter passage off. From the looks, it seems they've long been out of business. Probably have your bloody friend Norrington to thank for that." He said, and I looked away at the mention of his name. "So that's it then?" Elizabeth started. "That's the secret, grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow. You spend three days laying on a beach drinking rum." She said with a glare. "Welcome to the Caribbean, love." He told her and walked back to the beach. "I'm glad you're here, but this situation is just not too good." I told her and turned to walk after him.

At the evening, the both of them were heavily drunk and singing and dancing around a fire we made. I don't like alcohol, so I didn't drink anything. Jack suddenly pulled me up to my feet and felled me after him as he danced around the fire. They sang a song, and when it ended, Jack pulled the both of us to the ground. "I love this song!" He yelled out. "Really bad eggs! When I get the pearl back, I'm going to teach it to the whole crew. And we'll sing it all the time." Jack told me. "I'm sure of it." I answered. "And you will be the most fearsomepirate in the Spanish main," Elizabeth told him and sat down next to me. Jack then looked at me. "Not just Jack the Spanish Main. The entire ocean, the whole world. Wherever we want to go. That's what a ship is, you know? It's not just the keel and hull and cek and sails; that's what a ship needs. But what a ship is... What the Black Pearl is... is freedom." Jack said as he looked straight into my eyes. "That actually sounds beautiful." I told him, and he looked at me and then the ocean. "Jack, it must be really terrile for you to be rapped on this island." Elizabeth said, and I looked at her confused. I mean, sure, she's drunk, but she wouldn't say something like this. She even tried to lean against him, but Jack put himself a little more in my direction and put my head on his shoulder. "Oh yes, but the company is infinitely better than last time, and the scenery had definitely improved," he said as he looked down at me. I felt my eyes slowly getting heavier each second. "Mr Sparrow!" Elizabeth then yelled out. ""I'm not entirely sure that I've got enough run to allow that kind of talk," Elizabeth said. "Don't worry, I wasn't even talking to or about you." He said something more serious this time, but I was already about to fall asleep, so I worried about nothing. Jack then put my head on his chest and said something to Elizabeth, but I was now already asleep.

The next morning I woke up, I smalled fire. I immediately opened my eyes to see I was wrapped up in Jack's arms and Elizabeth was causing a fire with the rum a few meters away. "Jack, wake up!" I said and shook him until he opened his eyes. He immediately looked at how we were lying and grinned at me. But when he smelled the fire and looked at Elizabeth, that smile faded. "No! Not good! Stop! What are you doing? You've burned all the food, the sugar, the rum." "Yeah, the rum's gone," she said, annoyed. "Why's the rum gone!?" He yelled. "One because it's a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into comical scoundrels. Two that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out looking for me and probably my sister too. Do you think there is the slightest chance that they won't see it?" She asked. "But why's the rum gone?" Jack asked, and I swear I almost saw tears in his eyes about the rum. "Just wait, Captain Sparrow. Give it one hour or keep a weather eye open, and you'll see white sails at that horizon." She said. Jack got out his gun and pointed it stressed at Elizaeth before he put it back and started walking off. "Jack!" I yelled and was about to follow him, but my sister stopped me. "Don't follow that damn pirate; he doesn't deserve it." She said, and annoyed, I sat down next to her. "What are you even wearing? Where's your dress?" She asked, and I rolled my eyes. "Well, first of all, that pirate you talk about is the reason why you're even alive and why you're free from the pirates. Second of all, I hated that dress. And these clothes are way more comfortable." I told her, and after that we kept quiet.

But Elizabeth was right. An hour later, there actually was the sip of the Royal Navy, and a boat was on the way to us. I noticed Jack from the corner of my eyes, walking back over to us.

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