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-meanwhile with Will-

He was everywhere trying to find Jack to get his compass to free Elizabeth. But no one has seen Jack Sparrow until he finds a man who maybe could help him. "I can't say about Jack Sparrow. But there's an island just south of the straits where I trade spice for... delicious long pork... I cannot say about Jack, but you'll find a ship there. A ship with black sails."

So the man took Will to the island. "My brother will take you ashore." The man spoke, and when they were almost there, the man stopped the boat, and Will had to swim the rest to land. And yeah, there was the Black Pearl, kind of lying on the beach. Will stood next to the pearl and started yelling. "Jack! Jack Sparrow! Marty! Cotton! Anybody?" He asked and walked further into the woods, where Cotton's parrot landed. "Ah, a familiar face." Will said. "Don't eat me." The parrot said and flew away. "I'm not gonna eat you." "Don't eat me." It said again. Will walked further through the jungle until he found Gibbs bottle with a small rope attached. He followed the rope until the rope ended. Out of nowhere, a man came from the tree, and out of panik, Will stumbled back and got pulled up by a rope that was around his foot. He got surrounded by some Indigenous people. He had his sword and tried to fight them, but when he got shot in the neck, he fell unconscious.

He got carried up a mountain into a small village. When they arrived, Will finally woke up, and when he noticed Jack sitting on a kind of throne, he slowly looked at him in relief. He then noticed Y/N sitting right in front of his feet. She looked at Will with big eyes. "Jack? Jack Sparrow?" Will then started speaking. "I can honestly say, I'm glad to see you." He said, and Jack stood up, patted Y/N on the head, and started poking him. "Jack, it's me. WIll Turner." Jack said something in their native language. "Jack, the compass. That's all I need." He said, "Elizabeth is in danger. We were arrested for helping you! She faces the gallow!" He yelled out, and Jack stopped sharing eye contact with Y/N, who looked very worried. Jack turned around and again said something in their native language, and they then took Will away from there to put him in a kind of bone dungeon.


"Jack, what now?" I asked when he sat down next to me. "I have an idea, just forwarded my orders." He quickly stood up and approached them, "No, no, more woods, big fire. Big fire! I am chief; I want big fire." Jack said, and when nobody was looking, he tooked my hand, and we made a run for it. Jack had grabbed my hand and was currently dragging me over a bridge. Jack almost fell off a cliff, but I quickly pulled him back. "Watch out!" "Thank's, love." He said and pulled me over into a house. "What are we suppose to do now?" I asked and grabbed a few things, like a rope and a can with the words paprika on them. We took me outside again, not answering my question. "Oh, bugger," he said as we looked at some angry Indigenous people. Jack dropped the rope and shakes the can so that the powder is poured under his armpits. "A little seasoning, eh?" He said, and just a moment later, I and Jack were tied to a bamboo stick and carried towards the fire. "Well done." I mumbled sarcastic. Jack ignored my comment, and we concentrated on a man who walked tows us with some fire. "Hey, stop. Let her down now. I'm the chief; I want her down." Jack tried to tell the people as the man walked towards us. A small boy suddenly ran right into the village, pointing in the other direction in panic and yelling something in their native language. Everybody then looked at Jack full of expectation. "Well, go on, go get them," he said, and the man with the torch let it fall to the ground, and along with all the others he ran away. "What is going on, Jack!?" I yelled at him while the fire reached the wood, and the big fire was now alight. "We have only this chance. Come on, help me, and try to swing us out of here." He said and started swinging to get the bamboo off the wood, so I joined in. We had finally enough force, and we swung out of the fire and onto the ground. When we finally managed to stand up, Jack tried to get the rope off, but it just didn't work. We then noticed a small boy with a knife and a fork standing there looking at us. Jack quickly walked over to the boy and grabbed the knife, but when we looked at the front, there stood two people with fruit bats looking right at us. "Well, shit."

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