We quickly ran back to the boats, and Jack opened the jar of dirt and pulled some sand out to put the heart there. Just then Jack and I got attacked by one of the Davy Jones crew, and I quickly doged it with my sword, and Jack took an oar, and together we both fought the man. Elizabeth and the two idotos also arrived, followed by the whole crew of Davy Jones. There was now a huge brawl. The huge water wheel also came crashing right into the fight. I was too focused on the fight to think about it more. We fought some more time, and soon Will just fell over. "Leave him lie! Unless you plan on using him to hit something with." Jack told Elizabeth, and she let it be. We were surrounded by Davy Jones's crew. "We're not getting out of this." Elizabeth said. "Not with the chest." Norrington said, grabbing the chest. "You're mad." I said, and Norrginton looked at me. "Don't wait for me." He said and just ran away with the chest. The other pirates quickly ran after him. "I say we respect his final wish." Jack said and pulled me into the boat.
With the jar of dirt in his arms, Jack walked over the deck. "Where's the commute?" Gibbs asked. "Fell behind." Jack answered and kept walking. "The bright side is, you're back and made it free and clear." Gibbs said in a good mood. Next to us suddenly a ship acme out of the water. Well, not any ship. Flying Dutchman. Jack pulled me over to him by my arm, and we looked at Davy Jones. "Lord on high, deliver us." Gibbs mumbled. "I'll handle this, mate." Jack said, pushed me a little behind, and walked forward. "Oi! Fishface! Lose something? eh?" He wanted to say something more but then fell down the stairs. "Jack." I mumbled. "Got it!" He yelled and stood up again, holding up the jar of dirt. "Come to negotiate, eh, have you, you slimy git? Look what I got."
"I got a jar of dirt. I got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it?" Jack sang and grinned at them when the guns were now pointing at him. "Hard to starboard." Jack mumbled. "Hard to starboard!" Elizabeth then yelled out. "Brace up the foreyard!" Will now also yelled, and I stayed with Gibbs. We tried to get away, and they followed us while they shot at us. A gun almost hit me, and Jack came back and pulled me onto the floor. Then he took over steering the ship. After some time, we finally were out of reach. "My father is on that ship. If we can outrun her, we should turn and fight." Will told Jack. "Why fight when we can negotiate?" Jack asked him. "All one needs is the proper leverage." Jack said and put down the jar of dirt.
The boat then hit something underwater, and the jar fell down from the boat. Jack quickly ran down to get the heart. "We must have hit a reef!" Some men shouted. "No. It's not a reed." Will said, and I looked over the ship into the water. Bubbles came out of the water. "Get away from the rail!" Will yelled and pulled Elizabeth back. "What is it?" I asked him, confused. "The kraken," he answered. Jack looked up in horror. "To arms!" "Load the guns! Defend the mast!" "It'ss attack starboard!" Yelles were heard around the deck, and people were running when I got pulled to the ride by Jack. "Come on, love, we'll leave." He said and pointed to the small boat. "What, Jack, we can't leave them behind." I said and pointed at the others. "Come on, we have no time." He said and started pulling me along with him. "No! You can leave and run away all you want! But I won't leave them." I said and turned away from him in anger. I took a gun and stood with Gibbs and Marty, ready to fight.
The tentacle from the kraken started crawling up, and we waited for Will's command. "Will!" Elizabeth yelled. "Fire!" Will yelled, and we started shooting at the Kraken. The other boats were destroyed, and we had nowhere to go. "Pull the grates. Get all the gunpowder onto the net in the cargo hold!" Will yelled. Soon the Kraken attacked again, and this time it was angry, very angry. It took a few men with him into the water. I ran over deck and attacked the tentacle with my sword. While Will got pulled up along with the gunpowder. But the Kraken managed to grab the gunpowder, and Will was hanging in the net with his foot. I grabbed a gun to fire at the gunpowder when a tentacle suddenly grabbed me by my foot and I fell over. I tried to free myself when suddenly someone cut the tentacle off, and I looked up to see Jack. "Jack..." I mumbled in relief, and he grabbed the gun and shot at the gunpowder. The tentacles went into the ocean again. I felt arms wrapping around me, and Jack pulled me up. I hugged him tightly. "You came back." I mumbled. "Of course, anything for you." He said, and then we separated. "Abandon the ship. Into the longboat!" Jack ordered. "Jack. The Pearl," Gibbs said. "She's only a ship, mate." Jack said with a kind of sadness in his voice. "He's right. We have to head for land." Elizabeth said. "It's a lot of open water." Someone said. "We have to try. We can get away as it takes fown the pearl." Will said, and we nodded. "Abandon the ship. Abond the ship or abond the hope." Gibbs said, and we all went to the longboat.

|Tides of Temptation | Jack Sparrow x reader
FanfictionY/n Swan. She is the sister of Elizabeth Swan and second daughter of Govener Swan. She's not like her sister, though. She loves the action, and she hates everything that has to do with royalty. Her and her sister get along quite well, but when she h...