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Rosalie pov first encounter

Crossing my arms I frown listening to Edward and Bella running their mouths to the witch twins, seeing her rush up I tense at the sound of her laugh it sounds like a vampire being ripped apart and hearing her voice confuses me.

Seeing her grab Edward I stand unmoving watching her maybe she will kill him and we don't have to deal with his self centered controlling ass anymore.

Watching her pin him down so his arms wrap around hers while kneeling on his shoulders still twisting his head I roll my eyes at Bella screaming for Edward.

Hearing her call Bella closer I smirk nudging her forward, once she tells Bella to pull her hood down I hold my unneeded breath seeing Royce as a vampire.

Tensing slightly I take a deep breath controlling myself, I know he's dead and never coming back I ripped him apart he was never bitten.

Bella screams dropping back before she's dragged forward while Edward stays pinned.

Watching this I frown more catching glimpses of a girl who looks beautiful with blonde hair like Jane's.

Stepping closer I kneel down looking at her, she's beautiful almost like something you'd expect a princess to look like.

I'm unclear why her gift doesn't work on me like the others, it reminds me of a glitch on your phone where it freezes and keeps flashing between two things.

I can see Royce but I see someone else.

Seeing her flip her body over Edward I frown more, she moves like something in a horror movie almost bending into herself before she lifts him and kicks him towards the reservation.

Tracking him I raise a brow at where he lands right in the shifters territory.

Looking back to the Volturi members I see that she's got her mask back on and it seems to be stitched into her hood so when she pulls it up it lays over her face perfectly.

Her and the twins turn heading back from wherever they been before Edward rushing in snarling and looking around.

Rolling my eyes at him I scoff, he knew they were long gone and just wanted to act like he wasn't scared for his filthy blood singer.

Seeing him glare at me I sneer imagining Evangeline ripping him apart while smirking at him.

He looks away and starts explaining who we just met to Bella's whining ass and I lean on the tree watching as they comfort her with Edward.

"You all realize what this means right?" I ask like I'm talking to a child.

"That we have intimidated the Volturi and they are trying to scare us" Edward says sounding confident.

"Ignoring the moron" I start getting cut off by Carlisle telling me not to speak about Edward like that.

"He is a moron, he is torturing himself with his blood singer, putting us all in danger because they have pissed off the Volturi, we are lucky no one died and all he can think is we scared them" I hiss looking at Carlisle.

"I vote we kill the human and move on" I add.

"We are not killing Edward's mate, what if we killed Emmett when you asked for him changed"

"First I never asked for him changed you chose to change him and try to force us to be mates, he is not my mate the same as you tried to make me Edward's mate after changing me and it almost got him killed because I tried to rip his head off" I hiss.

Looking at them I scoff stalking back to the house "I'm not helping that fake bitch anymore, I'll hand her to a passing nomad or the Volturi if you try to make me help" I call back stalking off.

"Emmett control your wife" Edward yells making me laugh as I reach the house.

Going to my room I pack a bag with a few outfits before gathering the money I've been saving while making half assed planes but never deciding on anything.

Walking out I toss my bag in my car and take off to the one place I can always go to find comfort.

Stopping at the line I step out seeing the large white wolf that shifts and redresses "What are you doing?" She asks crossing her arms.

"I'm leaving, come with me" I answer holding my hand out to her.

She frowns looking back to La Push before looking at me "please Leah, I don't want to leave you alone anymore I can't stand us being separated because of them" I whisper.

"I need to pack" she answers.

"I'll buy you clothes, if you go back they'll force you to stay"

After a moment she nods running over getting in my car before I rush around taking off.

Speeding down the road till reaching Seattle I sigh feeling Leah's warm hand on my thigh "I can't feel the pack anymore" she whispers.

"The pack bond was weak and close to breaking because they kept us apart, you choosing to come broke it" I answer.

"What about the other two who always stopped us meeting?" She asks.

"She can't see around you and as long as he's not around he won't hear out thoughts, we can be free" I answer grabbing her hand.

"Where are we going?"

"Don't know yet I thought about Alaska but it would alert them because that coven would disappear from Alice's visions so maybe explore the world together" I answer.

Unknown pov ( Las Vegas trip)

Standing at my table I raise my brow at the two women at my table, I'm almost certain they're counting cards but then who's winning starts losing and the house wins money back again for a bit then it starts over.

Once they finish at my table I watch them walk away frowning "Raven what is it?" A security guard asks.

"Nothing they just had really good luck" I mutter shaking my head.

"Think they're cheating?" He asks crossing his arms.

Thinking it over my mind suddenly stops on what's been bothering me about this group, red eyes extremely beautiful to the point it's unnatural "no they just remind me of a story my uncle use to tell me as a kid".

"Story?" He asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, something about our tribe being descents of werewolves and that we became shifters when the Cold ones came around, he said they were extremely beautiful and had red eyes, it's an old native story our tribe told us"

Hearing him laugh I smile waving it off "just found it amusing they reminded me of that" I add before he nods walking off.

Checking the time I smile heading to clock out and go home, once done I walk down the street making a call.

"Fuck you Swan" the voice barks.

"Fuck you too Clearwater" I greet chuckling "so remember those stories Uncle Billy use to tell about the Cold ones?" I say casually.

"Yes?" She asks sounding uncomfortable.

"I seen a group of women who I'd swear matched what he explained" I say laughing unsurely.

"What did they look like exactly?" Leah asks.

Sighing I explain each person "the final one had her face hidden I caught a glimpse of her jaw when she blew on some dice and noticed everyone seemed horrified, but I couldn't understand why from what I seen she looked beautiful".

"Raven, go back to a casino stay in a large crowd and avoid following anyone with red eyes" a new voice orders before hanging up.

Frowning I look at my phone but do as Leah's friend asked.

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