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Putting mix limp on the spot his head should be I smile tilting my head looking at him "I'm not sure this seems a little harmless" I mutter.

Hearing a clatter sound I glance back seeing Sirena pouting at Jane while being held back "but I can help" she whines.

"How could you help?" I ask curious if the crazy mermaid really knows anything.

Jane sighs letting her go when I motion her forward "just a moment" she squeals gathering what she dropped.

I step back watching as she drops it beside me before pulling out a IV needle, frowning I watch confused as she tugs my work off dropping them.

She then takes the leg and fits the needle into the exposed frozen vein at the back of his knee, then puts it back almost exactly as I had it "can someone get me some water from the beach?" She asks.

Jane takes off coming back with a bucket full "hang it there" she says pointing to a beam.

I watch confused as Jane ties a rope to the bucket before jumping up and slowly lifting it, once it's in place Sirena takes wire wrapping his body completely without blocking the IV tube.

She has Jane lift him upside down after putting a second tube leading to another bucket in his neck.

"What exactly will this do?" I ask confused.

"Just watch, we did this once it was so funny" she answers in a voice similar to Jane's manic voice.

After a few moments he screams shaking "it's mimicking the feeling of being changed, the salt water scratches his veins up causing it to burn while his venom is forced out causing his body to need to struggle to replace it".

"Jane, your crazy mate is amazing" I say softly.

"But why the wires?" I ask.

"Oh, I knew I forgot something" she says before running out, after a moment she comes back pulling jumper cables in the window and hooking them to the wire.

"I wanted to try this after watching that movie with Jane" she adds.

"What?" I ask stepping back pulling Jane with me.

"Now Rose" she calls.

Hearing a static pop I watch shocked seeing the sparks popping on the wires as he thrashes around more "I think I'm scared of her" Jane whispers.

I nod refusing to voice my thoughts watching as Sirena jumps clapping her hands happily while laughing.

Seeing pieces crumble to ash under him I watch shocked as he slowly burns without a fire.

Rosalie pov

Placing a large rock on the gas I rush around back inside to see if this worked, seeing Jane with a look of horror and amazement.

I look at Carlisle seeing the small dust pile underneath him as Evangeline gathers it and tosses it out the window so it blows away.

"I think she's worse then you three" I mutter to Jane.

"She's beautiful and I'm in love" Jane says sounding terrified.

Figures Jane's crazy ass would fall in love with someone who scares her, it just fits for her.

"I think father will love her" Jane adds "and mother once they hear this"

Evangeline comes back shaking her head.

Sometime later Jane pov

Watching as the last of Carlisle turns to ask Evangeline grabs his  head before it can burn, I stand looking at Sirena as she pouts "my toy broke" she says sadly.

Her eyes lock on me and I feel what I think should be fear rushing over me but all I feels excitement "Jane can I have a new doll please?" She asks pouting.

Nodding I smile dazed by her till I feel a hand slap my head "not yet you demonic monsters, let the others realize something's wrong first then you can pick a new toy" Evangeline orders.

Seeing her move to clean up the mess I sigh looking at Sirena "we have a bucket of venom" Evangeline adds.

"Put a lid on it, I have plans for my new doll, oh can I have a female?"

"Yes, just go away"

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