Evangeline pov, Forks

Stopping at the line of the wolves territory I cross my arms waiting as Jane and Alec lead the Cullens to stand by us.

Once the wolves and elders come up I step forward ignoring the wolf growling while I look to the only one in a chair before clearing my throat "hello gentlemen I am Evangeline".

"You speak to me" the wolf orders stepping in the way.

Ignoring him I look at the leaders before Billy tells him to stop interrupting and allow me to speak.

"I promised a demonstration of what we told you about our diet" I say motioning to the human with us "this lovely lady has worked with us since she was saved as a child she's now almost 30 and wants to be turned soon however she's agreed to postpone it to help you see the truth" I add.

She steps up and I hold out a knife to her, she nods taking it "Hello my name is Gianna I have agreed to this of my own free will and my employers have promised to protect me or change me if needed" she says before putting a small cut on her finger before walking past us each with her hand out close to our face.

We stand unmoving and unfazed before she does it to the Cullens showing their eyes darken and them to jerk while Carlisle shakes slight before Alec drops them all.

"Thank you Gianna, please have Jane help you cover that, best not to temp the Cullens anymore" I say calmly before looking at the leaders while motioning to the Cullens "you have unknowingly allowed starving vampires around humans putting the entire area at risk".

Taking a breath at hearing my voice pitch I clear my throat before continuing "I will try to answer all your questions since I can now speak with you since the newborn fight".

"You're not who was at the fight" the wolf says scoffing.

Twitching slightly I look at him "I would be more then happy to prove I am" I hiss.

"You're lying" he growls.

"If you have heart problems I ask that you look away and cover your ears" I say calmly.

Moving to stand in front of him I reach up pulling my mask back "you will stay in a child's place boy, I will speak with your elders not a child playing like a man" I order before grabbing his throat yanking him over to my side while lifting him.

"Did you know that anyone who kills the current alpha no matter if they are human, vampire, or a different type of shift takes that title and controls the pack, I am more than happy to take it however that human covered in you scent is clearly pregnant, I'd hate to leave a child without a father or a mother to raise a child alone but I will do it if you do not control yourself" I growl squeezing slightly when he tries to shift.

Feeling him go limp I drop him back by the elders "he is alive, I apologize for that but I do not tolerate disrespect from anyone let alone a child".

Billy nods before looking at Raven and Leah "you're imprints?" He asks.

Taking a deep breath I pull my gift back under control as Leah introduces Rosalie officially to her parents and Uncle.

Raven grabs my hand leading me to the humans "this is my imprint" she says proudly.

Nodding stiffly I hold my hand out ignoring the other elders shocked gasps when Billy shakes my hand.

Looking back I motion to the rest with me "that is my mother and aunts by bond with a few co workers, and those two are my siblings in both blood and venom".

"Are you all gifted?" A woman asks.

Looking at her I tilt my head confused "that's my Aunt Sue, Leah's mom" Raven whispers.

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