Raven pov

Leah holds her phone out to me shaking her head, rolling my eyes I take it answering the call.

"Hello Uncle Billy"

"Raven?" He sighs.

"I've learned something that I plan to dump you out of your chair for"

"Your welcome to try now what did you learn?"

"We turn into wolves, Leah came to help me when it happens because I'm showing sighs of it, and vampires are very real in fact I'm sitting in a room full of them"

Leah leans over near the phone "and Sam tried to keep me from my imprint because she's a vampire".

Frowning I look at her confused "oh and my pack bond broke because of this so I have no loyalty to the pack" she adds.

"He did what?" I hear Harry yell.

"Do you have leaders or something?" Evangeline ask softly.

Nodding I hold the phone out to her and she takes it "hello, could I speak with who's in charge?" She asks politely after putting it on speaker.

"Who is this?" Uncle Billy demands.

"My name is Evangeline, I was needing to speak with who's in charge to make sure there's no problems, we have been invited to the wedding between Cullen and his blood singer"

"And why would you need to do that?" He asks calming down at her politeness.

"I understand there's an agreement between the Cullens and the wolves, you have all been misinformed about vampire nature with feeding, I would be willing to meet and explain it better and even offer a demonstration if needed, but we drink from blood bags from death row prisoners and contaminated blood hospitals plan to get rid of however we do feed on criminals when we catch them"

"What have we been lied to about?" Harry demands.

"Drinking Animal blood is like a human living off water and a bite of food eventually they give into the hungry, basically you have a coven of starving vampires who could snap and be like a new born during their first feeding, any human around them is likely to die if they lose control"

"And they know this?"

"Yes Edward and Carlisle know this, the rest I doubt they know but possibly Alice while Jasper may suspect, he's an empath and without proper feeding and training he can't control his gift, he feels everyone's blood lust I believe he follows because while feeding from humans he feels everything they feel"

"How do you know this?" Harry asks.

"I've been a vampire for over a thousand years, I've seen the long term effects of feeding from animals Sir, the Volturi believe while we maybe seen as monsters we can still do good by removing criminals or removing those who are dying painfully and slowly, at times we change them if we believe they would be useful but like with humans sometimes there are evil ones who should have never been made or mistakes that need cleaned up"

"We will handle the pack" Billy finally says.

"If I'm not mistaken Sir the previous Alpha's descents have a claim to take the pack over correct?"

"Yes however my son refuses to do it because it's a fight to the death"

"Oh, well then that can't happen" Evangeline mutters.

"We will arrive in a few days" she adds before handing the phone back.

Evangeline pov a week later

Standing in the desert I watch as Raven finally shifts while holding her clothes since she's wrapped in a sheet with Leah helping her.

Smiling I step closer holding my hand out to her, her head snaps to me and I freeze looking at her before hearing her whine softly "what happened?" I ask worried.

"She imprinted on you" Rosalie says standing by me smirking.

Looking at her I tilt me head waiting for someone to explain it "it's their version of finding soul bonds they will be anything you need so a friend, a protector, or lover" she adds.

Getting tackled I gasp covering my face so my mask stays on at feeling her nuzzle me pushing at the mask.

Feeling a sheet cover us I grunt seeing Leah smirk at me "Okay now let's get you shifted back so your imprint has a chance to move".

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