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Two days later Jane pov

Holding my pretty mates pants I smile leading her back to La Push "okay quick lessons on shifters there are now three packs, the Uley pack are trash that deserve death led by a man whore cheater, his mate is the scar faced home wrecking slut" I say pointing them out "the rest don't mater".

"Second pack is Black pack, he's a bitch but he's getting better and trying to learn everything, he's pack are a bunch of babies except for Jared he's okay"

"Third is the Swan pack it's a mixed pack meaning it has more then shifters and it's the best, my sister's mate leads it with Leah as her Beta it includes Leah's mate Rosalie, me, my brother, my sister, and now you"

Leading her inside the council house I sit down pulling her to sit on my lap "what's happening? I ask.

"That seer has been sniffing around the border" Leah snarks.

Humming I stand up with my mate "I have an idea but I need you and Raven to help me with it".

Raven looks at me frowning "is it going to be something that annoys your sister?"

"No, at least not after I complete it"

"Fine let's go" Leah says standing up.

"You stay here with Marilyn Monroe's wanna be, she'll keep you safe till I come back" I coo to my mate before running out the door.

Motioning the wolves forward at seeing her looking around Raven shifts standing completely naked with her arms crossed looking at her.

"Oh God, why are you naked?" She asks stepping back.

"What do you want?" Raven demands.

"To speak with Sam about the new contract he sent" she says pouting at her.

"Sam's no longer in control I am"

"What happened to Sam why isn't Jacob in charge?"

"Bella happened, She picked Jacob to die and as a result I forced Sam to back down and took my birth right, now what do you want?"

I smirk sneaking up behind the seer before dropping down knocking her across the line, Leah and Raven grab her as I quickly take her arms and legs.

"We gotta hurry they heard this" I say grabbing Alice's hair dragging her body while they take her limbs and we rush back.

Running in I laugh dropping Alice and skip over to my mate seeing her getting her nails painted.

"I caught something" I say proudly motioning to the vampire.

"Wow a tiny changeling turned vampire" my mate snarks getting up and walking over to her before sitting on her stomach.

I watch as she grabs her face tilting it side to side looking at her "she's pretty I guess".

Frowning I glare at Alice hearing her start screaming "why are you doing that?" My mate asks.

"You're my mate" I hiss.

"You have yet to ask my name or anything about me" she snarks.

I freeze looking at her shocked before hearing a booming laugh, looking up I see Athenodora and Caius "Daddy" I call happily.

"I see you've been busy here" he says coming in ignoring Alice completely "now who is this" he asks looking at my mate.

"She's my mate I caught her when I was fishing with Mr. Swan"

He nods holding his hand out to her "it's a pleasure to meet you Jane's mate" he says sounding amused.

"Sirena" she says taking his hand "and this one kept me tied up because I tried to go to the restroom and thought I was leaving".

"You was heading for the door" Jane screeches.

"I had no idea how to use the restroom like this, of course I was because I was going to find a river or lake"

Caius nods looking away awkwardly "it's still a pleasure to meet you Sirena" he says sounding uncomfortable.

"Where's Evangeline?" Athenodora demands glaring at me then Alice.

"Playing diplomat with the local witch coven" I answer nodding.

"Why would see need to do that?"

"Isabitch, she pissed them off after learning Jessica has known about vampires and has been a witch for years, she ran her mouth and threatened her so now they are threatening revenge then to kill her, since the Cullens have ignored the laws and to add to the problem Isabitch decided to fucked her new husband Mike" Raven says.

"Why's she stopping them?" Caius asks.

"Jessica nearly blew up their house with a spell she was working on, so she's trying to get her back in line before she exposes everyone because the spell was meant to force her to tell every secret she has, when it blew up it got half the town"

I nod smiling proudly "got to watch the humans beat each other because they started telling their secrets to people, I stopped Mr. Swan from being shot, but I may have failed to protect the blood singers birth dad".

"May have?" Caius asks.

"Fine I pushed him into the path while moving Mr. Swan"

Evangeline pov

Sighing I sit on the couch listening to the mother and daughter pair of witches rant.

"I think I'm getting a headache" I mutter.

"Vampire can't get one, why are you not taking this more seriously" Jessica screeches.

"You're not the first group she's pissed off, the Cullens killed half a mated pair and left the other half alive to suffer and fall into madness for almost a year because of her, they have tormented the shifters for generations, and pissed off the Volturi leaders and me"

Feeling a book hit me I sigh picking it up "Jessica, I will say this one time, I understand you're upset but you will not attack me again because if you do I will kill you, now SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND LISTEN INSTEAD OF ACTING LIKE A SPOILED FUCKING BITCH, LIKE HER".

Seeing both quickly sit I take a breath rubbing my forehead "as of now three groups want her punished that I know of the Volturi, the shifters, and you two. We need to do this carefully because that coven clearly has zero regards for the law or anything but themselves".

Glancing at them I stand up moving to a shelf picking up a necklace meant to help vampires with something before putting it back "now if you are willing to work with us I'm sure we can find a punishment that will satisfy all our needs".

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