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Charlie pov

Watching everyone scatter to do jobs I stay in my seat thinking about what I've heard, Bella wants me dead for what my parents left me.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and glance seeing Billy watching me sadly.

Standing up I nod my head motion Jane to follow with Seth leaving the reservation I quickly get ready for my shift at work.

"Jane, find away for me to die on duty then change me"

"Charlie we can wait" she says quickly while Seth looks panicked.

"No, if I'm changed then it means you don't have to worry about protecting me and means she will learn she was not getting anything"

Jane sighs nodding stiffly "a wreck would work best" she offers softly.

I nod watching her make a call I can't hear and get up heading to my cruiser getting in.

Taking a deep breath I drive off knowing Jane's following on foot, reaching a deserter road with no houses I call in Edwards car as speeding, hitting the gas and siren I floor it gaining as much speed as possible before jerking the wheel causing it to fishtail.

I grunt feeling myself yanked out before I hit the trees feeling a burning start before being dropped to the ground, I keep my mouth shut watching as a man comes up and uses his speed to force a hole in the windshield where the tree missed.

He comes up and lifts me with Jane following him pouting at me, I shake fighting back a scream while trying to watch what's happening "relax don't fight it Charlie it only makes it worse" she whispers.

I groan trying to relax as I feel my clothes taken as well as my personal belongings before I'm taken away "don't worry Jane will make sure a body gets found and they believe it's you" the man says.

Raven pov a few hours later

Hearing someone knocking I yank the door open seeing a cop "yes?" I ask.

"There's been an accident" he starts.

"If it involves Bella call her mother" I snark interrupting him.

"No it's your father" he says sounding upset.

"Where is he?" I demand grabbing my keys walking out.

"He lost control of his car in a chase"

"Hospital?" I demand.

"I'm sorry but we need you to identify his belongings but we are certain it's him" he continues.

I nod stiffly heading to the hospital only to be met with another cop who walks me down.

Coming to the lab table I avoid looking at the body covered with a sheet, I already know it's not him the scent is completely wrong and I can pick up traces of Jane's scent.

They sit out his wallet, keys, and a necklace I made him for Father's Day when I was 16, picking it up I sigh closing my hand around it "these are his".

Taking a deep breath I fight back my shift "is he" I nod to the body.

"I don't think you should see him Raven, an animal got to him before we found him"

Nodding I close my eyes before grabbing his belongings "I need to plan his funeral" I whisper shaking more.

"Ma'am, those" someone calls out but stops at another cop telling him to let it go.

Stalking out I keep his stuff held close before getting in my car, taking some deep breaths I feel tears running down my face and roughly wipe them.

Getting myself under control I take off back to the reservation and jump out running for the woods.

"What happened?" I hear multiple people asks from the pack bond.

"It's not him, Jane or someone she trusts has him but it's to realistic I almost believe it's him" I snap.

"That's good right it means he's being changed?" Seth asks.

"Yes, but it's still not something a daughter wants to face even staged she's upset because it could have happened and she could have lost her dad" Leah snaps at him.

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