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Raven pov

Running up I flip Jacob over starting CPR on him as Evangeline paces listen, finally hearing it start he coughs curling up in a ball crying.

"We tried to tell you Jacob, you would listen" I say softly feeling him shake my hand off.

"Fuck you" he growls.

Evangeline snarls yanking up "watch how you speak to her boy, everyone tried to tell you what you were to blind to see, be mad at her for leading you on and be mad at me for making you face the truth but your pack and family are not to blame"

Seeing his glare she shove him back tossing shorts at him "get dress child".

I sigh watching her stalk away from us shaking her head "she's fucking insane" Jacob hisses looking at me.

"Jacob you raise your siblings while being abused by your family and the people on the reservation then face burning as a witch and having to watch your siblings burn with you, then tell me you would still be okay mentally, vampires protected them and have given them a real family while others hate them"

He frowns crossing his arms "she could have snapped your neck, so keep in mind she may have stopped your heart for a moment but she never intended to leave you dead, Yes she's completely nuts and enjoys hurting people but she's not a complete monster"

Seeing him walk off I roll my eyes seeing the pack go after him but Sam stands in place looking conflicted.

"What?" I ask glaring at him.

"She killed him" he says shaking "she knew and still picked the fucking Leech she's willing to let us all die for him".

"Humans are as much a threat as vampires, or other shifters you have to pay attention even with someone like Evangeline, she's dangerous and has a horrible temper but she's far from a monster" the Navajo shifters says frowning.

"When I was young myself and my sister were taken by humans because they thought we were escaped trafficked animals or exotic pets that were tossed out, for almost a year we were trapped in a zoo till one day a vampire came past chasing another, we watched her kill them before suddenly she noticed us she jumped down because she recognized our scent as shifters"

Sam looks at him confused "she picked us up and took us away from the zoo, she was far from perfect taking care of us and forgot we needed food at times or water so we had to remind her, eventually we made it back home and she handed us to our parents, from that point on we had a contract with her leaders for protection they help us with food and housing including education in exchange if they need our help we will help, we've never went to war because they never ask but we would if asked. Normally we are ask to come help when they find other shifters who need to learn the truth about what we are" he says calmly looking at where Evangeline went.

"Have you ever seen an immortal child?" He asks looking at Sam.

He shakes his head frowning "gather the pack and let me tell you why they are always called heartless" he says patting his shoulder.

Following him over once everyone joins including Rosalie and the twins we sit down "a child is seen as beautiful and pure, many women changed to vampires desire having a child but can not and even occasionally men, for many years before the Volturi took over children were stolen and turned into vampires" says calmly.

"Now it's well known vampires have heighten beauty, so if a child is turned all who meet and interact with it fall in love with it, they would die to protect it the problem was the child development stopped they couldn't learn control, a tantrum from one could lead to entire towns being slaughtered"

He glances at us taking a breath "because of this, the law was passed immortal children are a crime if you create one or know of one and do not report it you will be killed, they are forced to watch as the child is killed before dying".

John motions to Jane seeing her looking down shaking her head "they are uncontrollably, to turn a child is wrong because you take away their chances at life and love Alec and I was turned at 15 while Evangeline was 18 we would have died without it, I have killed one immortal child, he was beautiful and perfect completely pure and always would be".

"While holding him as his maker was held he smiled at me and I could feel my instincts to protect him trying to take over, he'd slaughtered an entire village and we had to clean it up I almost ran with the child to protect him but fought my instincts. I had to toss him into fire before his maker was killed, I could see her pain and heartbreak the longer I stalled she and her daughters suffered more till I killed him"

Jane takes a breath shaking slightly "the daughters had no idea of what she had done or about him, they had to watch their mother die and I know they seen me smile, they assume it was joy at killing the child, but the truth is I smiled at him because he was perfect I wanted to ignore he was an uncontrollable killer. I have refused to face the daughters after this because I may hurt for a moment killing the child and Mother, but they lost more what is my pain compared to theirs? They live with the memory of a heartless coven member killing a child happily before their mother".

Alec nods frowning "we live with the knowledge of every kill for breaking the laws, but we also know we are seen as heartless monsters"

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