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Raven pov

Watching my host while talking to Leah I notice how she's like a Statue without moving, she also keeps checking her mask like she's worried it's gone.

After hanging up I look at my breakfast again she got my favorite foods yogurt with fruit and oats with pancakes using strawberry cream instead of syrup.

Taking a bite I moan at the taste, I didn't think it was possible for someone to make this like Mom did.

Making casual conversation with her I look at her shocked she cooked me breakfast and spoke of siblings.

Asking about them I smile hearing her love for them in her voice, if she's really a cold one then she doesn't fit what Uncle Billy told me she seems nervous about me and clearly loves her siblings.

Before I can say more the door open and I see a woman come in with matching red eyes holding clothes "here, she's around the same size as me so these should fit okay".

"Thank you Renata" my host says before taking them and placing them on the bed by me.

I raise my brow seeing her touch my host's arm and smile, once the door closes behind her I smirk looking at her "girlfriend or wife?" I ask. 

She shakes her head fast stepping back "No, she's works with me".

Chuckling I nod finishing my food and she takes the tray before I can move it to the table "I'll leave you to change, the shower is there" she says pointing to it "your welcome to use any soaps I have".

Watching her leave quickly I raise my brow amused by her actions, it kind of reminds me of someone with their first crush.

Frowning I shake my head and get up heading to the bathroom, getting the water set I creep back out to the door leading into the main area seeing my host with her back to me holding a new mask.

Turning I leave the door opened slightly before pulling my clothes off and heading to the bathroom leaving that door wide open before getting in.

Grabbing a body wash I open it and smell it before looking at it seeing it's a thousand wishes from bath and body.

Smiling I quickly finish my shower before getting out wrapping a towel around my body, I then wrap my hair before hearing my phone ringing.

Sighing I walk out grabbed it up and reject the call from my sister before tossing it down and start getting dressed.

Hearing it start again I hit a button silencing the call without looking then adjust my bra to sit right, I sigh hearing it start again and yank it up without looking.

"Look you spoiled bitch leave me the fuck alone" I hiss.

"Damn is bitchella calling you again" the voice asks.

"Oh, sorry Leah yeah she's called twice already and I'm trying to get dressed" I answer.

"And why would you need to get dressed?"

"Because my lovely host got me a change of clothes and let me shower" I snark.

"Hmm" Leah says "and was this before or after she fucked you?" She adds.

"Nothing happened I wasn't feeling well last night and the wine didn't help"

"Are you sick?" Leah asks.

"I been getting a fever and body pains I'm thinking it's a cold maybe the flu"

"Shit, Raven why didn't you say anything?" Leah demands.

"What it's not like I haven't gotten sick before"

"Raven go home and I'll speak when I get there" she orders.

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