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Evangeline pov

Storming into the building I glare at the twins ignoring Jane crouching down hissing protecting her mermaid.

"What were you thinking? You know the laws yet you broke one" I demand.

"We forgot" Alec mutters looking down.

"After all these years how could you forget?"

"We just got excited, he likes us as we are" Jane adds sadly.

Sighing I shake my head "you know the rules and by catching her you have made it impossible to avoid it" I say softly.

"What's going on?" Charlie demands looking panicked.

"Dad" Raven calls taking a blanket Harry offers.

I walk over holding it out so she's hidden before she holds it to her chest, stepping back I nod and watch her shift.

Grabbing it the blanket I place it over her back before she changes back "the stories?" He mutters looking at Billy.

"All true including the Cold ones" Billy answers.

Moving to sit across from him I sigh pushing my mask off "we are what they call cold ones, but we are vampires Raven has shifter blood because her mother, Sam isn't in a gang or on drugs they are spirit warriors like Raven meant to protect humans".

Charlie rubs his face and gets up pacing back and forth shaking his head "why wasn't I told she may do this" he finally asks.

"We didn't know females could, until Leah shifted we recently learned our history is wrong on some things by then Raven had moved away, she shifted after coming into contact with Evangeline and her group in Vegas, Leah and Rosalie called and spoke to them to warn them"

"Warned them about what?"

"There's a second world among the humans we stay hidden for many reasons but humans who find out about it are either killed or changed" Raven answers coming in.

"Charlie sit down we have a lot to tell you and I hope once we do, you will continue to be kind to us we never intended to lie but we wanted to keep you safe" I add.

Several hours later

Seeing Charlie sat in his chair I patiently wait for him to think everything over "the animal attacks?" He asks.

"Nomad vampires that Bella ended up pissing off because she ran her mouth, they attacked her and tried to change her but Edward stopped it and nearly killed her by sucking the venom out" I answer.

"That missing college student was turned into a vampire to lead an army meant to kill Bella" Billy adds.

"There's something else to" Raven says sliding papers to him "Athenodora pulled some strings to get this done as fast as possible".

"What is it?" He asks taking it.

"Just read it"

He sighs opening it frowning before his eyes fill with tears "she's not mine" he whispers.

"I'm sorry Dad, I didn't believe she was my sister, she doesn't look anything like you or her mom"

He nods folding it up "Charlie, normally the law is any human that knows about us has to be changed or killed, with you having such a strong connection to the Quileute tribe I will give you two choices to think about, first is stay human but never mention anything about this to anyone who doesn't know, if you have a case that seems off tell the wolves, or you can be changed to be a vampire".

"What about Raven?" He asks looking at her.

"As long as I shift at least three times a week I won't age but it is possible for me to be a hybrid if I'm bitten while changing to my wolf"

"What are going to do?" He asks.

"I'll probably be bitten but I think I'd like to have a child first, Leah already decided to do that"

He nods getting up slowly making her way out but stops looking at Raven "I'm happy you found your imprint".

He then looks at Jane "congratulations on finding your mate Jane".

"Thank you Charlie" she says softly while holding her sleeping mate.

A few days later

"Jane why is your mate tied up on my bed" I holler seeing the mermaid on my bed pouting with her legs tied.

"She tried to run" Jane says coming in holding food.

"I wonder why, could it have something to do with a vampire dragged her out of the ocean and has been holding her hostage"

"I did not" Jane screeches.

"Yes you did now let me go" the mermaid yells throwing my book at her.

Huffing I pick it up placing on my bedside table again "I'd appreciate you not throwing my things" I say while untying her and kicking at Jane to keep her back.

"I apologize for Jane, she's waited over a thousand years to find her mate and unfortunately her instincts are running her right now" I add ignoring Jane being held back by Athenodora.

Getting the girl free she huff moving her legs around "figures I end up with a crazy mate" she mutters frowning.

"You feel the pull?" I ask.

"Yes from the moment she tried to pull me out of the hole I was digging and see her"

"Then why did you throw me then drag me under like you did?" Jane whines pouting.

"Because you called me fishy chick then called me fishy ass bitch" she says raising her voice.

Seeing Jane go to yell back Athenodora covers her mouth "okay girls enough screaming let's talk like civilized beings".

"She needs home training" the mermaid snarks.

I frown looking at her "she knows how to behave she's just excited to find you and lost control of her instincts" I hiss seeing Jane flinch.

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