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Charlie pov

Sighing I put my pen down before leaning back in my chair, I don't know what to do anymore no matter how much I try I can't bond with Bella, she's running wild and nothing I do helps it's gotten worse since she started dating the Cullen boy, she's constantly lying and top it off Jake who's underage she started leading him on and continues to do so.

Raven I can tell she's hiding something but not lying everything she's said is true but not true at the same time.

Add to my confusion Jake joining Sam's gang and possible drug use, the Cullens just keep becoming stranger and their reaction to Evangeline and her family.

Then Raven after busting Bella's lip she didn't wipe the blood off and Jane insisting on throwing away the bandaid I had on my finger.

I know she's doing something I just can't put the pieces together correctly, I'm missing evidence that's connects everything if I could just figure it out maybe it would make everything make sense.

Smelling food I frown looking before my desk seeing Jane holding a bag "Hello Mr. Swan, my sister asked me to drop this off to you and there's enough your coworkers can have some" she says motioning a large man to sit down several pans of food down.

"Oh, she didn't have to do this" I say confused.

"She was cooking for a meeting at the reservation and decided to make sure you had a good healthy meal because Raven has been worried about your eating habits"

Nodding I watch as Jane pushes the large man while waving at me, she's such a sweetheart a bit bossy and serious but clearly Evangeline raised them right till their parents adopted them and Alec for so young he's a gentleman.

"Who was that chief?"

"Raven's girlfriend's little sister I'm not sure about the man possible an employee of her dad's" I answer getting up to get some food finding so fish fry, smoked pulled pork, mashed sweet potatoes, several kinds of vegetables, and fruit with a list of everything used in case you're allergic to anything and finally two types or brownies with and without nuts.

"Go get everyone" I say smiling.

Getting some fish and potatoes with some corn I sit down at my desk eating watching as my coworker get food.

Evangeline pov

Placing the last pan of food down I step back seeing the Navajo shifters come up with a healthy mix of men and women.

"Thank you for agreeing to help them John" I say.

He nods looking around frowning at the wolves "I did not realize they were this out of control and disconnected" he says sounding disgusted.

"They've lost their way, their spirit warriors are out of control with a tyrant leader" I answer.

Hearing running I see Jane running with Sam after her before she spins hitting him across the jaw after ripping her cloak.

The guest shifter flinch hearing the snap of his jaw before he's on the ground screaming from her gift.

Seeing Paul go to jump in I run up lifting him by his neck "stand down or I'll kill your Alpha and beta" I order.

The freeze looking conflicted before I throw Paul to Jacob "you all are unworthy of being called protectors" I hiss moving back to the guest.

Jane comes over dropping Sam in front of the Navajo Alpha who reaches down yanking him up by his hair roughly.

"I'll take it from here" he says glaring at Sam.

Nodding I turn around seeing Raven eating a large helping of burgers with Leah as Rose drinks from a water bottle full of mixed blood easing herself onto human blood so she doesn't lose control.

"Are you okay Jane?" I ask.

"Asshole ripped my favorite cloak" she hisses looking at it.

"You have five more that are exactly the same" I snark.

"I don't care if I have five hundred, this one is my favorite" she hisses before pouting at me slightly.

Sighing I hold my hand out "give me it I'll try to fix it".

She nods pulling it off tossing it to me before crossing her arms glaring at Sam "I've killed people for less" she grumbles.

A few hours later

Grabbing Jacob I toss him away while stalking closer to Bella snarling, hearing his clothes rip before he jumps at me I twist kick out sending flying knocking down four trees.

"Say it again" I order at her as she goes pale looking to the other shifts for help while their being held in place forced to watch.

Seeing her turn to run I run up grabbing her hair yanking her back "what's your perfect Edward going to do?" I demand.

"Answer me" I scream when she doesn't respond.

"Kill you fucking dykes" she says looking to the side.

Hearing Jacob trying to sneak up I smirk knowing he can't see anything, just as he jumps I spin out of the way so he scratches Bella across her face.

I hold my arms out tilting my head "you're no protector boy, your nothing but a stupid child being manipulated by a human leading you on, she will never choose you she uses you to make him jealous, your not even a choice because she wants to stop aging".

Laughing I flip dodging his attack ignoring Bella's screams "you allow this bitch to disrespect your pack, people, and family for what a childish crush" I taunt jumping on his back before jumping off his head knocking him down.

"I'm over a thousand years old you are nothing more then a babe nursing on your mother's teet compared to me, try hard"

Seeing him lunge at me I bend backwards into a flip kicking under his jaw knocking him back "Jacob do something" Bella screams kicking her feet.

He gets up shaking his head before charging me, sidestepping him I wrap my arms around his throat so he can't move.

Seeing Jane and Alec come running up with Edward I chuckle as she grabs his neck "let's play a game".

"You Bella will choose one, the loser dies so who's it gonna be? Your childhood best friend that's always loved you or the new guy who loves your blood and left you in the woods knowing how clumsy you are"

She looks at Edward not speak so I tighten my hold as Jane tist Edward's head more "Choose one out loud for everyone to hear" I order.

"Edward" she mumbles as I hear Jacob whimper slightly hearing her answer.

"Louder so everyone hears or they both die"

"EDWARD" she screams glaring at me.

"You heard her boy" I coo tightening my hold as he thrashes around struggling to breathe, once we hear his heart stop Jane let's Edward go as I drop Jacob.

"You will never step foot on the reservation again or you die" Sam snarls struggling to get free glaring at Bella who looks at Billy for help.

"Leave Isabella" he yells crying.

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