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Raven pov

Seeing Evangeline come in with Jessica I sigh seeing her freeze looking at me "Raven?" She asks.

"Yeah, hi Jess" I mutter seeing Evangeline look back and forth between us.

"Meet the local witch coven" she finally says sounding bored.

"The witchy bitches" Jane says nodding to herself.

"Why is that here?" She demands point to Sirena sat on Alice shoving a finger up her nose with her dismembered hand.

"Jane said I could keep it but it's not very fun" Sirena answers slapping her with her own hand.

"Can't ever leave them unsupervised" she mutters before sitting down.

"Why did you bring them?" I ask.

"Don't know anymore" she answer.

Hearing running I frown looking up seeing Sam come in holding his phone out "Cullens demanding to meet with the alpha".

I nod taking the phone "what?" I ask watching Sirena and Jane mess with Alice.

"Sure we can meet now" I answer.

"We'll bring her"

Getting up I stretch lazily "come on time to remind the Cullens who's in charge on and bring Alice" I call.

Jane nods grabbing her hair fallowing us out with her mate, stopping I whistle calling all the packs.

Seeing Jake stop by me I touch his arm "stay here and watch the witches, I'll protect your pack but your a secret it's not time to show you".

He nods stepping back as we continue on, once we reach the line Jane steps forward dragging Alice in front of her "you requested a meeting with me and that we bring Alice" I say calmly.

"We were hoping to speak with Jacob, it's very important" Carlisle growls.

"He's unavailable, I'm sure Isabitch and Bitchward can tell you why"

"She killed him" Bella says crying hysterically while pointing at Evangeline.

"Tell the truth Isabitch" I snap glaring at her.

She shakes repeating the same answer.

"She came onto our territory threatening me and my mate, her exact words were Edward is going to kill you dykes" I say calmly.

"She then tried to hit Evangeline and got knocked back, Jacob tried to protect her and got his ass kicked, Edward crossed into our territory and was caught by Jane and Alec, she was given a choice of who would live Edward or Jacob she made her choice and he was killed, she stood in front of Jacob's family and friends a decided his life meant less then another" Leah growls.

"I warned her the loser died,she could have sacrificed herself for them" Evangeline answers shrugging.

"Now what do you want?" I demand.

"Witches are targeting Bella, we need help protecting her" Carlisle says.

Laughing I shake my head "you want us to protect her?" I ask still laughing.

Seeing their glare I hum tilting my head side to side "yeah, we will not help" I say seeing their shock.

"She's your sister" Edward yells stepping closer.

Pulling some papers out I toss them to Carlisle "Charlie did a DNA test on both of us, if we are sisters I'll consider helping her".

Seeing him pick it up I keep my eyes on Bella "so Carlisle what's the result and keep in mind I already read them".

"Raven Jane Swan is the daughter of Charlie Swan" he says before moving to the next "Isabella Marie Swan is not the Charlie Swans daughter" he says softly.

Chuckling I shrug "since Jacob's death she is classed as an enemy cold one, if she steps foot on our territory she dies, and since she was such a bitch to me growing up we will not help her or you to protect her, and the problem with the witches started because she threatened them and fucked one's husband".

"I did not" Bella screams.

Smirking I toss a photo across to them "she had motion sensing cameras, you are caught on film, in fact she decided to upload the video online".

Charlie pov

Sitting in my chair I sigh looking at the photo of Raven hugging her one year old sister, I've tried so hard to bond with her since she came back but after her mom left there was this change.

Bella wasn't that sweet girl who loved seeing her sister, she started being hateful and spoiled, I tried to be there but Renee blocked me every chance she could.

Looking at the next I frown seeing Raven hugging Bella who stands with her arms crossed, that day Bella shoved Raven away and told her to get out of her house, I grounded her and Bella made a point to yell how Raven wasn't my daughter just Rez trash that needed to stay where it belonged.

We both tried all summer to reconnect with her but she brushed us off and would throw fits for anything if I said no.

Sighing I flip back to Bella being held by Renee with Raven sat by her looking at Bella, Raven kept insisting Bella was her baby, after that day Renee became distance with Raven even tried to push her to call her mom till Raven refused to listen or look at her then Renee refused to acknowledge her.

Hearing the door slam open I look up seeing Bella with Edward "that test is wrong, Raven's not your kid I am" she screams.

"I don't care about the test, but you have made it clear you have no respect for me and do not see me as your dad, I may not have been a great dad but I tried my best, you didn't want us to come visit when we did you had a fit about it, then you stopped visiting because you hate it here and hate us as you said, you're 18 Bella so go pack your stuff and stay with the Cullens, I sold the house anything you leave behind belongs to the new owners"

"WHY" she screams stomping her foot.

"Tell the vampires to go get your stuff because the new owners are here" I add as the door opens ignoring her denial about vampires.

Walking in comes two dark haired men with Sulpicia and Didyme, they look around nodding "yes, this is perfect for our plans" the first man says.

He turns to me and nods his head "Charlie, I heard you are the newest member of the Quileute tribe council and first not part of the tribe voted in by your family and friends congratulations".

"I was because my history and relationship with them as well as my daughter being an alpha of a pack there but thank you, Evangeline and the twins have already step up my new house there and have been busy reparing the houses for everyone on the reservation"

"Wonderful, I would be more than happy to have everything rebuilt, however I'm sure the twins explained gifts to you, mine is to see your every memory would you allow me to try my gift on you I'll try not to be to invasive"

Shrugging I hold my hand out and he takes it closing his eyes, after a moment he nods "such a disgrace for a child to treat her loving father in such a way, at least you have one child that shows you respect like you deserve" he says sadly before glaring at Bella for interrupting "would you agree to allow a friend of mine to see if you have any gifts".

"Okay" I say agreeing "they are just getting her things then it's all yours" I add handing the keys over.

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