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Walking with Jane and Alec I stop crossing my arms looking at the coven that destroyed a poorly made army, hearing Edward's smart ass comment about being here earlier I run up getting in his face ignoring the human he guards.

Tilting my head I laugh sounding like the grinding screeches of twisted metal "it seems you forget your place boy shall I remind you" I ask in a scratchy voice that causes many to flinch from the pitch.

"He's not scared of you" the human mouths off causing the others to tense telling her to stop talking.

Reaching out I grab twisting his head while forcing him to his knees to face her "you will learn to control your pet human before she causes your covens death for running her mouth" I hiss twisting more hearing him screaming in pain.

"Evangeline, she's just running on adrenaline from fear" Carlisle says calmly holding his hands up in a gesture showing he's no threat.

"Sister" Jane calls calmly smirking.

Kicking my foot out I pin him to the ground yanking his arms up while keeping his head twisted "step closer human" I whisper.

Seeing her step closer acting nervous I chuckle "pull my hood back" I whisper.

"Bella no" the yell to late, she pales more looking at me.

"One move and I kill your golden boy" I warn while watching the human.

"Get back here" I order to her before reaching out grabbing her leg dragging her closer till I climb over her dragging Edward with me.

"What are you" she screams.

"Your worst nightmare come to life, every fear you keep locked inside" I chuckle before flipping myself over Edward then yank him up kicking him away from me into the reservation.

Standing up I pull my hood up covering my face completely again before turning and following the twins back the way we came.

"That was amusing" Jane says smirking at me.

"I agree, Evangeline truly terrified the filthy human" Alec says proudly.

Dropping my act I put my arms around their shoulders in a quick hug before releasing them.

"Not as entertaining as our lords reaction to my gift" I add hearing them chuckle.

"Even funnier now after all theses years" they both say together.

Stopping a safe distance I tilt my head listening to them explain me to the human.

"Bella, that was the member I warned you about the one even the kings fear, anyone who's been on her bad side has rarely survived those who have avoid catching her or the Volturi attention at all, she rarely leaves the castle unless someone has angered the kings a great deal" Edward says sounding pained.

"What is she?" Bella whines.

"A vampire, but like the twins it's a result of her upbringing and change, it's said the day the twins and her burned even while burning she spit at the people and swore their worst fears would become true, three days later the entire village was burned to the ground with no survivors, she killed innocent children out of revenge" he answers.

Scoffing I roll my eyes continuing to walk "I did not kill innocent people or children, even then I recognized people who never hurt us, they avoided us but never did anything to deserve punishment, I got them out and safe before I took the humans that deserved it" I mutter.

Return to Volturi

Stepping into the throne room I sigh dropping my hood shaking my hair out "and how was the situation my dears" Aro asks.

"The human lives, they defeated the weak army and killed the nomad" I answer holding my hand out to him.

He takes my hand watching my memories of the day before laughing "Jane, come let me see" he says.

I wait till he watches from them before clapping happily "you three may go hunt and relax after that trip" he says waving us off.

Nodding I follow the twins out before making my way to my room and sit in front of my mirror.

Sighing I reach up touching my perfect face ignoring the sun kissed blonde hair that reaches my lower back.

Hearing knocking I call for them to come in seeing Didyme "what's wrong Evangeline?" She asks.

"Nothing my queen" I answer.

"Now dear you can never fool me I can tell when someone is upset even when effected by my gift"

Sighing I nod "at times I hate my gift" I finally say.

"We all know that" she says softly.

"Until people know really know me I look like they're biggest fears or what they imagine I look like based on my gift, I doubt someone would even know I'm their mate because the moment they see me they run or look away"

"Marcus has told you before like with Caius and Athenodora your mate will see your True face the same as the twins always have because you three are soul bonded"

Nodding I give a weak smile "of course, thank you" I finally say before watching her leave knowing I'm tired and don't want to talk anymore.

Sighing I pull my hood up heading out for something to eat while avoiding the guards and ignoring the ones who back away in fear as I swiftly stalk out.

Talking off I run a few towns over before jumping onto the rooftops to locate what I want.

Catching a scent that makes my mouth fill with venom I take off after it finding a woman curled up filthy and shivering.

"Poor dear, not to worry I'll make everything better here" I whisper before jumping down silently behind her.

Reaching out I touch her shoulder stopping her from looking at me "ma'am, don't look at my face" I say softly keeping my voice from changing again.

"What do you want, I have nothing of value" she whimpers.

"I know but you need help, there's been someone attacking people around these parts" I add pulling money out.

Putting it in her hand I make her take it "take this and find a hotel or leave the town completely find somewhere where you can start over" I whisper hearing a second heartbeat under hers.

Stepping back I watch as she gets up and looks around shocked before rushing away, narrowing my eyes I smirk seeing the one who's scent I been tracking trailing her I sneak up covering his mouth while pulling him into an alley.

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