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(Narrator) man I'm leading yall and I'm on the edge of my seat. (Laughs) Let's not waste any more time. Here we go ( blinks)

I knew you could do it, it took long enough . (Gina) Simba shut the fuck up did you get volmis or nah. (Simba)Gina i have bad news about Volmis. He is currently in jail with Vezonia and I don't think she will be willing to set him free. Simba take melody with you to this location (tells location) and keep your head on a swivel, And simba tells that one hiding to stay here if he wanna live .(enzo) who me , let's not do this. Yall lucky I'm tired of walking.(Simba laughs) There is a room in the back. If you get bored, ask Gina to set up opponents. And whatever you do, don't read that book (points to Damian's life story). (Simba and melody leaves) I wonder why he said don't read that book. Hey kid get in the room so i can see what you can do , pick any weapon and get ready. Pick a number one through three. Two I guess (confused) meet the Kiljor and Kolrag. Warning , unless you bring your best they will beat the life out of you. Man if you don't bring your ass ion got all day. No bull shii he looks weak and scared. I'm going back to sleep he not ready to fight me.(kolrag walks off) your not ready exit the room and come with me , kiljor how many enemies you wanna fighting . Give me the best one you got. I feel like trying today (kiljor laughs)

Ok everything is set if you need to restart hit the button (points in the direction). What's your plan kid? What do you mean? Are you here for vengeance or what's your deal? (Enzo ) I don't know but something about being here makes me feel weird and uncomfortable. I grew up thinking that Simba killed my family and I saw it as if I killed Simba, My family will be happy and be able to rest. (Gina) I'm going to tell you what this wise old lady told me. There's no point in vengeance if you never knew what really happened. What do you mean? Go get that book I've seen you eyeballing it for the last few minutes. (Reads damian story)

He was just like me, what made him change ? His brother king ozy aka mr. Catch this fade (gina laughs) I remember when king told me about the time Ozy allowed him to train alongside him . The next day King said never again, he couldn't move any part of his body. Kiljor watch the spot and I'll be right back. Ok miss Gina, be safe. Come on, I'm going to see an old friend. And yeah leave your weapon here if u wanna live.

(Narrator) while they on the way to wherever they going. Let's go see what Volmis doing.

Damn can you lose the cuffs? No fuck you and stop talking to me. It's not that deep, what have I done? You don't remember (laugh) the village where you and Leonzio fought was where my daughter was. Damn (falls to the floor) I didn't know that there were people in that area. You brutes never think about the people who can be affected by what happens. Yall never think about shit and for that you will suffer 40 years in this jail. There is no point in trying to leave. I'll kill you before you touch the door. (Volmis evil laugh) that's cute but I'm gonna tell what's really going to happen. Right now I'm chilling so let's not go down the bloody road , but in approximately 35 minutes King will be barging through the doors demanding my release. We both know King doesn't take kindly to being told no . So you can either free me and allow me access to my weapon or I can sit here and watch your "home" fall again.

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