The one

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(Enzo laughs) Don't laugh, you are not That much different from him. You were handed everything that makes you strong. You aren't chosen , you are just another wannabe fighter who wants to believe they are superior to others.(Kyi walks up and sits down) Don't be shy, go all out. I just wanna see who kida's number one lackie is.(Volmis) lackie, Nigga i will kill you right after I finish this weak bastard.(Kyi) You can't see them but my beast are all around you right now. You attack me, they attack you and they won't stop until I say so. You can probably get away with that with normal fighters but I'm not regular fighters I'm the reason you niggas got power in the first place. Anything you can do I can take away. You aren't even top 5 volmis you are only in kida little club is because of your sister.

(Enzo) damn that's fucked up.(time begins slowing down) As for you, how's damian doing? You should know since he's your father right ?(Enzo) Why the fuck does mother fuckers keep saying that shit.(Volmis) maybe because it's true.(Enzo) cut the damn questions about folks. Don't keep saying that he's my dad if you can't prove the shit.(Volmis) what nigga everyone knows besides you.(Enzo) You shut the fuck up unless you tryna get down.(Volmis cracks his knuckles) Let's get to it and please give me a challenge.(Enzo smiles and uses speed magic) you can't keep up with me you're too slow .(Volmis laughs and uses power mimicry) This is pretty neat if i do say so. (Enzo confused) You can keep up. Let's take it up a notch.(Enzo mixes shadow and speed magic and beats on volmis)This is just getting started and you know it.(Volmis laughs and uses cosmic control to take the fight to space) My turn now .(beats the fuck of of enzo for 5 minutes straight)You can't fuck with me in space.(Enzo smile's and uses ability mirror to copy Volmis and take the fight back to earth) You must have forgotten that I'm that fucking guy and you just some fucking lap puppy. (Volmis angers) You can't say that shit you fucking suck (They throw hands for 10 minutes back and forth).(Enzo breathing heavily) You're out of tricks and I was just getting started.(enzo uses wind manipulation) You can't do shit you weak bastard. This is why you never let power get to your head.(Enzo knows Volmis is out)(Enzo) That man was right so either you walk tf away and get off my dick or i kill you.(Drago) you think we just walk away? You have to be fuck-(melody stabs him) I was tired of hearing that voice. (Volmis) Oh i see ever since King died y'all are the ones who keep getting in our way.(Enzo) What took you so long?(Melody Laughs) don't fucking question me nigga I can kill you too.(Volmis starts to back away) We will meet again and I will beat your ass.

(5 minutes later),They keep saying that damian is alive but i don't believe it.(Melody) That nigga owe me 30 dollars.(Enzo laughs) I'm serious melody man, three mtfkas have said the shit.(Melody while smoking) They might be telling the truth.(melody coughs) I don't got shit to do and two brains are better than one.(Enzo pauses) Sure let's get going he will be ok (Enzo and Melody walk off).(minute later)(Kida walks up) You just love failing me huh ? (Angrily grabs him) You make me sick. You can't even beat the weird guy. You are now banned from the world. Your usefulness has reached its limits. Your bark is way louder than your bite. Edo end him(Gun shot) Thank you..(Kida)  go find Kim and tell her to go do her job and stop stailing.(Edo) What are you going to do for the time being?(Kida) I'm going to find simba and you know what will happen.

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