Simba's secret

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(5 Minutes later) Why didn't you tell him?(Simba) What are you talking about lil bro?(Najix) I know something about you.(Simba) You know what exactly? Be careful with your next statement. I Wouldn't wanna have to do nothing to crazy.(Najix) Dima's your daughter ain't she? I saw how you reacted to the ground shaking.(Simba) what do you want? I'm not fighting my daughter for any reason.(Najix) You remember how i used to be such an asshole. So how many people know dima is your daughter?(Simba) You are the first to find out that she is my daughter. Just wondering what does she have to do with you tho.(Najix looks back) Ah it's about time she made it here.(Ava) You shut yo bitch ass up the only reason I'm here so late is because of you.(Simba draws swords) What is this some foul play or something? Why have you brought this bastard here!(Najix) You should know already me and you were very powerful individuals and quite frankly you should have caught on.(Sinba) You want me to train this woman after all she's done? You must be pretty fucked up to think I will.(Najix) You have seen more battles than me and if she falls into wrong hands then you can kiss peace goodbye.(Ava) What are you talking about? (Najix) There's this group of five very different powerful people. When you unlocked your second form You have been beaming magic and only a few can sense it. Unlucky for you she's already on her way to come run the fade.Her name is....

(Vanessa arrives) Are yall talking about me young man?(Simba) I know your voice and that's a bad thing because i got a terrible memory.(Vanessa) My name Vanessa and I'm not to be taken lightly.(Simba) Before you attack ava let me ask you something.(Vanessa) How did you know that I was finna attack her?(Simba) Have you not been around long enough? Najix just told me you were coming for her.(Ava) You after me for power aint you?(Simba) Before we continue that conversation, who brought you back?(Vanessa) I believe his name was ares or something like that.(Simba) Damn I'm guessing there is more like you out there.(cracks knuckles) I was planning on hanging up the swords.(Vanessa) Everyone here is weak and lacks a purpose for being strong. (Ava) Are yall done talking because now I really want to fight and that talking shit boring.(Vanessa) You will die trying, woman.

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