Chapter 3 Arrogant

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Course selection was completed before admission and Saintston’s sophomore needed to choose four subjects for the final HSST. Jian Chi chose economics, psychology, advanced mathematics and chemistry respectively. He was good at science, but he chose psychology out of interest.

Different from other colleges, Saintston, which adopted a Western-style education, used HSST to replace the college entrance examination. The full acronym was High School Standardized Test, which was the high school graduation test. The final score can be applied to foreign universities, and it is also applicable within the country. Although the procedures would be more cumbersome, it was obviously more important to provide convenience for the children of these elite families to go abroad.

The highest exam ranking was 99.98%. Most first-class universities needed at least 80% as the threshold and for law that Jian Chi wanted to study, it required 98%. This was a number that was not easy to obtain.

Although it was difficult, he was not completely without assurance. Before doing anything, he would always think about it before taking action. This was always his habit.

Mr. Smith, who taught economics, was indeed an old-fashioned old man just like what Ji Huasi had said. He didn’t like to use electronic devices, but would take out a textbook to explain the changes in modern economic history.

Most of the students below were frowning bitterly, jotting down key points on their laptops. Jian Chi was not used to typing on a keyboard. His fingers were still more comfortable with paper, but one of Saintston’s rules were to complete schoolwork online.

Everything was very different. Saintston followed a Western-style teaching method, so there was no compulsory examination of Chinese, mathematics and English. It adopted a free course selection model.

Jian Chi thought it would be difficult for him to adapt, but he was surprisingly skilled and it took only a week to keep up with the courses he had fallen behind.

“Next is the time for the group experiment. Two people to form a group, 30 minutes to complete the experiment report. Just follow the steps I just mentioned,” The chemistry teacher, Yang Zheng, loudly cleared his throat, “If there is no problem, go quickly.”

Jian Chi looked at the classroom that had become restless in a moment. He sat in the same position without moving. Apart from Wei An, he had no friends in school to talk to, but Wei An didn’t choose chemistry.

Everyone didn’t seem to care about the sudden addition of a transfer student, and regarded him as a transparent person. Jian Chi was used to this feeling, he didn’t have any good friends in his original school.

“Jian Chi.”

This sound made Jian Chi place his eyes on the face of the person who came. The boy’s skin was slightly darker. When he smiled, he showed eight neat teeth. He was cheerful and straightforward, “Do you need a partner to do the experiment with?”

Of course Jian Chi wouldn’t reject his kindness. He sat aside a little and gave up his seat, “Of course, where do we start?”

The boy’s name was Zhang Yang, Jian Chi remembered his name. He wore a topaz brooch on his chest, but he did not have the arrogance of Han Fang. Instead, he was the first to notice him and greet him warmly.

“Brother Zheng likes experimenting the most,” Zhang Yang familiarly called out the teacher’s nickname, “You will never meet a teacher who loves experimenting more than him, but if there is one, you can ignore what I said.”

Jian Chi smiled, “I agree with Teacher Yang’s words that only experiments can reveal the true charm of chemistry.”

While pouring chemicals into the test tube, Zhang Yang did not forget to wink at Jian Chi, “This is the resonance between a top student and another top student. I heard that you were admitted with a score close to full marks. That’s amazing.”

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