Chapter 35 Repaying a debt

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Just like what Ji Huaisi said, Wei An and the several people who were inciting the flames posted apologies on HS and the forums, and soon, the post about Wei An being expelled was pinned to the top.

Most of the students in Saintston have heard of Wei An’s “glorious deeds”, so when the news leaked, almost no one in the forums felt that the punishment was too severe, and some even jokingly thanked Jian Chi for clearing Saintston’s tumor, there was no trace of the huge team that once followed the thread and ridiculed Jian Chi.

Although it was just a joke, it was like a well-known signal that no one mentioned those speculations about Jian Chi again. Ji Huaisi definitely took half of the credit for such a result.

On the night that the clarification was issued, Ji Huaisi followed up with a post. The content was roughly that he wanted to invite Jian Chi to join the student union at that time, but he refused because of his busy schoolwork. It was not as bad as the post conjectured.

Almost half of the short narrative was expressing favoritism for Jian Chi, and no apology can be more convincing than a movement from Ji Huaisi.

When Jian Chi woke up, there was a bright red 99+ next to the HS notification. He almost thought he hadn’t woken up and looked dazzled. He exited and opened it again, but it was still a dazzling 99+.

The original single-digit attention was approaching more than a thousand overnight, and the friend application column was also mixed with messy news. Jian Chi felt a pain in his temples, removed countless red dots, and set up a message for HS, do not disturb.

Although he had long guessed what might happen after everything was over, Jian Chi never thought that Ji Huaisi would personally walk into this turmoil, making the originally simple nature become complicated. He felt thankful to Ji Huaisi but if he had a choice, Jian Chi would prefer to close the curtains more quietly.

Qin Chuxu’s words were digested for a long time after Jian Chi returned home, and there was a subtle change in his mood. As Qin Chuxu said, he doesn’t need to make any changes. Since what he has done can’t be reversed, he only needs to do what he really wants to do in the future, graduate from Saintston smoothly, and then pass his life as he should.

The goal was clear, and his mood was finally bright.

On the day that Wei An moved out, Jian Chi originally wanted to go to the library to avoid meeting, but Wei An arrived earlier than originally scheduled, as if he had guessed his intention long ago. Jian Chi could only ignore the movement of him packing his luggage as much as possible. In the dormitory, except for the sound of tables and chairs moving and turning over the cabinets, the air was terribly silent.

Jian Chi thought that Wei An would say something to him, but he didn’t. Before leaving, Wei An glanced at him with an indescribable look. It wasn’t just pure anger, resentment, or remorse that wouldn’t appear at all, there were more emotions inside than that. If Jian Chi was forced to describe it, it was a ‘you just wait’ kind of meaning.

In fact, until now, Jian Chi couldn’t understand Wei An’s motive for doing this. It was definitely out of hatred, but if he remembered correctly, Wei An once only attacked those ‘upper pigs’, but this time he changed the target to a special enrollment like himself. Jian Chi couldn’t guess why.

Maybe someone behind the scenes fanned the flames, or maybe Wei An’s last expression was because he knew that this matter would not end here; no matter what the possibility was though, Jian Chi was not as frightened as he imagined.

It is not known where this confidence comes from, but the person hiding behind will definitely reveal his fault at some point, and Jian Chi will have the patience to wait.

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