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The KIM BROTHERS (JIN, YOONGI, JIMIN, NAMJOON, TAEHYUNG, JUNGKOOK) are scattered around the living room, trying to enjoy a drama on TV. Despite their laughter and casual banter, a heavy cloud of guilt hangs in the air—a lingering reminder of their past cruelty towards Y/N. The atmosphere is tense, as they each grapple with their shared history.

YOONGI scrolls through his phone, the soft buzzing of the TV barely breaking the silence. Suddenly, HOBI's phone BUZZES loudly on the coffee table, catching everyone's attention. HOBI is not in the room.

YOONGI glances down at the screen, his face freezing when he sees the caller ID: Y/N.

(quietly, almost in disbelief)
It’s… Y/N.

The mention of her name sends a shockwave through the brothers. Their laughter dies instantly, replaced by a tense silence as they all process the significance of her call—the girl they tormented, the girl they destroyed.

JIN straightens in his seat, his heart pounding. He exchanges a glance with NAMJOON, whose jaw tightens, barely able to look him in the eye.

(serious, voice low)
Put it on speaker.

YOONGI hesitates, his hand trembling as he presses the speaker button. The room holds its breath, waiting.


(through the phone, her voice calm but distant)
Hobi… I’m coming back to South Korea after two weeks.
(A moment later)
And… thank you, Hobi, for everything you did.


Her words resonate deeply, each syllable cutting through the air like a knife. The brothers’ expressions shift from shock to confusion, then settle into guilt. JIMIN’s face pales as realization washes over him.

(voice trembling)
Why is she thanking him? After everything… after what we did?

*As if summoned by their guilt Just then, HOBI storms into the living room, a dark cloud of anger surrounding him. The brothers instinctively shrink back, knowing his fury has been festering for years.

What the hell is going on here? Why are you answering my phone?

The brothers stare at him, caught off guard. TAEHYUNG gathers the courage to speak up.

Y/N just called. She said she’s coming back…

HOBI's eyes blaze with fury, stepping closer, the tension in the room thickening.

(cutting him off)
What did she say?

YOONGI, still holding the phone, hesitates before answering, his voice shaky.

She thanked you for helping her, but why is she thanking you? How long have you been in contact with her?

HOBI's anger erupts, echoing in the room like thunder.

Of course she did! I was the only one who stood by her while you all were busy abusing her—raping her! Treating her like she was nothing! I know she begged in front of you! What did you all do?

The brothers flinch at HOBI's words, each syllable a painful reminder of their past actions. JIN lowers his head, the weight of guilt crashing over him.

(barely audible)
We were young… We didn’t know what we were doing…

(voice filled with contempt)
Didn’t know? You were twenty-three and you’re saying you were young? You thought it was okay to listen to our father’s twisted teachings? To treat women like toys?

JIMIN looks down, shame flooding his features, unable to meet HOBI's gaze.

We were brainwashed… It was never an excuse, but—

HOBI cuts him off, his voice a mixture of anger and hurt.

You think that justifies what you did? Forty-two women, Jimin! You don’t even know their names! Yet you treated them like they were disposable! Forty of them aren’t in this world anymore because of you! Do you even know that?

The brothers fall silent, guilt overwhelming them. TAEHYUNG looks up, tears welling in his eyes.

(voice cracking)
I never thought it would go this far… I thought we were just having fun…

HOBI’s expression hardens, his disdain palpable.

(voice low)
You think that absolves you? You still chose to follow him, to be complicit. Y/N escaped because of me, and she trusts me because I’m the only one who ever treated her like a person.

His voice drops, filled with deep-seated pain.

I was the one who sent her to Russia, who took care of her expenses and university fees for the next three years. Now she’s a doctor. When I first saw her in that state at the club, my heart shattered. I felt disgusting because of you all! How could you do this to anyone?

The brothers exchange glances, the weight of guilt pressing down on them. NAMJOON finally speaks, his voice filled with remorse.

Hobi, we’re sorry. We know we can’t take it back, but we want to change.

HOBI's gaze sharpens, his anger mingling with sadness.

She’s coming back, but she won’t forgive you. You’ve lost her trust—and mine. I haven’t spoken to you in nine years for a reason.

He turns away, his voice cold and final.

And I won’t stand by while you pretend to care. You think saying sorry is enough? It’s too late for that.

With that, HOBI storms out of the living room, slamming the door behind him. The brothers are left in stunned silence, the reality of their actions crashing over them like a tidal wave. They are forced to confront the true extent of their past decisions and the damage they have caused.

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