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The brothers are still sitting in the living room, the atmosphere thick with regret after HOBI’s outburst. The TV hums quietly in the background, but no one is paying attention. Each brother is lost in his thoughts, the weight of the past pressing heavily upon them.

(voice breaking the silence, barely above a whisper)
What have we done?

The question hangs in the air like a dark cloud, and one by one, the brothers look at each other, their expressions filled with shame and regret. JIMIN’s eyes glisten with unshed tears, the reality of their actions hitting him hard.

(choking on his words)
We were monsters. We hurt her… so badly.

(clenching his fists, tears beginning to spill)
She was just a normal girl… We were supposed to protect her.

TAEHYUNG, unable to hold back any longer, wipes his eyes angrily, frustration and guilt boiling inside him.

(voice trembling)
And now Hobi's the only one she trusts. We ruined everything.

As they talk, the emotion in the room intensifies, and YOONGI, who has been silent, finally speaks up, his voice thick with emotion.

(voice cracking)
I thought we could just move on… pretend like it didn’t happen. But it did. And now she’s coming back, and Hobi… he’ll always be there for her.

JIN lowers his head, tears streaming down his cheeks, unable to hide his anguish any longer.

(sobbing softly)
We didn’t just hurt her… we lost her. Hobi will never forgive us. And neither will Y/N.

The realization of their actions weighs heavily on them, and one by one, the brothers begin to cry openly, the floodgates opening. JIMIN collapses onto the couch, burying his face in his hands.

(voice muffled)
We took away her chance at happiness.

JUNGKOOK, tears streaming down his face, leans against the wall for support.

We thought we could change… but how can we? We’ve scarred her .

TAEHYUNG, filled with despair, clenches his jaw as he stands up, pacing back and forth, wrestling with his emotions.

(yelling in frustration)
We’re pathetic! We thought we could live our lives and forget, but the truth is, we’re the ones who need to be punished!

The brothers’ cries of anguish fill the room, echoing against the walls, each brother caught in a storm of grief and regret.

(voice shaky, trying to hold it together)
What if… what if Y/N can’t forgive us? What if she never wants to see us again?

The weight of that possibility hangs in the air, and the brothers fall silent, the tears continuing to flow. They look at each other, all sharing the same painful realization. They’ve lost something irreplaceable.

(sobbing now)
We don’t deserve forgiveness.

JIN takes a shaky breath, trying to regain composure, but the tears keep coming.

We’ve built our lives on lies, on pretending we were something we’re not.

HOBI’s words echo in their minds: “You were monsters.” The reality of their actions and the pain they caused Y/N hit them all at once, leaving them in an unbearable silence filled with their sobs.

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