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Y/N is about to speak again, her cold, determined expression unyielding. Just as her lips part to continue, a loud cry echoes from the hallway. The brothers look towards the sound, confused.

A GUARD enters the room, carrying a sobbing EUNJI in his arms. The sight of the crying child softens Y/N’s expression instantly, her maternal instincts kicking in. She rushes over, concern etched on her face.

(squatting down, gently)
Eunji, baby, why are you crying? What happened?

EUNJI wipes her tears, her little face scrunched up in sadness. Her voice comes out in soft sobs as she clutches onto Y/N.

Mumma... Ari, Dadda, and you weren’t home... I thought you went out without me... and I felt so lonely.

Y/N pulls her into a comforting hug, stroking her back gently.

(breathing softly)
Oh sweetheart, we would never leave you behind like that. But wasn’t Ji Ah aunty with you?

EUNJI nods, sniffling as she wipes her tears on Y/N’s shoulder.

Yes, but you know I want you and Dadda when I wake up...

On the other side of the room, the KIM BROTHERS are standing in stunned silence, wide-eyed, watching the entire scene unfold. The powerful, icy aura Y/N carried moments ago has completely dissolved in front of the little girl. They exchange confused and guilty glances, not fully understanding Y/N’s life now but feeling the weight of it.

At that moment, LEE YEON enters the living room holding ARI, who is happily chatting away. The moment EUNJI sees Yeon, she brightens up, quickly running from Y/N’s arms toward him.


Eunji wraps her tiny arms around Yeon’s leg, burying her face into his side. Yeon smiles warmly, picking her up with ease and holding both twins close, trying to soothe the lingering sadness.

The KIM BROTHERS watch, their hearts heavy with both shock and heartbreak. The sight of Y/N, a mother, with Yeon by her side as the father figure, hits them hard. They had all fallen for her, and seeing her now with a family—especially with Yeon, the man they assumed was her husband—makes it feel like their chances are gone. Their guilt only deepens as they see the life they never imagined for her.

Y/N exchanges a soft look with Yeon as Eunji clings to him. She looks back at HOBI and then at the other brothers, her cold demeanor slowly returning.

(softly to Eunji and Ari)
Why don’t you two go play for a while? I still have some things to talk about with Hobi.

ARI and EUNJI giggle and nod as they run off with LEE YEON, leaving the room. As soon as they leave, Y/N’s expression darkens once again. She turns back to the brothers, her aura returning to its dangerous, calculating nature.

(voice colder than before)
Now, where were we?

The KIM BROTHERS exchange silent, fearful glances, their hearts racing. The weight of her return and everything they’ve witnessed hits them full force, leaving them unsure of what to say or do next.


The tension is thick in the room as Y/N prepares to continue her path toward revenge, and the Kim brothers are left struggling with guilt, uncertainty, and heartbreak.

Y/N stands tall, her icy demeanor fully restored as she glances back at HOBI. Her voice cuts through the tension in the room, cold and unwavering.

Hobi, make sure you do what I asked before.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15 ⏰

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