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The clock reads 8:00 AM. Sunlight filters gently through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. EUNJI and ARI are still fast asleep in their beds, nestled under cozy blankets. Meanwhile, Y/N stands in front of the mirror, adjusting her elegant floral dress that beautifully complements her figure.

Across the room, YEON is getting ready, pulling on a crisp dress shirt and adjusting his tie. He glances over at Y/N, admiring her as she prepares for the day.

Are you almost ready? We should be leaving soon.

His voice is slightly louder than intended, causing ARI to stir awake. She blinks sleepily, rubbing her eyes, then sits up in bed, her curiosity piqued.

Mommy, where are we going?

Y/N turns from the mirror, kneeling beside Ari’s bed, her expression softening as she meets her daughter’s wide, puppy-dog eyes.

We’re going to work, sweetie. Just a little meeting.

ARI pouts, her lower lip sticking out as she pleads with a whine.

But I want to go too! Please, Mommy!

Y/N exchanges a knowing glance with Yeon, who raises an eyebrow in amusement at Ari’s adorable antics. Unable to resist her daughter's charm, Y/N smiles.

Alright, you can come with us. But you have to be on your best behavior, okay?

ARI's face lights up with excitement as she jumps out of bed, eager to join her mother and Yeon. Y/N stands up, brushing off her dress and making sure everything is in place.

As they prepare to leave, Y/N quickly checks her phone and types a message to HOBI.

“I’ll be there in half an hour. See you soon.”

She hits send and hears HOBI's prompt reply.


Y/N takes a deep breath, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness about the upcoming meeting. Meanwhile, YEON finishes tying his tie and walks toward the door.

Let’s get moving, then!

As they make their way out of the hotel room, ARI bounces on her toes, filled with excitement about her first day out in a new country.

I can't wait to see where we’re going!

They step out into the hallway, the anticipation of the day ahead filling the air as they head towards the elevator, ready to embrace whatever awaits them at the Kim brothers' mansion.



The sleek black car pulls up to the grand entrance of the Kim brothers' mansion, a luxurious building that stands as a stark reminder of their past. Y/N steps out, taking a moment to gather herself. She takes a deep breath, adjusting her floral dress, and walks up to the ornate front door. With determination, she rings the doorbell.

The door creaks open, revealing YOONGI, who stands there, half-awake and looking disheveled. He squints in the morning light, his mind racing as he tries to process who’s at the door. He blinks in disbelief when he realizes it’s Y/N.


Before he can say more, she pushes past him, ignoring him entirely as she steps into the foyer. Yoongi is frozen in place, his mouth slightly agape in shock. He tries to collect himself, realizing that Hobi must still be in the bathroom.

As Y/N walks through the mansion, her aura is intimidating—filled with a mix of confidence and unresolved tension. She strides past the living room, where the other KIM BROTHERS (JIN, JIMIN, NAMJOON, TAEHYUNG, and JUNGKOOK) are gathered, their conversations fading into silence as they turn to see who has arrived.

JIN's eyes widen in disbelief, his heart racing as he processes the sight of Y/N after nine long years. He opens his mouth to say something, but the words catch in his throat. The room is heavy with a mix of shock and guilt.


Before he can finish, HOBI comes rushing down the stairs, his demeanor shifting from calm to elated as he spots Y/N. His heart leaps, and a smile spreads across his face.


Y/N’s expression softens instantly, the tension in her shoulders easing as she rushes to him. She wraps her arms around Hobi in a warm embrace, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

Hobi! It’s so good to see you! How have you been?

Hobi's eyes sparkle with relief and joy as he returns her hug, wrapping her in the comfort of their shared history. For a brief moment, the world around them fades away.

The KIM BROTHERS watch, a mix of emotions flooding through them—guilt, regret, and a flicker of hope. Jimin exchanges glances with Jin, both of them feeling the weight of their past decisions.

After a moment, Hobi pulls back slightly, his hands still resting on Y/N's shoulders. He studies her face, a hint of concern crossing his features.

You’re back… for good?

Y/N nods, her expression shifting as she glances back at the brothers, who remain frozen in shock. Her determination returns as she straightens up, the warm light of the moment replaced by a steely resolve.

Yes, I’m back. And we need to talk.

The room fills with an uncomfortable silence, the reality of the situation sinking in. The brothers shift uncomfortably, the weight of the moment palpable as they brace themselves for the conversations to come.



As Y/N stands in front of Hobi, her expression shifting to seriousness, ARI, still cradled in Yeon’s arms, tugs at Yeon’s shirt, her innocent curiosity shining through.

(tilting her head)
Dadda, who is the uncle Mumma is talking to?

The words hang in the air, and the KIM BROTHERS exchange stunned glances, their hearts racing as they process the fact that Ari just called Y/N "Mumma" and referred to Yeon as "Dadda." The realization hits them like a ton of bricks, leaving them speechless.

Jin’s eyes widen, and he takes a step forward, unable to hide his shock. JIMIN and TAEHYUNG exchange incredulous looks, while KOOK clenches his fists, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him.

Hobi’s gaze flickers from Y/N to Ari, and then back again, his heart sinking at the implications. He takes a deep breath, trying to keep his composure.

Yeon, sensing the tension, smiles gently at Ari and replies, trying to ease the situation.

He’s just a friend of your Mumma, sweetheart.

The KIM BROTHERS are struck by Yeon’s words, realizing the complicated web of relationships and emotions in the room. Their guilt intensifies, knowing how they’ve hurt Y/N and how it has affected her life.

Y/N looks at Ari, her heart swelling with both love and sadness. She kneels down to Ari’s level, forcing a gentle smile.

That’s right, honey. He’s a very good friend.

She glances back at the KIM BROTHERS, her expression hardening slightly as she steels herself for what’s to come. They all watch her, a mix of longing and regret etched on their faces.

As silence falls once again, the weight of the moment settles in, and Hobi, still holding Y/N's gaze, prepares to address the brothers, fully aware of the reckoning that is about to unfold.


The tension in the room thickens as Y/N stands up, ready to confront the past and reclaim her voice. The KIM BROTHERS, still reeling from the shock, brace themselves for what she is about to say.


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