chapter 7

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_Receiving Jamie's Text_

The school day dragged on, my mind wandering to Jamie's invitation. Would he actually follow through?

As I walked home, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to find a text from Jamie:

"Hey Alex, want to grab coffee tomorrow after school?"

My heart skipped a beat.

"Sounds good," I replied, trying to sound casual.

"Awesome! Meet me at The Daily Grind at 3 pm?"

I agreed, and we exchanged enthusiastic emojis.

The rest of the evening flew by in a blur.

_Coffee Date Jitters_

Next day, I arrived at The Daily Grind early, nervously fidgeting with my hair.

What if this was a mistake?

Jamie walked in, spotting me with a bright smile.

"Hey!" he said, sitting beside me.

We ordered coffee and chatted effortlessly, discussing everything from school gossip to favorite books.

As the afternoon wore on, I found myself relaxing in Jamie's presence.

He listened attentively, asking thoughtful questions.

"Tell me more about your passion for writing," he urged.

I opened up, sharing my dreams and fears.

Jamie's genuine interest put me at ease.

"So, what's your favorite book?" I asked, turning the tables.

Jamie grinned mischievously.

"Actually, it's The Count of Monte Cristo."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Surprising choice."

Jamie chuckled.

"I like unexpected twists."

Our laughter mingled, creating a cozy atmosphere.

As the coffee shop started closing, Jamie glanced at his watch.

"Want to walk with me?" he asked.

I nodded, and we strolled through the quiet streets.

The sun dipped low, casting a warm glow.

"Thanks for today, Alex," Jamie said, his voice soft.

"No, thank you," I replied.

Jamie's gaze met mine, and for a moment, time stood still.

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