Chapter 41: I will teach you a lesson

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As the man cut out one of Marcus's wrists, Lugard's gaze remained fixed on Lisa. "I'll never let anyone hurt you again," he whispered, his voice softening.

But his eyes still flashed with anger, a warning to anyone who dared to cross him again.

Lugard strode out of the hotel, his men following behind him, Lisa still cradled in his arms. They moved with a sense of purpose, their faces stern and unyielding.

As they emerged into the cool night air, Lugard's car pulled up, the engine purring softly. His driver, a tall, imposing man with a shaved head, jumped out to open the door.

Lugard slid into the backseat, Lisa still in his arms, his men piling in around them. The car sped off into the night, leaving the hotel and its secrets behind.

Lugard's gaze never left Lisa's face, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity. She remained unconscious, her body limp in his arms.

He gently brushed a strand of hair out of her face, his touch tender. "You're safe now," he whispered, his voice soft and reassuring.

But Lisa didn't stir, her eyes remaining closed. Lugard's face hardened, his anger still simmering just below the surface.

He looked up at his men, his eyes flashing with a warning. "I will deal with anyone that wants to cause her harm.

His men nodded, their faces grim. They knew their leader's wrath, his ruthless streak. And they knew that anyone who crossed Lugard would suffer the consequences.

The car pulled up to the grand entrance of the Rich estate, a sprawling mansion with immaculately manicured lawns and towering trees. Lugard's men opened the doors, and he stepped out, Lisa still in his arms.

He strode into the mansion, his men following closely behind. The interior was just as opulent as the exterior, with crystal chandeliers, marble floors, and lavish furnishings.

As Lugard entered the mansion, his staff, including the butler and maids, greeted him with shock and concern. They had never seen their usually composed and stoic leader in such a state.

But it was Lisa's condition that left them stunned. The butler's eyes widened as he took in her bruised and battered face, her clothes torn and disheveled.

"Oh dear Lord," one of the maids whispered, her hand flying to her mouth.

The butler, normally unflappable, looked like he had been punched in the gut. "Sir, what...what happened?" he stammered.

Lugard's face was grim, his eyes blazing with anger. "She was attacked," he growled. "By Marcus Stone."

The staff exchanged horrified glances. They knew Marcus, knew his reputation for ruthlessness.

Without another word, Lugard strode past them, Lisa in his arms, and made his way to the master suite. His staff followed, their faces etched with worry and concern.

As they entered the bedroom, the butler approached Lugard, his voice trembling. "Sir, shall I call for a doctor?"

Lugard nodded curtly, his eyes never leaving Lisa's face. "Now."

Lugard's gaze was fixed intently on Lisa's unconscious form, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity. He stood beside the bed, his arms crossed, his jaw clenched in a mixture of anger and concern.

His eyes roamed over her face, taking in the bruises, the swelling, the pale skin. His gaze lingered on her lips, once full and inviting, now swollen and cut.

His expression was a mask of fury, his eyes flashing with a deep-seated anger. But beneath the anger, there was a hint of fear, a fear that he couldn't lose her, that he couldn't protect her.

He looked at her as if he was willing her to wake up, to open her eyes, smile and talk to him. His gaze was possessive, protective, and tender all at once.

As he stood there, his chest rose and fell with slow, deep breaths, his eyes never leaving Lisa's face. He was a man consumed by his emotions, a man who would stop at nothing to keep her safe.

The door opened, and the doctor, a middle-aged man with a kind face and a stethoscope around his neck, entered the room. He was followed by a nurse, who carried a large bag of medical equipment.

Lugard nodded curtly at the doctor, his eyes never leaving Lisa's face. "She was attacked," he said, his voice low and tight. "Beaten. I don't know what else."

The doctor's face was grim as he approached the bed. "Let's take a look," he said, his voice soothing.

The nurse began to unpack the medical equipment, while the doctor gently examined Lisa. Lugard watched, his eyes fixed on the doctor's face, as he checked her vital signs, her wounds, and her eyes.

After a few moments, the doctor straightened up. "She's got a concussion, some broken ribs, and a lot of bruising," he said. "But she's going to be okay. She just needs rest, and some time to heal."

Lugard's face was a mask of relief, but his eyes still burned with anger. "Make sure she's okay," he growled. "I don't want anything to happen to her."

The doctor nodded. "I'll do everything I can," he promised. "But you need to calm down, sir. You're not helping."

Lugard took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. But his eyes never left Lisa's face, his gaze burning with a fierce intensity.

The doctor finished his examination and nodded to the nurse, who began to clean and dress Lisa's wounds. Lugard watched, his eyes fixed on Lisa's face, as the doctor and nurse worked to make her comfortable.

When they were done, the doctor turned to Lugard. "She's stable for now," he said. "But I want to keep an eye on her. I'll stay here for a while, just in case."

Lugard nodded, his face still tense with worry. "Thank you," he said, his voice low.

The doctor nodded and sat down in a chair beside the bed, his eyes fixed on Lisa's face.

Lugard stood up, his eyes never leaving Lisa's face. He walked over to the window and stared out, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge and anger.

His men were still outside, waiting for his orders. He knew they have take care of Marcus, make him pay for what he had done.

But for now, Lugard just stood there, his eyes fixed on the night outside, his heart heavy with worry for the little troublemaker, lying unconscious.

After a few moments, he turned back to the bed, his eyes locking onto Lisa's face. He walked over to her, his movements quiet, and sat down beside her.

He took her hand in his, his fingers wrapping around hers. He felt a surge of love and protectiveness towards her, and he knew he would do anything to keep her safe. that a promise he made before she even grow up.

Lugard's smile softened, his eyes gleaming with a hint of warmth. "I'll teach you a lesson when you wake up," he murmured, his voice low and husky. "For disobeying me, for getting kidnapped, and for almost being...hurt by that play fool."

But as he thought about it, his face returned to its cold, hard mask. His eyes flashed with anger, his jaw clenched in a tight line.

He couldn't bear the thought of anyone touching Lisa, of anyone hurting her. The mere idea made his blood boil, his fists clench with rage.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. But his eyes still blazed with fury, his face still hard as stone.

his eyes returning to their cold, hard state. He gazed at Lisa's unconscious form, his face a mask of fury and concern.

He sat there, his hand still wrapped around hers, his eyes fixed on her face. He was lost in thought, his mind consumed by visions of more revenge and retribution.

The doctor shifted in his chair, clearing his throat. "Sir, I think you should get some rest," he said, his voice soft. "You can't keep vigil forever."

Lugard didn't respond, his eyes never leaving Lisa's face. He was a statue, a monument of rage and protectiveness.

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