Chapter 43: How are you going to punish me

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She turned away from him, her heart racing with frustration and hurt. She knew that nobody had ever believed her not even her family members, but she couldn't believe she had even tried to explain herself to this icebag. Lugard was impossible to reach, a fortress of ice and stone.

"You know what, Mr cold face?" she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "I don't even care if you believe me or not. You can think whatever you want. But know this - I'm telling the truth. And if you can't see that, then you're the one who's blind."

Lisa's eyes stung with tears as she turned away from him, her shoulders shaking with suppressed sobs. She felt a deep pain inside, a wound that Lugard's distrust had opened again.

After saying this, Lisa stood up and strode into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. The sound echoed through the room, a testament to her frustration and anger.

Lugard's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched her go, his expression unreadable. He stood there for a moment, his gaze fixed on the closed door.

Then, he turned and walked away, his footsteps quiet on the floor. He didn't look back, didn't try to follow her. He just left.

The bathroom door remained closed, a barrier between Lisa and the rest of the world. She stood inside, her heart racing, her mind reeling with emotions.

As the minutes ticked by, the silence outside grew thicker and heavier. It was as if the very air was waiting for something to happen, for the storm to break.

But for now, there was only silence. And the sound of Lisa's ragged breathing, echoing off the bathroom walls.

Lisa stepped out of the shower, feeling a sense of calm wash over her. The warm water had helped to soothe her frazzled nerves, and she felt more composed now. She dried herself off and began to get dressed, choosing a simple white shirt and a pair of dark jeans. As she brushed her hair, she couldn't help but think about how she was kidnapped within the blink of an eye, how Lugard saved her, and the confrontation with Lugard earlier. She knew she was supposed to be grateful and thank him as her savior but his cold, commanding, and indifferent attitude made her annoyed, sometimes. She knew she had to face him again, but she wasn't looking forward to it for now.

After dressing up, Lisa opened her door and stepped out into the hallway. The soft carpet muffled her footsteps as she made her way downstairs. She didn't know what to expect, but she knew she had to face whatever lay ahead.

As she descended the stairs, the grand foyer came into view. The chandelier above cast a warm glow, illuminating the room. Lisa's eyes scanned the space, searching for any sign of Lugard.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and paused, looking around. The house was silent, except for the soft hum of the air conditioning.

As Lisa entered the dining room, she was met with a warm smile from the butler, Jenkins, and the maids, who were busy setting the table for breakfast. "Good morning, Miss Lisa," Jenkins said, his voice laced with concern. "How are you feeling today?"

Lisa smiled reassuringly. "I'm fine now, thank you for asking," she replied, trying to put them at ease.

The maids nodded, their eyes still clouded with worry. They remembered the kidnapping incident from yesterday and were still shaken by it. Lisa appreciated their concern, but she didn't want to dwell on it.

As she took her seat at the table, she noticed Lugard sitting at the head, sipping his coffee. His eyes met hers, and for a moment, they just stared at each other. Lisa felt a flutter in her chest, but she looked away, trying to compose herself.

Jenkins poured her a cup of coffee, and Lisa added some sugar, trying to focus on the mundane task. But she couldn't shake off the feeling that Lugard was watching her, his eyes boring into her skin.

Lisa took a sip of her coffee, the warmth spreading through her hands as she cradled the cup. But as she swallowed, she felt a sudden jolt of pain in her abdomen. She winced, her brow furrowing in discomfort.

The servants and Jenkins noticed her reaction, their faces filled with concern. "Madam, are you okay?" one of the maids asked, taking a step forward.

Lugard's eyes snapped towards her, his expression unreadable. "What's wrong?" he asked his voice firm but laced with a hint of curiosity.

Lisa's forehead broke out in cold sweat as she clutched her stomach, trying to hide the pain. She shook her head, trying to brush it off. "Nothing, I'm fine," she lied, not wanting to reveal what happening to her..

But Lugard's gaze lingered, his eyes searching for any sign of weakness. He knew something was wrong, and he wouldn't let it go.

Lisa took another sip of her coffee, hoping the warmth would soothe her stomach. But as soon as the liquid touched her lips, and she swallowed it, the sudden jolt of pain spread across her body again. She gasped, her eyes widening in shock.

This time, she couldn't hide it. Her face contorted in agony, and she doubled over, clutching her stomach. The cup fell from her hands, shattering on the floor.

"Madam!" Jenkins exclaimed, rushing to her side. "What's wrong?"

Lugard's expression turned from curiosity to concern. He stood up, his eyes fixed on Lisa. "What's happening?" he demanded.

The servants and Jenkins surrounded her, their faces filled with worry. Lisa tried to speak, but the pain took her breath away. She could only shake her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

Lisa tried to dismiss them, waving her hand weakly. "I just feel a slight pain, there's no problem. I need to be in my room," she said, attempting to walk towards the stairs slowly.

But Lugard didn't believe her nonsense. He strode towards her, his long legs covering the distance in seconds. Before she knew it, he had scooped her up in his arms, carrying her horizontally like a child.

Lisa gasped in shock, her eyes wide with indignation. "Put me down!" she demanded, struggling against his hold.

But Lugard turned a deaf ear to her protests, his face set in a determined expression. He continued up the stairs, his strides purposeful and confident.

The butler and servants watched in surprise, their whispers and glances exchanged in shock. "Master Lugard is carrying Miss Lisa!" one of them exclaimed. "He's never done that with anyone before!"

As Lugard reached the top of the stairs, Lisa's struggles grew more intense. She kicked and squirmed, trying to break free from his grasp. But Lugard held her firm, his arms like steel bands around her.

Lugard's eyes narrowed, his voice cold and menacing. "Keep quiet or I will punish you right now," he warned, his arms tightening around her.

Lisa's struggles ceased, and she quieted down, looking up at him with a pitiful expression, like an innocent child being carried by her elder. "How are you going to punish me if I don't keep quiet?" Mr Lu," she asked, her voice sweet and innocent, but laced with a hint of defiance.

Lugard's gaze lingered on her face, his eyes searching for any sign of mockery. But Lisa's expression remained angelic, her eyes wide and curious.

"I'll find a way," he said finally, his voice still cold, but a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "You don't want to test me, troublemaker."

Lisa's gaze dropped, her eyelashes fluttering downward like a child chastised. But Lugard knew better. He knew she was still planning to Plot, still scheming. And he was ready for her.

As they reached her room, Lugard kicked the door open and carried her inside, slamming the door shut behind them. Lisa's eyes snapped up, her expression wary, as she realized she was alone with him, at his mercy.

She bit her lips and looked at him with her crystal clear eyes, so you don't have a way to punish me yet if I make a mistake or cause trouble, she asked, sitting on her pink bed, smiling smugly.

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